




It is crucially mandatory that there is the second coming in person, on the ground, in Jerusalem by Messiah, to the NATION of Israel. There must be completion of the fulfillment of the Bible and all prophecy. This must occur BEFORE making this presentation a major public announcement, or one with a key emphasis. That final coming is at first, in secret like a thief undetected, dealing singularly with Israel. It is the beginning, from spring 1984, of “this generation” to which Jesus referred, when “all these things” will occur, Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
Most miss that Jesus speaks according to what all the Jews of learning studied: the Law and Prophets. Therefore, they have the chief pillar of all timings,
Lev 26:18-42 (Seven Times 7 x 360 = 2520 years), 537 BCE through 1984, along with Ezek 21:24-27, and Dan 11:29, in particular. That study, as given already in our Chapters 1-4, with more evidence as we proceed, shows THREE OVERTURNS. They are specifically related strictly to Government, Jerusalem, and the Holy Mount, via the prevailing world empires throughout Israel’s history. As of 586 BCE, there is only the First Overturn, when Jesus is speaking in 30 CE, just before his death, burial, and resurrection. He speaks in light of 586 BCE, projecting prophetically in 30 CE, concerning the 70 CE destruction, the Second Overturn.
As we show in
Special Document – Two Generations 30-70 CE and 1984 – 2024, Jesus’ presentation, once leaving the 70 CE destruction of the temple, moves to private instruction to solely his disciples. He states in public to the multitude and the leadership of Israel, concerning the stones of the temple not being left one upon another. THEN . . . he moves to private explanation. There, he presents the parallels between the 70 CE SECOND OVERTURN and the final THIRD OVERTURN. Israel is back in the land since 1948 / 1967, moving to only the final generation today from 1984, when “all these things” are completed. They are finished and fulfilled, bringing that Third Overturn of Government, Jerusalem, and the Holy Mount, site of the first temple built by Solomon.
The final judgment, closing 6000 years of Bible recorded world history and eschatology, commences in the fall of 1987 CE, with the Palestinian / Arab Intifada, or Uprising. It is from there, Israel has entered her final judgment, as we reveal in the coming chapters. The final judgment begins and intensifies through the final THREE Seals, Trumpets, and Plagues of the Book of Revelation. We further show the first four Seals, Trumpets, and Plagues are associated with Messiah’s First Ministry and the destruction of 70 CE. After this proper placement, we arrive at the
5th Trumpet / Plague in fall of 1987, and the 6th Trumpet / Plague from the Fall of 2012, the latter ongoing as we write. Those details are in our later chapters, that produce the end, shown in Zech 14:1-2.  There, we confront the goal of the popular term “The Two-State-Solution,” bringing the grand finale today, the full appearing of Messiah. The Tribulation that is upon Israel, due to that “two-state-solution,” brings her conversion to full government change, under Messiah and the Sovereignty of God.  From there, we enter Zech 14:3 forward, when Great Tribulation is on the nations to learn what has transpired, and why they missed it. Caught by surprise, as the Day of the Lord came as a thief in the night, I Thess 5:1-11, Rev 16:15, judgment ensues followed by blessing. It all requires latter day understanding, moving to THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL, the final redemptive message.
Our presentation,
BABYLON IS FALLEN, now turns from the time of Daniel the Prophet, to look past the First Ministry of Jesus and the Apostles. It will bring us through to this time of Messiah’s Second Coming and Appearing. Here, we will address “this generation,” when all things are fulfilled in the THIRD OVERTURN. We will leave 70 CE behind, along with those holding to same in false concepts of obstinance: Preterists.  At the same time, we will pull those projecting things future, which have already occurred, or will never occur, due to being fantasy and fable, back to the present reality: Dispensationalists.
All is well that ends well, in the full finished plan of our Father, releasing the blessings to all nations, first to Israel and then the world. All will proceed eternally within the Faith, understanding of Abraham,
Gen 12:1-3. This will usher in the New Heaven and New Earth, wherein dwells righteousness, the answer to the Lord’s Prayer, Matt 6:10.




We contend from the Lev 26:18-39 TIMING mandate, that still ran into the 20th century, that the Bible, in Dan 9:24-27, establishes a cutting off in the midst of the 70th Week. The First Half, 3 and ½ years counted from fall 26 CE to spring 30 CE, is WITHIN Lev 26:18 timing of “Seven Times more” judgment upon the nation of Israel. This is while they are nationally blinded, Lev 26:16-18, Rom 11:7, leaving the Last Half to transpire immediately, when that timing of Lev 26:18 expires. Therefore, Dan 7:24-27, Dan 12:1-7, and Rev 11-13, stipulate these timings of 3 and 1/2 years, "time, times, and a half," which is also “42 months,” which is also “1260 days,” in order to explicitly reveal and bring the final end. IT IS THIS TIMING, WHERE MESSIAH FULFILLS THE LAST HALF OF THE 70TH WEEK, on the other side (outside) of the “Seven Times more” now finished since spring 1984.
This is the point and place, moving forward from there, that fulfills the Second and Final ministry of Messiah. It introduces the judgment, and all that transpires from it. We will later show this is part of The Total Indignation beginning in 607 – 537 BCE, probation ending under Daniel the Prophet, then the Seven Times, 537 BCE to 1984 CE, respectively, entering an intensification in the fall of 1987, called “the Judgment Shall Sit,”
Dan 7:24-27. This was due to no condition in Israel, whereby to properly recognize Messiah. This intensified indignation only finishes in the “Last End of the Indignation,” Dan 8:19-25, from Jan 26, 2020 – Sep 17, 2022, on to the current time unfolding since fall 2022, bringing the grand finale. Both Dispensationalists and Preterists missed this, due to either retaining a full 70th Week, OR ignoring, due to blindness of false interpretation, the SPLIT WITHIN THE 70th Week.


