
The Roman Empire and Israel

63 BCE through 70 CE

Daniel’s 70 Weeks with Respect to Rome and Israel

The First Ministry of Messiah


We introduced a Matrix / Chart in Chapter 6. It compares Daniel 2, 7, 8, and 11, from the aspect of the Gentile Kingdoms, or Empires, that intruded into the Land of Abraham. They took control of Jerusalem in particular, with the broader borders being the rivers Nile and Euphrates. We reproduce that here for further and easy reference, while continuing with the building block presentation. The Fourth Black Stripe, the Old Roman Empire in 63 BCE is added at this point.


Enter the Roman Empire

(Fourth Black Stripe)

63 BCE- 70 CE

Daniel 2:40, Daniel 7:7a-b & 19,

Daniel 8:9-10, Daniel 11:6 & 13-35


 Later the Revived Roman Empire

(Fifth Black Stripe)

1947 CE – 1984 CE

Daniel 2:41-43, Daniel 7:7c-8,

Daniel 8:23-25, Daniel 11:36-45


First of all, and in order, as we address the fourth black stripe down, we will look at Daniel 2:40 and Daniel 7:7a-b &19.  


Daniel 2:40

40 And the fourth kingdom (Roman Empire) shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and subdues all things: and as iron that breaks all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.


Old Roman Empire

The Fourth Black Stripe on the Chart

Adding the Fourth Building Block
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# [1] - Daniel 2

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

Daniel 11

V:38  607-539 BCE


Verse 4



Not included


Not Included

# [2] -  Daniel 2

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

Daniel 11

V:39 539-332BCE


Verse 5


Verses 3-4


Verse 2

Four Kings





# [3] - Daniel 2

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

Daniel 11

V:39 332-63 BCE

Verse 6

Verse 5-8

Verses 3-5 & 7-12




Mighty King






Four Generals

Four Generals

King of the South

Ptolemaic Kingdom


King of the North

Seleucid Kingdom

# [4] - Daniel 2

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

Daniel 11

V:40 63BCE-70 CE

Verse 7a-b & 19

Verse 9-10

Verse 6 & 13-35

Iron Rome Empire

Beast Iron Teeth

Singular Little Horn


West & East to

20th & 21st Century

Roman Empire

Roman Empire






Christ & Apostles



Under the Fourth Black Stripe, in the image of Daniel 2, 1st column, as Daniel interpreted this dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, we see legs of iron. This is, of course, two legs, indicative of the Western Roman Empire centered out of Rome, Italy proper. Effective in 330 CE, seven years prior to the death of Constantine, the Eastern Roman Empire became centered out of Constantinople. Istanbul, today’s capitol of Turkey, was originally the eastern iron leg of Rome. Once more, they are exercising influence, governmental control. In most cases, military conquest is involved over the Holy Land between the rivers Nile and Euphrates, centering on Jerusalem, Gen 15:18, Isa 19:23-25.


Under the Fourth Black Stripe, moving to Daniel 7, 2nd column:


Daniel 7:7a-b & 19

7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast (Roman Empire), dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it . . .


Blending the Dreams and Visions and Answers


Daniel 2 Must Remain the Standard, Ten Horns Not Until the End Time


It will, no doubt, be noticed by some, we have left off the “c” portion of this verse which reads “…and it had ten horns.” In considering Dan 7 with Daniel 2, 8, and then 11, compared with all the scripture, it is clear WHEN the ten horns come into play. As we approach the end of the Seven Times of the Gentiles in 1984 CE, starting just prior to it with the 1947/48 CE creation of the Zionist State, we find their significance. They come into major importance with respect to Jerusalem and the Holy Temple Mount in 1967 Six Day War. BEFORE the marker whereupon the “judgment did sit” – “the time and times and the dividing of time,” the Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week, those ten emerge in the biblical text.  These ten horns are part of the latter-day, Revived Roman Empire, but NOT as strictly the Iron of Daniel 2. The ten horns of Daniel 7 compare with the feet and ten toes of the image in Daniel 2 of not only Iron, BUT ALSO CLAY.


Daniel 2, having set the precedent early on, must remain the standard when blended with Daniel 7 and 8, as well as 11. In keeping the precedent of Daniel 2 before us as we consider the whole canon of Daniel, we will observe properly a kingdom of the last days of the end, which is separate, yet a part of the kingdom before it. The previous kingdom is the Old Roman Empire prior to and at the time of Messiah, around 5 BCE, his birth, and then his ministry from 26 to 30 CE, or the First Half of Daniel’s 70th Week of 3 and ½ years. Secondly, we have the Revived Roman Empire, again, prior to and nearing the time of Messiah, around 1948 CE, with the creation of the Zionist State. As his final ministry to Israel approaches, with the close of the Seven Times of the Gentiles in 1984 CE, this ushers in the Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week of 3 and ½ years from 1984 – 1987 CE.  In Messiah’s First Ministry, it is strictly the Iron, or the Old Roman Empire that is dominant. However, in Messiah’s Second Ministry, it is Revived Rome of the United Nations, with chief constituent, the USA, and ten Arab kingdoms of the Holy Land. Their composition is of Iron and Clay, in dominance over the final scenario. It is this entity with which Messiah and Israel must contend and operate.


