



Paul Melvin Detmer

Compiled from the 1984 Forward

Revelations and Lectures


Michael Craig Clark

Companion Message to:




Michael Craig Clark




Preface – First Extensive Overview


Ch – 1 - What Is the Fullness of the Gentiles


Ch – 2 – Messiah’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection  


Ch – 3 – Birth of Messiah – Jubilee Count


Ch – 4 – Cyrus Deception  


Ch – 5 – Second Extensive Overview


Ch – 6 – The Five Gentile Empires of Daniel


Ch – 7 – Rome: The Fourth of Five Empires 63-70-CE


Ch – 8 – Pollution Versus Cleansing of the Sanctuary


Ch – 9 – What Is the End of the Zionist Regime


Ch – 10 – Eyewitness – The Seals Removed


Ch – 11 – The Seventh Seal


Ch – 12 – Trumpets and Plagues Accenting the 5th


Epilogue: We Wait


There are many additional teachings and documents that are produced here on many different subjects. YET, . . . we did not want to inundate the reader beyond this already large presentation above. It is thus, they are separated and given below. However:





Please be advised, any additional documents on this website over and above BABYLON IS FALLEN main publication, have been developed and written considering one has first read THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. Afterward, one should read BABYLON IS FALLEN main publication, then THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL again. Only from there, may one proceed to these special documents also given below. They have been created in firm supposition that this specified order of reading has been followed.



The following are Special Documents and teachings branching out of the above.  Some, where integral to BABYLON IS FALLEN main publication, are linked within same as well.


Identifying Serpent:

Genesis 3 Mystery Revealed


Incident of the Golden Calf:

The Exodus from Egypt that occurred in the spring of 1495 BCE, is given in full understanding as to the CORRECT TIMINGS within the Exodus journey unto the giving of the Law of Moses. Contrary to Jewish oral Torah traditions and many Christian commentaries, Michael, Daniel 10:21, gives critical understanding of the first ten days. At the “going down of the sun” ending the tenth day out from Egypt, we show it was on that day, Nisan 24, 1495 BCE, Moses ascended for only one full entrance to Mt. Sinai. There was only one full exit at the end of a single set of 40 days and 40 nights in the mountain. That exit occurred on the 50th day out from Egypt. On that day, he led Israel to the south and east side of Mt. Sinai, away from the north and west Horeb, Rephidim encampment, the scene of the Golden Calf Incident, in order to hear from God directly in the giving of the Law. One of the main points in the 50 days instituted as spring Holy Days to be kept by Israel, Lev 23:1-22, was to commemorate that one-time Exodus from Egypt for ten days. It is joined to the giving of the Law, during Moses’ one trip up and down the mountain, for 40 days and nights totaling 50 days. 

What is the Actual and True Resurrection, Biblically?

Lost as to its real truth and nature, the resurrection, due to false leadership taking precedent over the Christian testimony, became fable and fantasy after the First Century CE. It is taught properly in BABYLON IS FALLEN main publication. It is set aside as a special document standing alone here.

Two Generations 30-70 CE and 1984 – 2024:

What Jesus taught in public to the multitude, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Priests, is distinctly separated from the private audience and instruction given to the disciples / Apostles. The misunderstanding in this division is cleared away in this document showing Two Generations. Many parallels, occurring similar in both generations, demand this document of explanation to reveal that mystery.


The Grand Parenthesis – Age of Grace

Given in this document is an understanding of the transition from the time of the Apostles, unto when they departed, and the false apostles ascended in leadership. It reveals how full truth comes, once Messiah has returned and is present in the formal appearing, dispelling the lies that came in. We reveal the difference, in being under that partial understanding, which left all believers as sinners, yet covered by the blood atonement under a better sacrifice than animals in Messiah. This was versus “why and how” that is now no longer available, requiring we come to the sinless state by THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL.


Revelation 11 Two Witnesses – Two Ministries of Messiah

Fall 26 – Spring 30 CE and Spring 1984 – Fall 1987

The Remnant of Israel, and the Gentiles under Apostle Paul, saw the First Ministry of Messiah. However, Israel as a NATION, converted under proper government of Messiah and the Sovereignty of God, will see both ministries together for Israel’s and the World’s deliverance and blessing. This will usher in the World to Come, of which all the Law and the Prophets have spoken, the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Revelation 12 – 14:13 – Two Ministries of Messiah – Emphasis on the Second:
Part A, Rev 12 – The Spirit of the Deception – The Dragon – The War in Heaven
Part B, Rev 13 – The World Stage – the Beast Out of the Sea Empowering the Beast Out of the Earth

Part C, Rev 14 – The Final Victory – The Everlasting Gospel – Babylon Is Fallen


Isa 13-14 ~ Isa 47-48 ~ Jer 50-51 ~ Ezekiel 23-24 ~ Revelation 17-19:

What Is Babylon the Great?

This gives a complete exposure of the conglomerate formed by Israel in unbelief, spiritually fornicating since Egypt through to the final demise of the Zionist State. The abomination is the unrighteous league with the Gentile Empires. Israel in unbelief and rebellion to the Sovereignty of God is, indeed, the Harlot riding upon those Gentile Empires, the 7 headed Beast. The end, the desolation of the Gentile oppressing empires, is brought forth in Israel’s national conversion, Israel’s deliverance at that time. Judgment on the nations then leads to their deliverance as well. This is in recognition of being God’s people coming out of Babylon the Great today, unto government of Messiah, Rev 18, walking in his ways, Isa 2:1-4, under THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. That government was originally rejected in 30 CE but finally accepted in the finish, the end time of all mysteries of the Prophets, Rev 10:7.


Ezekiel 38 – 39 over to 48 considered from Revelation 20 – 22:
1st & 2nd Death and Resurrection, Satan Bound and Loosed, Final Conflict: Gog and Magog


“This Generation” of the End Time

40th Year / 2023 – 24, 41st Year / 2024 – 25



Has Rendered the Gospel of Grace Obsolete