This truth yields two distinct ministries of Messiah, one fall 26 to spring 30 CE, and one in the end time, spring 1984 to fall 1987. The latter is our main concern, WHEN the
“Seven Times more,” Lev 26:18-39, the “Times of the Gentiles,” Luke 21:24, terminate in the Second Coming, according to Dan 9:24-27. That finish, termed by Apostle Paul the “Fullness of the Gentiles,” Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, is 2520 years from spring 537 BCE to spring 1984 (7 x 360). In perceiving the “time, times, and half time,” we understand it is also called “1260 days,” by comparing Rev 12:6 and 12:14. Therefore, it is easily seen, mathematically, that a “time” is 360. (360) + (2 x 360) + (1/2 x 360) = 1260, which renders as well, 7 times of 360 = 2520.




SECOND ONLY TO LEV 26:18-39 in lack of understanding, the next shortfall of Christendom is the failure to confine all prophecy to the Land of Abraham. This is between the Nile (Egypt) and Euphrates (Assyria, today Syria and Turkey) rivers, according to Gen 15:18 as to the past, and Isa 19:23-25 as to the future, for proper interpretation. Going outside to kings or emperors of Rome, provinces of such, the modern western world, common market, European Union (EU), and other areas, led Christians astray in things that sounded or looked plausible. However, since those deductions were in error from the beginning, being in violation of this first mandate of Prophecy 101, to stay between the Nile and Euphrates, to see proper fulfillment of all prophecy, they led into other gross errors.


AS A RESULT, the Day of the Lord, the Appearing of Messiah as a thief, ensued. It exposed many interpretations of the Bible as drastically short-sighted. Many were left naked and vain in their profession, Rev 16:15; the Nation of Israel being first in that exposure, unto its finality in all nations. We must always remember, rejection first, acceptance second, as the precedent, at each time by all of Israel, nationally. Joseph, Moses, and David, rejected in their first appeal, were received later when Israel was brought to crisis that demanded intervention by God, via his anointed messenger and leader.  There is no difference within Messiah’s ministry as well.




The two ministries are found in

·        Gen 49:9-12 Messiah ben (son of) Judah / David and Messiah ben (son of) Joseph Gen 49:22-26, both of these men set explicit precedent as types and shadows of the Messiah, David being his direct ancestor. They were rejected at first by Israel, and later received by Israel. Only in the reception did peace prevail. Joseph provided bread for the whole world, and later David delivered the Kingdom to Solomon producing an end to war, and all served in unison. Neither one were the finality of God’s full plan. However, both show the precedent for the greater than Joseph, David, and Solomon: Messiah.


·       Lev 16:1-19 / Heb 9:1-26 High Priest goes into the Holy of Holies for Blood Atonement, High Priest comes out of the Holy of Holies to Do Away With Sin totally, Lev 16:20-22 / Jer 31:34 / Heb 9:27-28.


·       Exodus 25:9-22 This is the first clear marker of two ministries, even before ceremonial things were established. We have, in Messiah, the divided atonement seen in the mercy seat on the top of the ark of the covenant, over which the two cherubim presided. As just seen in the previous bullet above, Messiah is on the one side with the first ministry involving his own blood, in covering and forgiveness. After the blood atonement, his second ministry on the other side declares the Everlasting Gospel, where sin is done away, as non-existent.


·       Lev 23:1-21 Messiah’s First Ministry fulfills the Spring Holy Days. He was slain on Preparation Day, Wednesday, April 3, 30 CE. He fulfilled Sheaf of First Fruits of the Spring Harvest in his resurrection, Saturday just before sundown, and was seen on the fourth day just after sundown, on through Sunday, April 7, 30 CE. He fulfilled 7 Sabbaths later, Pentecost Sunday, May 26, returning to dwell in the believers. Lev 23:22 is fulfilled in Apostle Paul’s Ministry to the Strangers, Gentiles. Lev 23:23-44 was NOT fulfilled, and left for Messiah’s return to Israel and Jerusalem, bringing the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Second Outpouring universally of the Holy Spirit, Joel 3:11-21, Zech 14:5-21, John 7:37-39, James 5:7-8.  According to Lev 19:9-10, which mirrors Lev 23:22, but is rather concerning  the vine and not the sheaf, this is the fall harvest extended to the Strangers, Gentiles, all nations at this final end time.  


·       Isa 28 to 29 In these two chapters read together, straight through, one can see the first and second ministries. Isa 28:10-13 shows the full ministry in structure with line upon line, precept upon precept, “here a little,” in the First Ministry that was not understood and rejected. Afterward, then comes “there a little,” line upon line, precept upon precept, that IS understood and accepted.  The First Ministry is fall 26 – spring 30 CE in verses 14-16, not understood and rejected. In verses  17-22 the judgment sets in and moves through that, to arrive at blessing in Isa 29:11-24, when the mysteries of the sealed book are revealed.


·       Joel 2-3, James 5:7-8 The spring outpouring, or former rain is in Joel 2, and the fall outpouring is in Joel 3. The fall one is again after judgment. This is not only for Israel first, but also the nations in the finale, end time. James shows this as well, with the early and the latter rain demanding patience, waiting for the latter outpouring of blessing.