The Wound unto Death that Is Healed


When we consider Revelation 13, we will find that the Roman Empire, our fourth building block under the Fourth Black Stripe, received a wound unto death. However, it was healed, forming our fifth building block under the Fifth Black Stripe, coming back as the next kingdom. This is the Revived Roman Empire, known as the United Nations, with its chief constituent, the United States of America. It forms, or produces, the Zionist State in the Holy Land, between the rivers Nile and Euphrates. It is also Roman in character, or spirit, tracing its beginnings to the Grecian, and then Roman, form of democracy, with a two-party government and an executive head, or emperor . . . however, elected as president. It was present during the Old Roman Empire, as strictly the “iron,” to stand against the Covenant of God with Israel during Messiah’s First Ministry. It is there again as Revived Rome / UN with ten kings, or ten Arab countries, standing against the Covenant of God with Israel during Messiah’s Last Ministry, or the Second Coming. The chief religious head of the Revived Roman Empire is squarely out of literal Rome, Italy, commonly called “The Vatican.” It is ONLY at this time that the ten horns come into play, as we see in Daniel 7, and later in Revelation 13 and 17. The End Time of the Seven Times of the Gentiles, the 36 years from 1948 to 1984, brings the appearance of the Zionist State, the “little horn,” Dan 7:24-27.  
Therefore, we have not included “… and it had ten horns” when speaking of the Old Roman Empire, present at the time of Messiah’s First Ministry. They were NOT present at that time, and not present in our chart under the Fourth Black Stripe, within the fourth building block. YET, they ARE stated and understood, in Daniel 7, within the TOTAL purview of Rome, as established by the precedent of Daniel 2. The Iron of Old Rome is mixed centuries later, as the Iron and Clay in Revived Rome / UN in dominion over the ten toes, ten horns / kings / nations surrounding Israel. These are the Arab nations, identified in the earlier time of King David,
Psalms 83:1-8, as the enemies of Israel, from David’s time into the final ministry of Messiah in the end time. They are finally reconciled with Israel under proper government of Messiah and the Sovereignty of God, as we will later show. The conclusion of Dan 7 in verses 24-27 is at the end time where the ten horns, ARE present, which again answers to the Iron and Clay, feet and toes of the image in Daniel 2. Therefore, one will see that they are presented in our chart under the Fifth Black Stripe, within the fifth building block, addressed specifically in later presentations within this publication.


The Major Blunder of Preterism


Briefly, without belaboring the point, we make this important statement: 
Within Preterism, as was held by the majority of Christendom in the larger denominations, many taught that the ten horns were provinces of old Rome out of Europe. Others taught that this was actual men as kings, or officials of Rome. This flunks with a flat zero, as we mentioned earlier, Prophecy 101, by missing the mark of the Holy Land between the rivers Nile and Euphrates,
Gen 15:18, Isa 19:23-25. In so doing, a major error proliferated through Christendom, which taught all of Daniel’s 70th Week WAS NOT finished by Jesus, personally on the ground with Israel, as Dan 9:24-27 plainly states, “he (Messiah) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.” Rather, they affirm, after 30 CE, the 70th Week was fulfilled in some nebulous manner, but NOT by Messiah, which was in direct violation of this stipulation of this prophecy, involving deliverance by Messiah for Israel and Jerusalem.
Preterists advanced that
Dan 9:24-27, the remainder of the 70th Week, the Last Half, was fulfilled, NOT by Messiah. They advance it was by the Apostles’ ministry, completed by the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10, with some teaching it finished up in 70 CE with the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus of Rome. In this false view, the Second Coming has nothing to do with the confirmation of the Covenant of God with Israel. It stands upon the pseudo-principle that God is completely finished with the physical people of Israel as of 70 CE. Therefore, Preterists have erred and interpreted Daniel 7 and 8, in some synods, as finished and completed by 70 CE as well, running Daniel 11:1 to 12:13 also into that capsule. However, in taking this stand, they were equally mandating that the Everlasting Kingdom was established at the time of Messiah’s First Ministry, and thus they MUST . . . and they did . . .  interpret the remainder of the Bible prophetically, including Revelation, into the confines of that view.
The Truth of the Matter:

In short, they abort the whole formula of truth as stipulated in the
Dan 9:24-27 prophecy, which is clear – “no Messiah present with Israel in Jerusalem = no confirmation of the covenant.”  One half was confirmed by Messiah with Israel, up to and including the crucifixion and all Holy Days of the spring, removal of animal sacrifices by his better sacrifice, and providing blood atonement for sin. He WAS NOT PRESENT for the fall Holy Days, and did not fulfill the scapegoat feature of total removal of sin. It is thus, the Last Half remained from 30 CE until he returned to be with Israel, personally, on the ground, in Jerusalem again, providing that full and complete confirmation, that remaining work of Dan 9:27, spring 1984 – fall 1987.


Partial and Full Preterism Prevarications, First and Second:


FIRST: The proponents of Partial Preterism under the broader scope of Preterism, insisted that Jesus came in a judgment against Israel in 70 CE. This eliminated national access to the promises given to them, restricting same for only individual Jews converting to full Christianity. This is based upon the entire Law of Moses being fulfilled in various ways that they view and present. They assumed it was no longer valid, and only the New Covenant remained. They still hold to a final Second Coming, resurrection, and judgment of the dead, by THEIR interpretations as well.


SECOND: There is another group of Preterists that surfaced more so in these latter days called “Full Preterists,” or “Hyper-preterists.” This interpretation propounded all of Daniel and Revelation were completely fulfilled by 70 CE, including the Second Coming, and the resurrection and judgment of the dead. They contended this was not just a coming in judgment against national Israel solely, but rather the entire Second Coming was finished at that time. One enters the blessing, or curse of this equation when finally dying and passing from the physical existence of human natural life. In this extreme view, the Bible is closed on all prophecy, since they erroneously held that it all was finished, fulfilled, and accomplished by 70 CE.


In flunking Prophecy 101, both partial and full Preterists insisted they could still graduate. They caused more error by adding to it the elimination of the Covenant of God with Israel. They discarded most of the prophecy of the Old Testament, relegating it to being fulfilled by interpretation within the history of the Christian body called “the Church.” In fact, some, not all, of this view cast dispersion on the Book of Revelation. They held that it was spurious and should not be part of the Canon of Bible scripture. Those that more recently included Revelation insist, all evidence to the contrary, that John wrote Revelation before 70 CE, rather than the well-established 95 – 100 CE.

The Safeguard against this Error


Here again, we keep it between the rivers of the Holy Land, with the physical people of Israel, and stick to the Law and the Prophets, as stated by Isa 8:20. One other important factor can help us avoid this quagmire of deception. Once departing from this standard, they are lost indeed.
Two Legs of Iron

In Daniel 2, Preterists distort the image of Nebuchadnezzars’ dream. It is carried in their doctrines of Preterism, the primary and largest sector of Christendom. These errors then repeat in all their doctrines and perverted eschatology for Daniel 2, on into Daniel 7, on to Daniel 8 and 11, as well. By the time one arrives under THEIR teaching to Daniel 12, they have Michael standing up in 30 CE in finality, no second coming.  They falsely hold that the power of the holy people is NOT scattered to the holy people to empower them in final redemption by Messiah. Rather, they interpret it to 70 CE destruction, Israel smashed permanently into oblivion.