·       Zech 4 In Zechariah 4, we plainly we have the foundation laid, and later, the capstone as the finish, two Messiah Ministries, also in the metaphor of two olive trees, one on either side, providing oil to the seven candles between. This is whereby the remnant is fed and maintained, during the time of one ministry in the good of what occurred in the First Half of Daniel’s 70th Week. That ministry was during the time of Israel’s blindness, Lev 26:18-19, Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, from 537 BCE until Messiah returned 1984 in secret to Israel. This is the olive tree on one side of the candlestick. On the other side, is displayed the other olive tree, or what occurs in the Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week. This is displayed in  Dan 7:24-27, Dan 12:1-7, and Rev 11-13, as the time period of the true temple, Messiah, directly relative to the period spring 1984 – fall 1987. This is OUTSIDE of Lev 26:18-39, Luke 21:24, Rom 11:7; 11:25-27. Messiah is returned, thus fulfilling that final 3 and ½ years, or 42 months, not fulfilled due to him being cut off in 30 CE. Judgment first, and then blessing, occurs at the time of the end today. It establishes the Kingdom of God, the Everlasting Kingdom always in heaven eternal, but coming to earth, that shall never pass away, Dan 2:41-45, Dan 7:24-27, Dan 8:23-25, Dan 11:36 – 12:13. Yes, it came spiritually, and is only spiritually perceived in Messiah’s First Coming. It was rejected by Israel under the blindness, Lev 26:16-18, Rom 11:7, with purpose, by preordained plan. This was the manifold wisdom of God, Eph 2-3, so that the Gentile remnant, Acts 15:13-17, NOT all nations at that time, could come in. It comes in finality in our day, redeeming Israel first, and then ALL nations in totality and completion, which extends to the ends of the world, Jer 31:34, Isa 2:1-4, Hab 2:14.


·       Zech 11:1-13 is the First Ministry, ending with the betrayal of Judas Iscariot as the marker. The Beauty is removed in 70 CE destruction of the temple and Jerusalem, mentioned earlier in verse 10. That economy under the Law of Moses never received the shekinah glory in the 539-537 BCE, Cyrus Deceptive move of Israel. Daniel condemned that move, and so did not go with them, Dan 9:13; 10:13. The Second Ministry begins with Zech 11:14 and goes through to Zech 14:21 again, starting with judgment on Israel up through her repentance ending in Zech 14:1-2, whereby from Zech 14:3 on to verse 21, we have the judgment and then blessing on the nations.


·       Rev 14:14-20 In this scripture is one of the most clear and concise depictions of the two ministries, stated as two harvests, which again are distinctly the Law of Moses fulfilled in the spring and fall harvests.


o   Rev 14:14-16 fulfills Lev 23:1-21, the spring harvest through Pentecost to Israel in Acts 2-3. Lev 23:22 shows the Gentile remnant as part of that harvest, under Paul’s ministry.


o   Rev 14:17-20 fulfills Lev 23:23-44, the fall harvest through the Last Day, the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles to Israel, John 7:37-39, Zech 11:14-14:11. Lev 19:9-10 shows the final Gentile harvest of the fall, all nations coming up to Jerusalem, to learn of the Lord and walk in his ways, Isa 2:1-4.





The key to Daniel is five Gentile kingdoms ruling over Israel:

This starts first with Babylon from 607 - 537 BCE, followed by Medo-Persia, Greece, old Rome, and in finality Revived Rome / UN. These last four are those within the “Seven Times more” of Lev 26:18-42, “Times of the Gentiles” of Luke 21:24, Dan 11:1-12:1, from 537 BCE to the end time. Revived Rome / UN is the final one, moving outside of that timing, to finish the world empires dominating the Holy Land, prior to God’s Everlasting Kingdom being established in earth as it is in heaven, Matt 6:10.

A) – UNDER THE FOURTH GENTILE EMPIRE OVER ISRAEL, OLD ROMAN EMPIRE, MESSIAH IS REJECTED BY THE NATION OF ISRAEL, Dan 11:13-35, the “certain years” of verse 13, being 100 years under Judas Maccabee and family, from the death of Antiochus IV, 164 BCE, known as Antiochus Epiphanes, after his slaughter of many ten thousands in Dan 11:12. Maccabee’s protectorate was from 164 BCE to 63 BCE, the time of Pompey’s invasion, who in 48 BCE was defeated by Julius Caesar for control in the area of Judea and Jerusalem. At this time, Julius Caesar then installed Antipater I in charge of raising taxes, who was soon poisoned and died in 43 BCE, leaving the reign to Herod the Great by 40 BCE. Officially appointed king of Judea by the Roman senate, Herod the Great brought Roman rule in Judea and Jerusalem to prosperous times, as seen at the birth of Messiah in 5 BCE. This proceeded 30 years later to Jesus’ public ministry. Beginning in the fall of 26 CE, it culminated between Messiah and the Nation of Israel in his death and burial. His resurrection, ascension, and Pentecost in spring of 30 CE was seen by only the faithful remnant, I Cor 15:1-8. This First Ministry of Messiah was confronted and opposed by Old Rome, in league with Zionists against Messiah, ending in the choice of Caesar as their king, Dan 11:31-35, John 11:45-53 and John 19:15, rejecting Messiah, and finished in the Apostles ministry, Dan 11:32-35.


B) – UNDER THE FIFTH GENTILE EMPIRE OVER ISRAEL, REVIVED ROME / UN, MESSIAH IS EVENTUALLY ACCEPTED BY THE NATION OF ISRAEL.  In Dan 11:36-12:13, Messiah’s Second Ministry is confronted by Revived Rome / UN, in league with Zionists still in allegiance to Caesar / USA President. Here, Messiah is victorious, bringing first judgment on Israel, and then change of government under him. He then is joined with the Arabs who are the ten nations surrounding the Zionist State, Psalms 83:1-8, marked out as nations at the time of the 1967 Six Day War, being then UN members as

1) – Libya, once part of ancient Egypt, 2) – Egypt proper, 3) – Saudi Arabia, 4) - Iran,

5) – Kuwait, 6) – Iraq, 7) – Jordan, 8) – Lebanon, 9) – Syria, 10) – Turkey.
These countries / nations serve the Beast, until Israel's conversion, the Word of God is fulfilled,
Rev 17:12-14. It is from there, THEN, the judgment (Great Tribulation) is on the remainder of the world, moving to their conversion also, for worldwide blessing.