We notice on the image in
Dan 2, 607 – 539 BCE, one head of gold, which is plainly stated to be Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian Empire, transferred to later kings Evil-merodach, Jer 52, and Belshazzar, Dan 5.
This moves to an explicit representation of a two sided kingdom as one, in the remainder of the image.

From 539 – 332 BCE, there was Medo-Persia in the two arms and chest of silver.
From 332 – 63 BCE, there was the Grecian Seleucid kingdom, north and east of Jerusalem, with the Grecian Ptolemaic kingdom, south and west of Jerusalem in the two thighs of brass.
From 63 – 70 CE, there was the Western Roman Empire, in one iron leg. The other leg was not seen until 330 CE in Constantine finishing the city of Istanbul, capitol of today’s Turkey, called Constantinople, seven years before Emperor Constantine died.
From 400s CE, the Western Roman Empire fell. The Eastern Roman Empire remained, and later was called the Byzantine Empire, replaced by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 CE.
From 1377 CE, Pope Gregory rebuilt the City of Rome as the center of the Western Roman Empire again.
Therefore, from 1453 forward, there was the two legs of iron on the
Dan 2 image. This is West and East, taking us through iron legs of Rome into the 20th Century. From the time approximate through the British nature of Rome, we perceive the two legs of iron as the Roman Western kingdom out of Europe, taking precedence in the Mid East away from the Ottomans. Today, it comes down to Revived Rome / UN, all the world in league with Zionists since 1948, unto the current hour.

This is the historical record that verifies
Dan 2 in truth. Now we come to Preterists claims.
They teach that the ten toes of iron and clay are provinces of Rome during the time of Jesus and the Apostles, in some quarters of Preterism, OR . . .  actual kings as Emperors of Rome in other quarters of Preterism, still within the time of the Apostles.
DAN 2, WHICH PRETERISTS CARRY FORWARD INTO THE REMAINDER OF ALL BIBLE PROPHECY. They teach only four kingdoms in the image, and the Stone cut without hands is Messiah coming in 30 CE, smashing that image in 70 CE.

Perturbing Preterists’ Problem:

There was only one leg during the time of Messiah’s first ministry, fall 26 CE to spring 30 CE, on to 70 CE destruction, NOT TWO. Preterists’ claims, that Messiah came and set up the Everlasting Kingdom and smashed the image, interpreted into 70 CE . . . IS THEREFORE FALSE AND A DISTORTION.
This is exactly part of the strong delusion to believe a lie, that cuts them out of all knowledge of where we are today, on the prophetic timeline. That strong delusion sent by God, according to
II Thess 2, based upon Ezek 14:1-11, will bring them into judgment and total failure of their faith. It is designed by God to come because they received not the love of the truth. They cut Israel out of the equation 300 years before the second leg of iron, appeared in 330 CE under Constantine. As we gave in Chapter 5 overview, this iron of Rome over the Holy Land from 63 BCE, moves into the feet. Only then is it joined to the clay. The final Gentile empire with that make up is Revived Rome / UN, since being West and East, TWO LEGS OF IRON IN OLD ROME. Only from the 19th and 20th centuries, on to 1948 to 1967, are there ten nations as the toes. It is in the days of THESE KINGS, the end comes.
Salient Point: It takes the two legs of iron to arrive upon the feet and toes of iron and clay.
In the Days of These Kings


As stated by Dan 2:44-45, it is in the “days of these kings,” referring to the feet and ten toes of Iron and Clay, which compares with the Dan 7:24-27 metaphor, during the time of the Ten Horns. It is only at that time the Everlasting Kingdom comes, smashing what is present, falsely purporting to be authorized in dominance over Jerusalem and the Holy Land. This leaves only the manifestation of the Kingdom of God and Messiah remaining, the Everlasting Kingdom. This is only AFTER the “time and times and the dividing of time” occurs, or after the Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week of 3 and ½ years, the final ministry of Messiah to Israel. This kingdom was, is, and always will be eternally and spiritually present. The timing of Bible eschatology is designed to bring us to the physical appearance of Messiah, final judgment, and blessing apparent on earth, as it was designed already in heaven.
Moreover, the full and complete resurrection was part of the final formula, once the 70th Week was entirely completed,
Dan 12:1-7, John 5:28-29, Ezek 37. This certainly did not occur, in total, during the First Century CE. Daniel is, therefore, dealing with timings and events that make the resurrection and the manifested eternal kingdom, in spiritual form (or in heaven) a known fact, or PUBLICLY APPARENT in earth. Jesus stated it as part of the well-known Lord’s Prayer – “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, Matt 6:10.” As we will later consider, in a full handling of Daniel 12 with Revelation 10, although the will of God is always done by that prewritten script, settled in heaven eternally, as stated in


Psalm 119:89

          Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.


  . . . we have a set time by God for the manifestation of all mysteries. It brings us to this hour, when all is revealed, Rev 10:7, thus bringing in the finished product in time and space, called the New Heaven and the New Earth, as given in II Peter 3.


Moving to the right on our chart, under the Fourth Black Stripe, we leave, temporarily, Daniel 2 and then 7, to address Daniel 8. In the 3rd column, and its presentation of the Old Roman Empire, that empire entered the Holy Land and Canaan proper, in 63 BCE.

We Address Once Again,

So Called Scholars Running Amuck:

As stated in our Chapter Five, broad brush overview, we repeat:
From the Greek Empire forward, is where Christendom gets lost in false interpretation of Daniel, predominantly. It is again a failure to hold first precedence, all the way through later interpretations.
Dan 2 sets the precedent of how much scripture is allocated to these empires, directly relevant to how that introduces us to that most important point of Daniel’s interest, the finale and deliverance of Israel. Greece receives about one, or two verses out of Daniel 2, as well as Daniel 7. From there, the emphasis is on Old Rome and Revived Rome / UN, the fourth and fifth empires in both chapters. When one comes to Daniel Chapters 8 and 11, showing these kingdoms, or Gentile Empires over Israel, during the Seven Times of Lev 26:18-42, Hos 3:4-5, Dan 10:1, in truth, it is no different. This is well established by the precedence built in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7.  However, some, particularly Preterists, run amuck to then give large portions of Daniel Chapters 8 and 11 to the Greek Empire. This completely misconstrues all of the proper allocation of what is given to Daniel, in his vision of Chapter 8, and then Michael directly to Daniel, in Chapter 11.