The two Messiah Ministries are the only way to properly breakdown the eschatology of Daniel, in comparison with Revelation. The SEVEN world empires, dominions (Heads on the Beast), kingdoms in relationship to Israel, are composed of TWO before Babylon. Including Babylon forward generates FIVE Gentile kingdoms from 607 BCE over Israel, in the following order of time:


1) In Genesis through Deuteronomy, Egypt, 1710 BCE, from entry of Jacob under Pharaoh and thus Joseph, was a major dynasty in rule over Israel, until the Exodus under Moses in 1495 BCE. Although worrisome from time to time as seen in Shishak invasion of 976 BCE, I Kings 14:25, and 609 BCE Pharaohnechoh II Kings 23:31-36, it never ruled over Israel, as it did up until the Exodus under Moses.


2) During the time of the Kings of Israel / Ephraim / the ten tribes, and separately the Kings of Judah, Assyria 726 – 713 BCE took the 10 tribes called Ephraim into captivity in 721 BCE, II Kings 17, but never accomplished takeover of Jerusalem and Judah under King Hezekiah of Judah, before being destroyed, as to Assyrian control there, as seen in Isa 37 in 713 BCE.


3) In Daniel, Chapters One through Five, Babylon [Gold, and the first empire in the image of Dan 2] >>607 - 539 BCE<< Israel failed the probationary period of 70 Years, Lev 26:14-17, Jer 25:1-11, Jer 29:10-14, as Dan 9:13 shows in 539 BCE, just two years before that 70 years ended in 537 BCE, Dan 10.


4) In Daniel, Chapter 6, Persia [Silver, and the second empire in the image of Dan 2] detailed in Dan 11:1-2, >>539 - 332 BCE<< in the fall 539 BCE, the plan solidified to move against Daniel’s objections, Dan 9:13.  He did not participate in the spurious exodus, running through spring 538 BCE, that coming fall, ending in Jerusalem in the spring of 537 BCE, the 70th year of the Babylonian Captivity. Israel never saw the shekinah glory come to the second temple. >>>> It is also here we have the beginning of Lev 26:18-39, "Seven Times More” punishment [judgment] called by Jesus in Luke 21:24 "the Times of the Gentiles." This ran from 537 BCE, until the return of Messiah in 1984 CE, well after the Six-Day-War of June, 1967 CE. Again, this was an incalculable timing, which renders its revealed finish, only in the obvious return of Messiah / The Deliverer, to Israel for their salvation, as Paul states in Rom 11:7; 11:25-27.


5) Greece [Brass, and the third empire in the image of Dan 2] Dan 11:3-12, >>332 - 63 BCE<< is marked depicted by TWO thighs. With our Bible binoculars in proper focus, according to Gen 15:18, and Isa 19:23-25, we have the Seleucid King of the North and Ptolemaic King of the South. TWO of Alexander's Four Generals split the Grecian Empire area controlling Israel. They remained in constant conflict in their descendant rulers, between the King of the North and the King of the South over the land of Israel and Jerusalem. This was after Alexander's death in 323 BCE, until 164 BCE deliverance under Judas Maccabee and his family, as the protectorate of Jerusalem for "certain years," [100 years] to 63 BCE, Dan 11:12-13. It is from this deliverance came the Chanukah celebration, in the general calendar days of December.
So Called Scholars Running Amuck:

From the Greek Empire forward, is where Christendom gets lost in false interpretation of Daniel, predominantly. It is again a failure to hold first precedence, all the way through later interpretations. Daniel 2 sets the precedent of how much scripture is allocated to these empires, directly relevant to how that introduces us to that most important point of Daniel’s interest, the finale and deliverance of Israel. Greece receives about one or two verses out of Daniel 2, as well as Daniel 7. From there, the emphasis is on Old Rome and Revived Rome / UN, the fourth and fifth empires in both chapters. When one comes to Daniel Chapters 8 and 11, showing these kingdoms or Gentile Empires over Israel, during the Seven Times of
Lev 26:18-42, in truth, it is no different, well established by the precedence built in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7.  However, most scholars, particularly Preterists, run amuck to then give large portions of Daniel Chapters 8 and 11 to the Greek Empire, totally misconstruing all of the proper allocation of what is given to Daniel, in his vision of Chapter 8, and then Michael directly to Daniel in Chapter 11.



Greek Empire 323 - 164 BCE in Palestine
 and Jerusalem moving to Old Rome:


Christendom, and particularly Preterists, overstepped the limits of Dan 8:8-9 and Dan 11:12-13. They are the end respectively to the Greek Empire, introducing the Old Roman Empire. This follows the precedence of brief mentions of Greece in Daniel 2 and 7, before spending the majority of these chapters on Old Rome into Revived Rome / UN. We accent this later in the verse-by-verse considerations of Daniel 2 – 11 in our Chapter 6, BABYLON IS FALLEN.
However, we will briefly, in broad brush here, address the blunder of interpretation in Daniel 11.

Daniel 11:12 IS the end of the Greek empire control, in the stated King of the North role under final Greek, Gentile oppressor,
Antiochus Epiphanes. He ended his tenure with the slaughter of 40 thousand Jews, sending another 40 thousand into exile. This did not advance his kingdom, nor accomplish anything but appeasement for his disdain and rage, concerning the rebellion in Jerusalem at the temple site.
The uprising and coup started when he was in Egypt with his conquests, until Rome told him to back off, or be in conflict with Rome. Greece is not a factor, nor Antiochus Epiphanes after verse 12. Those who continue him in interpretation into
Dan 11:31 do greatly err. Verse 31 refers solely to the rejection of Messiah, the fulfillment of the daily sacrifice, as shown in I Sam 15:22, Ps 40:6-8, and Heb 10:1-10. Instead of the Sovereignty of God, proper government, their rightful Messiah, the Prince, they placed the abomination, dependence on Rome, Caesar, Dan 11:31, John 11:45-53, and John 19:15, which did indeed desolate Jerusalem in 70 CE. Preterists, cramming all of the Book of Daniel into being finished, over, and done by 70 CE, had to interpret the Greek Empire, extending into the Daniel 11 narrative this way. This was in order to have Dan 11:36-12:13 then being the Old Roman Empire, WHICH IT IS NOT.
It is obvious
Dan 11:31-35 is the time and ministry of Jesus and the Apostles, with even a casual observation. This is when John 5:24-25 is applied, and the spring minor harvest and Lev 23:1-21 Holy Days were fulfilled in 30 CE, in that First Resurrection. It is hence, Preterists struggled much in their whittling on Dan 11:36-12:13, correctly applied to Israel back in the land since 1948. Dan 11:40 portrays the 1967, Six-Day-War, which they completely missed, in order to fit that square peg into their round, Old Roman Empire, slot.


6) Old Roman Empire [Solely and only Iron, and the fourth empire in the image of Dan 2] Dan 11:13 - 11:35, >> 63 BCE - 70 CE << is particularly shown during the pertinent years of the existence of the league of Old Rome with the Harlot of Zionism. Israel was in harlotry to the nations since Egypt - Assyria - Babylon as stated in Ezek 23-24. This came to an epitome of the Sanhedrin, Chief Priests, Scribes, Sadducees, Pharisees, the leadership of Israel, sold out to Rome, publicly in the rejection of Messiah, according to Dan 11:31, John 11:45-53 and John 19:15 in 30 CE. There are FOUR STATEMENTS OF OLD ROME FROM DANIEL 11:13 THROUGH 11:35, moving from Pompey, Julius Caesar, Antipater I, Herod the Great, following through the ministry of Jesus and the Apostles. All four statements end in Rome’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. This starts at verse 13 with Pompey's invasion of 63 BCE, and ends in verse 35 with 70 CE, on to the death of John in around 100 CE:


1.    First Statement: Daniel 11:13-16

2.    Second Statement: Daniel 11:17-19

3.    Third Statement: Daniel 11:20-30a-b, 70 CE “so shall he do”

4.    Fourth Statement: Daniel 11:30c-35, starts again at 63 BCE with the words, “he shall even return:” referring to the King of the North, Pompey of Rome. It moves on to Julius Caesar, to Herod, setting the stage again for the further details in this fourth statement, with the rejection of Messiah in verse 31. The ministry of the Apostles reaches to verse 35, “holpen with a little help” in the ministry of Apostle Paul. There, the Jews accepting Jesus as Messiah, could find some repose, with the Gentiles of Christianity, approaching the death of John.


It is worthy of note that in the 3rd and 4th statement of Old Rome, and the time of Jesus and the Apostles, there is the mention of “the time appointed.” This is a clear line of demarcation / warning, that the events in these portions go but so far. They only terminate entirely when Israel is back in the land, from verse 36 forward since 1948. We will emphasize those things later, which have been distorted by chiefly Preterists. They erroneously teach that these events happened under Jesus’ First Ministry. Some say they occurred even earlier under Antiochus Epiphanes, causing many to stumble in interpretation, removing proper Bible Eschatology.


7) Revived Rome / UN over the 10 Arab Kings - Horns - Powers - Nations [Iron and Clay, the FIFTH empire depicted in the image of Dan 2, ten toes and feet] Dan 11:36 - 11:45, >>1948 / 1967, fulfills prophecy until the end time is completed <<. This was the league of fornication, originally between Old Rome and the Zionists of 63 BCE to 70 CE. It is the 6th head on the Beast that was SLAIN in 70 CE. However, that “wound unto death is healed,” Rev 13:3, Rev 13:12, and returns AGAIN in 1948 / 1967. Revived Rome / UN in league with the harlot of Zionism, Israel, is in unbelief and deception once more, prior to her conversion and deliverance in the finished end time. The clay part in the image is best understood as "dust," the smallest particle of clay. The physical seed of Abraham is the Arabs of Gen 13:16 and Gen 16:10-12, with Jacob / Israel according to Gen 28:14 stated to be "clay" in Jer 18.


ANALYZING THE CLAY – Another of the Most Mangled Doctrines

Of Dispensationalism And Preterism, Because of Failing Prophecy 101,

Which Dictates to Interpret ALL Prophecy between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers:


According to II Kings 17 in 721 BCE the ten tribes, called Ephraim, went into captivity to Assyria. This area of ancient times compared to very early 21st century stretched from northern Iraq to Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon. This extended through Canaan, Jordan, and Arabia into Egypt. According to the Book of Ruth, we find that in time of famine and trials, some of Israel went into the Arab nations around them to survive, and intermarried. In Gen 41:45, we find that Joseph married the daughter of the priest of Egypt. From Abraham to Moses and even to the days of Jeremiah, Israel and Judah at various times went to Egypt, as seen in Judah particularly in Jer 44. In Exodus 18, we find that Moses married a daughter of Jethro of the priesthood of Midian, a tribe of Arabs, in what is known today as Arabia, descendant from Abraham as shown in Gen 25:1-2. During the Passover held by Josiah in II Chr 35:18, we see there were still those of the ten tribes called Israel, in distinction from Judah in that verse, that were there for the Passover feast. As late as in the Book of Luke 2:36-38, we find Anna of the tribe of Asher. In Acts 2:5-11 the Jews were in all these countries surrounding Canaan, many such countries and peoples considered Arab of the general descent from Ishmael. Concerning Asher again in the blessing of Moses in Deut 33:24, he dips his foot in oil, which is from the ground, showing his descendants eventually resided in the Arab areas, where this commodity is found.