Greek Empire 323 - 164 BCE in Palestine
 and Jerusalem moving to Old Rome:


Christendom, and particularly Preterists, overstepped the limits of Dan 8:8-9 and Dan 11:12-13. They both are the end, respectively, to the Greek Empire. The Roman Empire is introduced, following the precedence of brief mentions of Greece in Daniel 2 and 7. As it is in Daniel 2 and 7, Daniel 8 and 11 spend the majority of the recounted history on Old Rome into Revived Rome / UN. Both are centered on the First and Last Ministries of Messiah, the First and Last Halves of Daniel’s 70th Week.
Antiochus Epiphanes is not in
Dan 8 at all. AND . . . as to those who continue him in interpretation into Dan 11:31, they do greatly err. Verse 31 refers solely to the rejection of Messiah, the fulfillment of the daily sacrifice, as shown in I Sam 15:22, Ps 40:6-8, and Heb 10:1-10. Instead of the Sovereignty of God, proper government, their rightful Messiah, the Prince, they placed the abomination, dependence on Rome, Caesar, Dan 11:31, John 11:45-53, and John 19:15, which did indeed desolate Jerusalem in 70 CE. Preterists, cramming all of the Book of Daniel into being finished by 70 CE, had to interpret the Greek Empire, extending into the Daniel 8 and 11 narratives in perversion of the text, in order to have Dan 11:36-12:13 then being the Old Roman Empire, WHICH IT IS NOT. It is solely secluded to the 20th Century forward.
As to Daniel 8, from verse 9, “OUT OF ONE OF THEM (THE FOUR HORNS), came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.” This does NOT say “one of them.” Rather, it states, “OUT of one of them.” We go on to show below, in our verse-by-verse rendering, this was Rome, coming out of the northwest, as it first conquered the Cassander/ Antigonid Dynasty dominated area of Greece. The Roman Empire moved south and east, until finally arriving via Pompey the Great, the Roman General, who invaded and took over Canaan from 63 BCE. All of the language from
Dan 8:9-26, has to do, even as Dan 11:14-12:13, with Messiah, and the time approaching, and during his Ministry with the Apostles, moving to events in the 20th and 21st Centuries, that introduce his final presence and full appearing.
It is obvious that 
Dan 11:31-35 is the time and ministry of Jesus and the Apostles, with even a casual observation. John 5:24-25, the First Resurrection, and the spring minor harvest of Lev 23:1-21 Holy Days are applied here, and were fulfilled in 30 CE. It is hence, Preterists struggled much in their whittling on Dan 11:36-12:13, correctly applied to Israel back in the land since 1948, verse 40 showing the 1967, Six-Day-War. Thus, they purported to fit that square peg into their round, Old Roman Empire, slot.
Let us now proceed directly into verse-by-verse consideration:


Daniel 8:8-9

8 Therefore the he goat (Alexander the Great and the Grecian Empire) waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones (Four Generals split up the Empire after Alexander’s death in 323 BCE) toward the four winds of heaven.
As we have brought out twice before, the Four Generals passed their kingdoms on to later generations. The two that are of interest are the Seleucid, King of the North, based out of Syria, and the Ptolemaic, King of the South, based out of Egypt.


9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.


“Out of one of them,” the regions and descendants of one of the Four Generals, specifically one to the north and west, whereby it pushed south and east. The Cassander / Antigonid Dynasty/Grecian Horn, taken over by Rome in 168 BCE, outside of the Holy Land, eventually “came forth,” indeed, “south and east.” This was the rise of the Roman Empire, which grew in strength “toward the south, and toward the east” where it finally conquered Egypt by 30 BCE, consuming most of the Middle East. It invaded the “pleasant land,” or Holy Land, Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem under Roman general Pompey, in 63 BCE. It took over entirely in the time of Julius Caesar, 48 to 45 BCE, when he defeated Pompey in a Roman clash for power. Julius Caesar made Antipater I the “raiser of taxes.” He passed the kingdom to his son, approved in the Roman senate to be king of this area by 40 BCE, the “vile person,” Herod the Great.


Daniel 8:10

And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them.


This intrusion into the Holy Land, Jerusalem in particular, established the Roman Empire over this area, basically through the Herod Dynasty, appointed out of Rome proper. This consisted of Antipater I, given the role of Tax Collector, a reward to him by Julius Caesar around 45 BCE, for aiding Caesar earlier in defeating Pompey. After Antipater’s death, it was predominantly his son, King Herod the Great, reigning prior to, and at the time of, the birth of Christ. He was followed by lesser rulers, under this name, or title of “Herod.” They politically controlled these areas, into the time of the Apostles of Christ.


Zionism Stage Two: It Rears Its Head Once Again,

Usurping the Place of Messiah,

Forming the League with the Old Roman Empire.


As stated above in Daniel 8:10, the Roman Empire was able to extend its influence and greatness, “even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them.” In using the Law and the Prophets to interpret Daniel, along with Michael’s instruction according to them, we will see this is understood from the Torah, or within the first five books of Moses. This is called simply by most, “The Law of Moses,” Genesis through Deuteronomy inclusive, also attributed to Moses as the human author.


Genesis 37:9-11

9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.

10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, what is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?

11 And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.


Spiritual versus Natural-Carnal-Literal Interpretation


I Corinthians 2:14

But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


It is important that we yield to proper interpretation. However, which church, synagogue, or religious organization has not claimed to have the Spirit of God, leading them to properly interpret the Bible? Here, we can begin to see the difference between the “natural man,” and the Spirit of God. Even more importantly, we must know to WHOM it is given to have the Spirit, therefore, the proper interpretation. This has been borne out already. However, in short and to the point, the interpretation in this presentation, via Michael of Dan 10:21 and 12:1-4, is THE ONLY RIGHT, AUTHORIZED interpretation. Added to that point, we can see that the correct view of scripture, in one passage, will bring other scriptures to understanding, properly interpreted.


Understanding the Host and Stars of Heaven


Certainly, the Stars can refer to the literal stars, we see in the literal sky, as seen in Genesis 15:5. Yet, there is something more when scripture speaks, if we have spiritual perception to “hear and see.” Therefore, we can SEE, in Genesis 37:9-11 above quoted, it is plainly understood, that the stars of heaven refer to Israel, or the children of Israel, down through time, as recorded in the Bible. In Daniel 8, we find that “SOME of the host and of the stars” have been “cast down… to the ground,” and have been “stamped upon.” Now, either we must believe that it is a large, literal horn jumping up and down on stars it has cast to the ground, OR… it has a SPIRITUAL meaning / interpretation.


From 63 BCE, reaching its full strength by the time of Messiah’s public ministry in 26 CE, some of the stars (some of Israel) are cast to the ground and stamped upon. They leave their first estate in heaven, or in proper understanding, abandoning their allegiance to the Covenant of God, and His Sovereignty. It is here, Daniel and the faithful remnant stood firm and unmovable. They are cast down, subservient to the Roman power. They formed a corrupt league with Rome, for rule and influential sway over the people, through the Temple Worship in Jerusalem. It even went as far as Rome appointing the High Priest Caiaphas, who we see mentioned by name in John 11. We observe the result in 


Daniel 8:11

11 Yea, he (Rome) magnified himself even to the prince of the host,
(The prince of the host is Messiah, Michael the Great Prince of
Dan 10:21 and 12:1-4, Jesus Christ of John 5:24-29)


and by him


(Rome, in particular Pontius Pilot, was swayed by the Zionists, which considered Messiah a threat, according to John 11:45-53)


the daily sacrifice,
(Messiah is the fulfillment of the sacrificial offerings under the Law, according to I Sam 15:22, Psalms 40:6-8, and Heb 10:1-10)
was taken away, (Messiah was rejected by Israel in 30 CE)


and the place of the sanctuary (Jerusalem and the Temple in particular)
was cast down.


(Rome, under Titus of Rome in 70 CE destroyed Jerusalem, and obliterated the Temple)


One cannot deny the similarity of this scripture, compared to proper interpretation of Dan 9:24-27.


The Important Spiritual Counterpart


Although this was quite literal, concerning the “place” of the sanctuary, in that it was physically cast down in the destruction of 70 CE, we must keep in mind the spiritual counterpart. The Sanctuary of Israel is their Covenant relationship with their Creator, respecting His Sovereignty and rule over them. By this league with, and dependence on, foreign powers, the Sanctuary of their strength was polluted. The evidence of this is the alleged disposition of the Zionist mindset, until it becomes hard and factual in action. That proof came when they rejected the Messiah for the league with the foreign power of Rome. Messiah’s First Ministry from 26 to 30 CE, and specifically on Wednesday, April 3, Nisan 14, 30 CE, Preparation Day, according to John 19:15, was the very time they were to recognize Messiah. He whom God had sent, within the Covenant Confirmation 70th Week, brought the deliverance offered, Dan 9:24. This is integral, extremely key in order to understand the 2300-day prophecy, also here in Daniel 8. It is picked back up in its countdown in Dan 12, as 1290 days and 1335 days of that 2300 days. We cannot address that now, and must wait until we address Daniel 12. Only with Daniel 2-11 firmly understood, can those timings be equally clarified.  


We Must Hold This

Important Point for Later Clarity


The point to remember here is that the Sanctuary of their strength, and their relationship with God was epitomized and represented in Messiah. That Sanctuary, polluted in spirit over many centuries by the leadership of Israel, came to actual, factual, and official pollution in the rejection of Messiah. Publicly and formally before Pilate and Rome, he was rejected, in preference for Caesar as King. This was carried out by the High Priest, Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Sanhedrin, the leadership. It was recorded for all the world on Wednesday, Preparation Day, April 3, Nisan 14, 30 CE, at the end of the First Half of Daniel’s 70th Week. Only upon his return to complete that Week, in its Last Half, did that 2300-day countdown begin. WE REPEAT: ONLY UPON HIS RETURN TO COMPLETE THAT WEEK, IN ITS LAST HALF, DID THAT 2300-DAY COUNTDOWN BEGIN.
He was physically present and rejected, when that defilement, formal and public declaration was made. This is the particular point, place in time and space, that the pollution of Israel’s sanctuary occurred. Israel saw him no more; he was dead and gone, as far as they were concerned. He was executed by crucifixion that very day they made that decision, in 30 CE, Wednesday, April 3, Nisan 14, Preparation Day. Only upon the return of his physical presence again, did that countdown (relevant to Israel) begin . . . which, upon its completion, brings the process of the cleansing of the sanctuary. This is necessary to bring the redemption of Israel, and their consequent restoration to their relationship with God as Sovereign.
“This Generation”

We find that his physical presence is the key to understanding “this generation.” It was used by Messiah, in speaking to the disciples, as he ministered in 26-30 CE. He, HIMSELF, is the generation that will not pass away, until ALL is fulfilled. Verified in study of the Law and Prophets (OT) to understand his statements in the New Testament, the significance of 40 years MUST be with Messiah present, in counting 40 years as a generation. Michael, by his understanding of Daniel, according to his office to reveal those mysteries, gives a clear
TWO GENERATIONS in Jesus’ answer to his disciples, Matthew 24, Mark 13. These must be given priority. Preterism failed and made Luke 21 a catchall for Matt 24 and Mark 13. Additionally, any relevant calculation of end time must begin with Messiah rejected, . . . the cross joined immediately to the very point HE RETURNED! He departed soon after stating “this generation,” in spring of 30 CE. Check out the truth below.


Isaiah 53:8

>>>>He<<<< was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare >>>> HIS generation? <<<< for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken."


Rejected, crucified, dead and buried, as to the nation of Israel, he was raised, and seen only by those that received him, the remnant, according to I Corinthians 15:1-8. Messiah left 10 days before Pentecost, as revealed in Acts 1. Therefore, that generation, HIS generation was NOT present.


Acts 8:33-35

33 In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare HIS generation? for his life is taken from the earth.

34 And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaks the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?

35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and PREACHED UNTO HIM JESUS.


Matthew 24:34

Verily I say unto you, this generation (Messiah present) shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.


Luke 24:44

And he said unto them, these are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, CONCERNING ME.


I Corinthians 15:25-28

25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.