THE POINT: By diaspora since 721 BCE, Assyrian transfer and captivity, 586 BCE Babylonian destruction, and certainly since 70 CE to 135 CE Roman destructions, the CLAY of Gen 13:16, 16:10-12, 28:14, and Jer 18 is Arab. The ten tribes of Israel called "Ephraim," losing identity, through intermarriage, accepting the religion in the Arab majority now as Islamic, with a minority in Christendom, are now the orientation of their lineage as Arab. Recently, the ten nations being of significance since 1967, also Arabs, and predominantly Islamic in religion, are understood to be the CLAY of Daniel 2. That which is also dominant overall, Arabs of the Middle East must be considered paramount when interpreting Jer 18, but yet, also the Jews, retaining distinction as a race and a religion, within Judah and Jerusalem. This absorption, into the Arab world of the ten tribes of Ephraim, is reinforced, well after 721 BCE, during Jeremiah’s prophecies one hundred years later, as the CLAY in Jer 18. It addresses in verse 6 the "house of Israel" and then, in verse 11, it separates out the Jews in "Judah and Jerusalem."


THEREFORE, in conclusion and summary concerning the Iron and the Clay: It is the Gentile Roman, "Iron," entering in conquest of the Holy Land and Jerusalem in particular, that combines with the physical lineage from Abraham, "Clay." This is the Empire over the Land, between the Rivers Nile and Euphrates since 1948 / 1967, as we come into this 5th Empire of Daniel, which is the 7th head on the Beast in Revelation.  It is Revived Rome / UN, the Beast Out of the Sea / Nations of Europe, the world, and certainly the USA, Rev 13:1-10, that control and empower the Beast Out of the Earth, between the Rivers Nile and Euphrates, the Zionist State, Rev 13:11-18. It has a government that is an image to, or modeled after, the first beast out of the sea. Thus, the Zionist State was the principal Middle East democracy, demanding the remainder of the area become democratic in government as well. That movement, since 2010 and 2011, has been termed "Arab Spring."


The Zionist State is the "little horn" of Dan 7:24-27, established in 1948, that, in 1967, subdued three kings, horns, nations, of the ten surrounding Canaan, the Arab enemies of ancient times, Psalms 83:1-8, in existence in 1967, as recognized nations in the UN.


Again, these Ten since 1967:

1 - Libya (once part of ancient Egypt),

2 - Egypt,

3 - Arabia,

4 - Iran,

5 - Kuwait,

6 - Iraq,

7 - Jordan,

8    Syria,

9 - Lebanon,

10 - Turkey.

The three having their territories plucked up, for the Zionist deception in league with Revived Rome / UN to take Golan (from Syria), Samaria, Judea, and the real prize, the Holy Mount (from Jordan), and Gaza (from Egypt) under Zionist control, were Syria-Jordan-Egypt.  They had these territories as part of their nations, before the Six Day War of 1967. That conflict is plainly the fulfillment of Dan 7:24-27, just before the Everlasting Kingdom of God comes in finality.




This league of Zionists riding upon the Beast, with the June, 1967 War, positioned itself as the "little horn" in Dan 7:24-27. It is the Beast Out of the Earth, exercising the power (operating in the authority) of the Beast Out of the Sea in Rev 13. Additionally, it is the female part of the conglomerate of Rev 17 and 18, Babylon the Great. In that it is its own nation at this final day, it is also the 8th head, political lesser beast power of the 7, and of the 7th in particular, Rev 17, that goes into perdition. This occurs when the Zionist Regime and government is rejected, for Israel to be born again under the Messiah and the Sovereignty of God, in her final deliverance.


THEN and at the Time of the End,

Old Rome VERSUS Revived Rome / UN:


The “little horn” in Dan 7:24-27, is the Zionist State of the 20th and 21st century, its own democratic nation. It was only a province of Old Rome from 63 BCE to 70 CE, not its own nation at that time. However, it is (prior to Messiah being received in the end time) in the same harlotry and fornication of Zionism, as it had with Old Rome, solely the IRON, that is healed, Rev 13:3 and 13:12. It returns alive again, as the current Zionist State in league with Revived Rome / UN, over the Arab 10 nations, iron mixed with clay.
>>> Notice, neither the ten Arab nations, nor the Zionist State, were SEPARATE NATIONS in Old Rome. They ARE sovereign nations since 1948 / 1967, in the 20th unto the 21st centuries, all members as recognized nations in the United Nations. This composite is the female in the Zionist faction, riding the male in the Beast. The Beast is formed from the Iron of Rome mixed with the CLAY, physical seed of Abraham. Again, this is predominantly the dust of Ishmael,
Gen 13:14-17, Gen 16:10-12, with that also designated dust or clay in Jacob / Israel Gen 28:10-14, II Kings 17, Jer 18, ridden upon by the Zionist State. This forms the composite, Babylon the Great, at the time of final destruction as given in Rev 17-18.






The CLAY did not exist as separate nations, ten Arab horns, powers, kings. NOR DID the Zionists have their own State, as its own nation in the league of Zionists with Old Rome. That did not exist for the ten Arab nations, or the nation of Israel / Zionists State, until the 20th century. This is critical and crucial to understand.