Daniel 8:12

12 And a host (the fallen stars, or the leadership of Zionists sold out to Rome) was given him (Rome) against the daily sacrifice (Messiah) by reason of transgression,
(The Zionists are this host, or portion of Israel, given to Rome against Messiah. This is because they left THE Covenant, and violated the Law of Moses. Thus “by reason of transgression,” they formed, went head-long into this abomination and league with Rome)
and it (The league with Rome, or the host of Israel given to Rome, and Rome together)
cast down the truth to the ground; (Rejected Messiah, for Caesar as king, according to John 19:15)


and it practiced and prospered.

The time of the Herod Dynasty was established first in Antipater I, 45 BCE. Predominantly, the details of Daniel 11 show, it was Antipater’s son, Herod the Great, that made it successful.  Through the time of the birth of Messiah and beyond, in Herod’s descendants, this league with Rome “practiced and prospered.” It was formed by the leadership of Israel, such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, Priests, and Scribes, claiming collective messianic ability to rule the people, through their council of the Sanhedrin. They gave their allegiance and honor to Rome, working with Rome. Rome, in turn, allowed them to govern the temple and surrounding complex, regarding what occurred there. This was up to, but not including capital punishment. That exception is later seen when trying to execute Jesus. They HAD to appeal to the Roman representative, Pontius Pilate. Thus, it was thereby that this unrighteous league “practiced and prospered.”


Considering Daniel 11, Its Further Details,

Greater King of the North, Roman Empire,

From 63 BCE, Daniel 11:13


As we saw in Daniel 8:9, earlier in Daniel 2:40, Daniel 7:7 a-b, and Daniel 7:19, before Daniel 8, and find again in Daniel 11:13, we have the Old Roman Empire. As far as the Holy Land between the rivers Nile and Euphrates, where prophecy is centered, this Roman domination started in 63 BCE, with the invasion of Pompey. In the full consideration of all that is “Rome,” we have the IRON, by itself, in our precedent rendering in the image of Daniel 2. This is Old Rome, which continues in the image of Daniel 2 into the IRON AND CLAY, Revived Rome / UN over the ten toes / ten Arab nations, critical to proper understanding since 1948 / 1967. Therefore, this Roman “iron” element, manifested in government of democracy, two party congress and senate, with an emperor, runs from 63 BCE to the end time. The exception, entering the 19th – 21st centuries, is that it has an elected president.
Although wounded unto death in 70 CE, by virtue of the Zionist league with Rome being broken and removed, it rises from near death, and surfaces again, in 1948 CE, through the time of the end. There, in the end time, beginning publicly in 1948 CE, with control of the Holy Temple Mount in 1967 CE, it comes back as restored, or “healed.” Thus, we saw it alive and well, as the Zionist State in league with Revived Rome / UN (chief constituent USA), in dominance over the ten Arab kings, horns, or nations / countries in the Holy Land, from 1948 / 1967. In
Dan 7, it ends with the “time and times and the dividing of time,” where afterward, in “the judgment shall sit,” the saints take the kingdom, and the Everlasting Kingdom of Dan 2:44-45 is manifested. In Daniel 8 and 11, it comes to its end under a king of fierce countenance and the willful king respectively.


The Roman Empire and the Zionist League,

Four Statements of Era 63 BCE to 70 CE,

As to the Holy Land, Jerusalem in Particular


First Statement: Daniel 11:14-16


Second Statement: Daniel 11:17-19


Third Statement: Daniel 11:20-30a-b


Fourth Statement: Daniel 11:30c-35


Understanding Terms and Parties


In Daniel 8:9, once the Roman Empire entered the picture, we have two entities created by those of Israel. They were looking for fulfillment of Messianic Prophecies, as well as the kingdom and rule being restored to Israel. However, in keeping with further details, these two entities were not identified clearly, until Daniel 11. There is the faithful as one group, “the remnant,” as we mentioned earlier. They followed the Law and the Prophets, even as Daniel also did. Additionally, there were those of the same previous spirit, which tried to pull off the Cyrus, 70 Weeks of literal, 24-hour-day fulfillment. We described that movement in our Chapter 4, The Cyrus Deception.


Two Groups:

“The Robbers of thy People”


“Upright Ones”


In the unidentified condition of the broad view in Daniel 8, they are both classified under the terms “stars of heaven” and “host” as Israel in totality, in Dan 8:10.  These two entities ARE segregated by description in Daniel 11, as the faithful of Israel versus the Zionists, the Zionists being the “some” of the stars that are “cast to the ground.” The Zionists will start to appear . . . from Dan 11:14 “robbers of thy people,” and the faithful . . . from Dan 11:17 “upright ones.”
Two Political Entities:

“The King of the North”


“The King of the South”

The King of the North remains as Rome until
Dan 11:40-45, when it is modern Syria, one of the ten Arab kings / nations. It is still subject to Rome as a part of Revived Rome / UN, depicted in Dan 7:24-27, as the beast with ten horns. This corresponds to Dan 2:41-45, the iron and clay part of the image, the feet and toes.
The King of the South, being absorbed by Rome at Cleopatra VII’s demise, is identified as persons in office, or power and authority, which are Herod and successors. Once we reach
Dan 11:40-45, the King of the South is modern Egypt, one of the ten Arab kings / nations. It is still subject to Rome as a part of Revived Rome / UN, depicted in Dan 7:24-27, which corresponds to Dan 2:41-45.
By the time of the end, both sides of the equation are equally manipulated by the Zionist State. This is along with the other ten Arab nations, collectively under Revived Rome / UN. Revived Rome / UN is the 7th Empire over the Holy Land and Israel. The Zionist State is the 8th entity, coming out of the 7 headed beast as its own nation. This matches the metaphor depicted in
Rev 13.  There, it is the Zionist State, Beast Out of the Earth, verses 11-18, empowered by, thus doing homage to, the Beast Out of the Sea, Revived Rome / UN, verses 1-10. 


It is again identified in the other metaphor, the Harlot, Israel in the Zionist State in unbelief since Ezek 23, epitomized in the conglomerate Babylon the Great, riding upon the 7 headed beast, Rev 17.  Since Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, it is in final display, as Revived Rome / UN, producing the smaller dependent 8th, before Messiah removes all of it in the Everlasting Kingdom.