ANSWER: This is where Preterism, the majority view of greater Christendom, got lost in Dan 2. They wrestled the scriptures into a weave with Preterist interpretation of historical events, portrayed by basically the historian Josephus. Forcing all of prophecy into a fulfillment by 70 CE for Israel, this butchery of the Holy Writ, led them further astray in Revelation prophecy as well. Let's read:


Dan 2:42-44

42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

44 And in the days of these kings (THE IRON AND CLAY COMPOSITE) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: ...


It was when these toes of the feet were established
nations as kings, iron and clay mixed, that the stone comes, that is cut without hands, the Kingdom of God in Messiah, and is set up. THIS COULD NOT BE DURING THE TIME OF OLD ROME 63 BCE TO 70 CE, solely the IRON of the FOURTH EMPIRE. These nations did not exist as separate powers, which is clarified in the repeat of Dan 2, in Dan 7. There in Daniel 7, it uses the metaphor of Beasts for world empires, and horns as these kings, powers, and NATIONS. They are in sovereign, statehood, existence in Revived Rome / UN, the FIFTH and Final Gentile Empire over the Land of Abraham, centered in Jerusalem. It is at that time, the intruder, the "little horn" of Zionism, also has its own state. It plucked up three, portions of Syria-Jordan-Egypt, that were in the area of ancient Canaan. They were existing horns, powers, separate sovereign nations, within or on the borders of the Nile and Euphrates. The Zionist State entered to position itself over Golan, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Holy Mount, via the 1967 Six-Day-War.


This 7th Empire in Revelation, which is the 5th in Daniel, is the final scenario and setting, when Israel in tribulation seeks David her king and the government of Messiah, Hos 3:4-5, Ezek 21:24-27. He had remained, since 30 CE, in rule from heaven in absentia away from Israel, while in his rejection, as stated in Acts 3:14-21, Heb 1-2, I Cor 15:22-28. YET, that all ENDS, terminates, in his glorious physical appearing, putting all enemies under his feet, I Cor 15:22-28. This is the same as seen with Joseph and David, in the Law and the Prophets. Joseph is united with his brethren at last. David, having put down all enemies, brings in the kingdom under Solomon. These are precedents, pictures, or types of the real finale.







This harlotry is identified in Ezek 23-24, beginning in Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, the first three heads of the seven headed beast of Revelation 12, 13, and 17.  Medo-Persia, Greece, Old Rome, and Revived Rome / UN, are the remaining four of the full seven. In the seventh, it intensifies to final epitome in the judgment of the Zionist State. This drives Israel to change government under Messiah, bringing its blessing, and consequently later blessing to the world. 


Final and Full Appearing Occurs in the Following Order:


In the climax of all prophecy now upon us, Jerusalem government, the Zionist State, is the Beast Out of the Earth, Dan 7:24-27, Rev 13:11-18, in harlotry with the nations as seen in originating in Ezek 23-24. It epitomizes today in league with, and dependent on, Revived Rome / UN, the Seventh Head on the Beast Out of the Sea / Nations, Rev 13:1-10. This is final deception, II Thess 2, that Paul said must come before the Day of Christ, Messiah is fully here. This is Babylon the Great of Rev 17, causing the Jewish people to return without Messiah, and therefore in error. They are in this symbiotic relationship of fornication . . . Israel in harlotry riding the Beast of 7 heads or 7 world empires.




The Six Day War of 1967, seen clearly in Daniel 7:24-27, is carried also in Dan 11:40, after showing in Dan 11:36-39 how the Zionist State came about, in league with Revived Rome /  UN before and into 1948. It was the final coup of the machinations of the Rothschilds, and other banking institutions since the 18th Century into the workings of World War I and II. This brought about the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the UN in 1945, and the declaration of 1947 in UNGA Resolution 181, to create the Zionist State in 1948. This brought about “divide the land for gain,” as a platform for all that proceeded in 1967, until the full end time.
In verse
Dan 11:41 we have the escape of the Palestinians from the deception, to bring world attention to their plight, called the Arab Uprising in 1987, the Intifada. This persists in constant uprisings, particularly about East Jerusalem and the issue of the Holy Temple Mount. extending most noticeably in world news to the Zionist State area bordering Egypt, Gaza, unto the later proper government of Messiah, being finally established.  


In verse 42-43, we have the takeover of the Nile to Euphrates Holy Land, and even beyond, once all part of the conquests of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. In a final world controlling financial move of the Rothschild / Zionist world banking machine, in league with Revived Rome / UN, the total world control of finance was captured. Established over Europe in 1815, the USA in 1929, it finalized in the Arab's precious things, OIL, being confiscated under control by Zionist world bankers, in the October 19, 1987 Black Monday Stock Market Crash.

Just BEFORE this was accomplished, it was exposed as to what was REALLY transpiring in the following link. What one needs to understand, other things had transpired since this weblink was created in 1986. Therefore, it did not proceed as quickly as this link presents. Now, as we write, hindsight is 20/20, where the USA Invasion of Iraq , 911 World Trade Center catastrophe, Covid-19, and other factors have occurred. They are just some of the things revealed at this link and interview, recorded BEFORE OCTOBER 19, 1987, CRASH.  It is now history and Bible prophecy fulfilled. We only show it now, as it was watched and partially perceived, as it moved to the end now accomplished.




So,… where were we since then?

All secured financially, it was hidden in the far east, the
Sabeans of Joel 3:1-8, a people afar off and unrelated to the Holy Land, even China, owning USA debt and more, but still under World Banker, Zionist control. This moved steadily, politically into what was called in the 2010s Arab Spring, even in Libya and Ethiopia, with "many countries" of this general area, forced (“overthrown,” Dan 11:41) to accept democracy in the Middle East.