The Gap:


In Dan 11:35 versus Dan 11:36, there is a major gap of 1878 years, from the time of the Apostles 30-70 CE until the 1948 CE emergence of the Zionist State. The two halves of Daniel’s 70th Week, the two Ministries of Messiah, dictate the structure of this formula. They are divided by this same gap as well. The math is 30 CE to 1984 CE, or 1954 years from Messiah present to Messiah present again.
In short review, the Seven Times of the Gentiles of
Lev 26:18, ran from 537 BCE to 1984 CE. One half of Daniel’s 70th Week, fall 26 – spring 30 CE, WITHIN that time period, left REMAINING the other half. It transpired, once that time period of Lev 26:18 (7 x 360 = 2520) expired. This was 1954 years from the 30 CE cross, spring 1984 CE.  Ticking away in an additional and separate time period, upon that expiration, is the immediate spring 1984 – fall 1987, “time, times and a half.” This is 3 and ½ years, which is “42 months,” and also “1260 days,” of Dan 9:24-27, Dan 7:24-27, Dan 12:7, and Rev 11-13.
Therefore, THE GAP is realized, as just stated, in the split Messiah Ministry, establishing Israel in the land as well. The significance is due to Messiah’s Ministry, splitting Daniel’s 70th Week. After Messiah ministered, Israel lost the Holy Temple Mount and Zionist government in 70 CE. The other Ministry has presently, Israel’s Zionist government controlling again, the Holy Temple Mount in 1948 / 1967, before Messiah ministers.
The two halves of the 70th Week dictate the events and their significance just prior to, during, and just after those two, 3 and ½ year periods. They include the consequent fulfilled Holy Days, Lev 23:1-22, for the spring, 26 – 30 CE, and Lev 23:23-44, for the fall, 1984 – 1987 CE.


Understanding “Robbers of Thy People”


John 10:1

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.


Briefly, to understand this terminology, we have seen how the Law and the Prophets have clearly spelled it out, meticulously. It is Messiah who has the Spirit of the Lord, the line and plummet of measurement. He has the authority to confirm the Covenant of God with Israel, under the Law of Moses. He brings the blessing specified beyond that Law, centered in the faith of Abraham, according to Gen 49:10, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11, Isa 28, Hos 3:4-5, Ezek 21:24-27, and certainly Dan 9:24-27. When reading John 10:1 quoted above, it distinguishes those that try to operate AS Messiah. However, they are without proper authority to establish, or confirm, the relationship of God with Israel. This definition and understanding is clear, when applied to “the robbers of thy people,” as used by Michael. It is his description of those in this unauthorized place, in the answer to Daniel. Referring to why they are called such, they are Zionists - those that “exalt themselves to establish the vision.” This is the plan given in the Law and the Prophets, and principally within the Prophecy of Daniel, for the deliverance of Israel. They carry out their schemes, against the times and laws within that very Covenant.  They attempt to effectuate that plan, by their self-determined authority, usurping, or “robbing” the place of Messiah.
From the time of Moses and the Exodus, we see this mindset. The worship of the Golden Calf,
Exodus 32-33, Korah’s rebellion in Num 16, and Nadab and Abihu offering “strange fire,” Lev 10, are examples of this infraction.
Moving outside of the ranks of Israel proper to affect the kingdoms dominating Israel, while they were under the judgment of
Lev 26:18 of ‘Seven Times more,’ we find them again in Political Zionism. In 539 – 537 BCE and the time of Cyrus, they brought a return to Jerusalem, against the Prophet Daniel’s stand on the matter; thus, invoking the “Seven Times more.” They appear again, as we come to the time of Messiah’s First Ministry, and finally in his Second Ministry, at the end time.


Entering Daniel 11 at Verse 14


14 And in those times


This is from the time of Cleopatra’s death, and the Herod Dynasty being established from 45-30 BCE. Herod the Great, son of Antipater I, came to power as a King of the Jews. He was solidified in that position by Senatorial appointment in Rome in 40 – 39 BCE. He ruled over the general Judean area under the occupation, and continued under Herod’s successors, until the rebellion began in 66 CE.


there shall many stand up against the king of the south:


Numerous enemies were perceived, specifically by Herod the Great, real, or not. His history is one of family executions and government coups, not only with him but with his father, Antipater I, before him. He was successful at doing Rome’s bidding, but never had the confidence of the people around him in Judea.


also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.


Standing against the proper fulfillment of the Covenant through Messiah, the league with Rome, identified in Dan 8:12, practiced and prospered. As we addressed above, it brought success, stability, and prosperous times in this area for both Rome and the Zionists. However, this was only at first.  Sometime after this league was formed, the Zionists tried to move past what Rome considered a good, political partnership. Zionists always had in mind THEIR goal of establishing the Covenant, by THEIR means. They wanted their own government, in Messianic fulfillment of the Promises in the Law and the Prophets. For the most part, their concept was to collectively BE Messiah in their move to prepare the way for him. In this manner, they looked for Messiah to come and cap off what they provided in their current mindset. He was, basically, a figurehead.


If one can move past literalism, they can understand the symbolism, presented in a

conversation between Messiah and Satan. In the temptation in the wilderness, before Jesus started his public service, one will observe Satan offering to Messiah all the kingdoms of the world. The price was for Jesus to worship / revere Satan to acquire what was offered. This is metaphorically understood in perceiving what it would take to rally the leadership, sold out to Rome, to his side.
Jesus well knew the mindset and orientation of the leadership of Israel, from his constant trips to Jerusalem every Passover, as a child, with Joseph and Mary. He is recorded in discussion with the elite of the people as a young man of 12 years of age, in
Luke 2:41-47. Jesus saw that they wanted a Messiah that would fit in with the Zionist league with Rome. In that manner, it would bring about what THEY desired. Messiah would cap it all off, acquiescing to their mindset and government. They would THEN yield and serve him in that capacity.
Yet, they did indeed “fall,” when they unsuccessfully attempted their coup against Rome, without Messiah. They claimed their collective messiah status and were crushed in 70 CE.


Judeo-Christian Amalgamation


The move of the Apostles was soon and quickly perverted by false apostles in Christendom, Acts 15, II Cor 11. They supported and greatly contributed to this rebellion of 70 CE. We will also address this further, in the four repetitions of this time from 30 – 70 CE. We will show how Zionists amalgamated Christian claims within their own aspirations. Revealed in evaluating the Book of Hebrews, with II Thess 2, they brought the judgment declared by Apostle Paul. He warned them against this Judeo-Christian apostasy, away from the truth.