In Dan 11:44-45, the Zionist State, having been the key puppet, all strings running through it, from the Supreme Puppet Master, Isa 45:6-7, we have moved into the time to eliminate that factor. Therefore, it came into the crosshairs for the next bullet, even as much turmoil came from the pandemic worldwide of Covid 19. However, there is another major marker that has occurred, moving from Dan 7:24-27 and its broad depiction of the 1967 Six-Day-War, Syria-Jordan-Egypt, plucked up out of the land of Canaan, as we related above, and will cover more in detail later. The emphasis narrows from geography and actions of nations in Daniel 7, to a specific ruler called “the King of Fierce Countenance” that stands up against Messiah in Daniel 8, also marked clearly by Apostle Paul in II Thess 2. This begins a final countdown, as we will reveal, bringing the plan to the year 2022. That count ends, introducing the final act to be played out.


The world wanting equal rights for the Palestinian people, brings the finale, putting the Zionist State in its place. The USA, previously NOT yielding to the many UN Resolutions, can no longer turn and look the other way. The occupation and settlements by the Zionist settlers, ignoring the State of Palestine, is stopped abruptly. The USA does NOT veto in favor of protecting the Zionist State, as it did for decades. The Holy Temple Mount, the holiest site of Judaism, is slated since UNGA Resolution 67/19, to be within East Jerusalem borders, behind the green line of 1949 armistice agreement. This has been reinforced by UNSC Resolutions 242, 338, on to 2334, within that new state's borders. Zech 14:1-2 is exactly that occurrence.


This is what has been decided already by UNGA Resolution 67/19 in 2012, declaring a Palestinian State to pre-67 borders, waiting for further UN Security Council Resolution.  That occurring, in order to stop or reverse that action, Israel must abandon their Zionist government for the God-given government in Messiah, Gen 49:10, Deut 17:14-20, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11, Hosea 3:4-5, Jer 23:1-8, Ezek 21:24-27, Ezek 37:21-28. Here is the change between Zech 14:1-2 and then Zech 14:3 forward.


Dan 12:1-7 then occurs, via Messiah, who is there at that time. He is David's son in ownership of the property of the Holy Temple Mount.  This is carried in Rev 11:15-19 and Rev 16:15 – 21, as the 7th Trumpet / Plague. Jerusalem THEN, by Messiah present, is divided, but NOT into two parts from that point, but rather, at that juncture, into THREE PARTS. David's Son, Messiah, owns that particular property as recorded in II Sam 24:18-25 and I Chr 21:18-26 by a legal, title-deed purchase made by David from Ornan / Arunah, the Jebusite.
When Israel loses the confrontation with Revived Rome / UN, as seen in
Zech 14:1-2, in order to save Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish people, Psalms 122 and 137, they must abandon dependence on Revived Rome / UN, remove Zionist government, and establish new and proper government of the Law and  Prophets under the Sovereignty of God, through Messiah, as stated in Gen 49:10, Deut 17:14-20, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11, Hos 3:4-5, Jer 23:1-8, Ezek 21:24-27, Ezek 37:21-28. This is by the process of their repentance and judgment, leading to blessing described in Zech 12-14. This IS the power or authority, in God as their Sovereign, of the holy people, the Nation of Israel, holy by National separation to God, Dan 12:7.


This entire scenario is also depicted as the demise of the Great Harlot of Rev 17-18. Those regimes, full government of Israel, destroyed in 586 BCE, 70 CE, are the first two overturns of Ezek 21:24-27. The last event for Israel is when Messiah manifests in his appearing, overturning full government of Jerusalem the THIRD time. His proper government converting Israel nationally, is joined by the Arab ten nations as stated in Rev 17:12-14, and proceeds to worldwide judgment, and final blessing rendered in THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL.
This presentation BABYLON IS FALLEN, shows how and why that is the final message and true deliverance. Everything before it is then history, decayed, as a plant that has served its purpose, to produce the final harvest. This is the full concept of New Jerusalem, in righteousness under Messiah, replacing Jerusalem in harlotry with the nations.
Daniel Is the Key to Revelation,

But Only by Michael Handling that Key,

Gen 49:10, Dan 10:21, Isa 22:22, Rev 3:7, Rev 5:1-5.  

We now close this Chapter 5 and second broadbrush overview, with an outline of the Seven Renditions of the Book of Revelation. They repeat with new metaphors, symbols, and semiotics in each new rendition. It is the same method of presentation of Daniel Eleven, given by Michael to Daniel, as we will show in our Chapter 6. Each of the Seven Renditions in Revelation is built around the split 70th Week of
Dan 9. They can only be properly discerned from that strict focus. From there, one perceives the genuine progression of events, and the true concept of the Book of Revelation.

Seven Renditions within the Book of Revelation,

Built Around Daniel’s 70th Week, are:

·       ONE – Rev 1:1 – 8:1: The Seven Churches – The Seven Seals –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 7:1-17.

·       TWO – Rev 8:2 – 11:19 The Seven Trumpets –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 11:1-13.

·       THREE – Rev 12 – 14:13 The Dragon – The Beast – The False Prophet –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 14:1-13.

·       FOUR – Rev 14:14-20 The Spring and Fall Harvest –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 14:14-20.

·       FIVE – Rev 15:1 – 16:21 The Seven Vials / Plagues –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 16:1-21.

·       SIX – Rev 17:1 – 19:21 The Harlot – The Beast – Babylon the Great –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure Rev 17:1-11.

·       SEVEN – Rev 20:1 – 22:21  Dragon’s Demise – New Heaven and New Earth –

Daniel 9:24-27 Structure in Rev 20:1-15.


As we did with the original Preface and Overview, which introduced this presentation BABYLON IS FALLEN, we will now take this Chapter 5 Overview, and expand it into further detail, while readdressing the subject matter given above.


Chapter 6, exploring the five Gentile kingdoms over Israel in Daniel.

Table of Contents