15 So the king of the north shall come (Rome from 66 to 72 CE), and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south


By the time of the insurrection against Rome, the Zionists, the Pharisees, and leadership are the “arms of the south,” having overthrown Rome’s appointees in the Judean area and Jerusalem.


shall not withstand, neither his chosen people,


(Many of Israel, faithful, or not, are caught and killed in this destruction)


neither shall there be any strength to withstand.


16 But he (Zionists now being those in insurrection) that comes against him (Rome) shall do according to his own will,


Doing things out of time, against the proper methods of the Law and Prophets, and therefore against God and the Covenant, they could not be honored by Him in their efforts, which ended in the tragedy of 70 CE. The Apostle Paul saw this movement, which was deceiving many Christians to join it, as well. It was claiming the establishment of the restored Davidic Kingdom of Solomon, and therefore, of God. In II Thess 2, he warns them that this was not the Day of Christ, and not to be deceived into following it, as he stated: “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.  Let no man deceive you by any means: . . .” Therefore, many Christians and Jews were slaughtered when Rome, under Titus of Rome, made its move, as we follow on now in the scripture before us, in Daniel 11:


and none shall stand before him (Rome): and he (Rome) shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed (66 -72 CE).


One Down, Three to Go


The above paragraph completes the FIRST statement of the era, from 63 BCE to 70 CE. The Old Roman Empire was in league with Zionists, in its dominance over the Holy Land. The league between them came to parting of the ways, severed in the rebellion of 66-72 CE, Daniel 11:14-16. We have three more repetitions to go; each one starting over, giving more details in the spirit, or design of Isa 28:9-12. Daniel 11, verses 17-19, 20-30a-b, and 30c-35 are three restatements of exactly what we have considered, in verses 14-16. They all start with the Roman King of the South, Antipater I, then Herod the Great, appointed by Rome, the King of the North. They move through the time of Messiah’s First Advent, and end in the rebellion of 70 CE, and the closing of the First Century CE.
This King of the South was then the Herod Dynasty, principally Herod the Great, who was a master at seducing Israel to bolster his own security and financial success, under Rome’s authority. He pleased both the faithful and the Zionists, by refurbishing and garnishing the temple. Additionally, he did many things for the area of Judea, to make it appealing for the Jews in the dispersion all over the Roman Empire. Many came back to the land, predominantly for the spring and fall Holy Days. This was good for commerce, brought prosperous times to the Judean area, as many traveled back and forth to Jerusalem.
Truth of the matter, . . . both the faithful and the Zionists had little use for Herod, or his immediate successors. The faithful awaited Messiah, while the Zionists looked for opportunities to throw off Roman rule, altogether. The league between the Zionists and Rome was prosperous for both. However, this was until the Zionists decided to go over the line, as stated above.


Daniel 11:17-19 – Second Rendition, beginning again with 63 BCE, and transpiring to 70 CE


17 He (Rome) shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom,


(Pompey first, then Julius Caesar, to lesser rulers, Antipater I and Herod the Great, and his successors)


and upright ones


(people of the Covenant who were under his rule, politically)


with him (Rome); thus shall he (Rome) do: and he (Rome) shall give him (King of the South, Herod and successors) the daughter of women (people of the Covenant), corrupting her:


(causing  many, or “some of the stars” of Daniel 8, to forsake the Covenant, except for the faithful)


but she (people of the Covenant) shall not stand on his (Rome/Herod) side, neither be for him (Rome/Herod).


18 After this shall he (Rome/Herod) turn his face (broaden his influence) unto the isles,


(unto the remotest parts of the Roman Empire, where many Jews dwelt in the diaspora, as seen in Acts 2:7-11)


and shall take many:


(take many, by extending amenities and benefits to the Jews, thereby flattering many)


but a prince (Messiah, Jesus) for his own behalf


(in the face of this flattery, Messiah proceeded forward with his public ministry of 26-30 CE)


shall cause the reproach offered by him


(Herod and successors, in league together with those that forsook the Covenant for prosperity)


to cease; without his (Messiah, Jesus) own reproach he (Messiah, Jesus)


shall cause it (the reproach of this corrupt league, and forsaking the Covenant)


to turn upon him (Herod and successors, and those that forsook the Covenant).


Messiah came to fulfill and confirm the Covenant, according to Dan 9:24, in the Covenant Week, starting in 26 CE. The corrupt league, between those who forsook the Covenant, and entered this union with those of Rome, Herod, and successors, was forsaken by the remnant faithful. They received the Messiah, the proper government they awaited. The reproach is what those of the Covenant, the majority of national Israel, suffered. This was due to the fact that some of the stars of heaven, or some among Israel, which we have collectively termed “Zionists,” were cast down to the ground. They had fallen prey to this deception, and thus forsook their Covenant and proper stand with God. This was entrenched in the leadership. It caused the nation, in general, and certainly as to the majority, to reject Messiah.


This reproach continued to follow them and would not be removed until removed by Messiah. The end of the matter would be when the halfway house attempts and Machiavellian maneuvers were forsaken by the Zionists, in the end time. They return to the Covenant in truth, by receiving HE whom God had sent, hearing His Voice, Understanding for true Deliverance and Redemption. This would cleanse their sanctuary of strength via returning to recognize the Sovereignty of God, in rule over them. This is evidenced by the change of their government, to accept Messiah.


19 Then he (Rome) shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he


(Zionist leadership and deception around the temple, and collective messiah move)


shall stumble and fall, and not be found.


The 70 CE destruction of Jerusalem, and in particular the temple, terminated the ability to deceive. The deception was this abomination of those that forsook the Covenant, by going into league with a foreign power, in this case Rome. They were attempting to fulfill the Covenant in an unauthorized manner, without Messiah, even in full rejection of Messiah, according to John 11:45-53 and 19:15. This is the same method of operation (MO), that had been carried out with the Cyrus Deception in 539-537 BCE, rejecting Daniel’s counsel. It is this piece of property, whereupon stood the temple and control thereof, which perpetuated the deception to the world. The Book of Revelation, and its coordination with the Book of Daniel, reveals the importance of this point, as we further show.


Two Down, and Two to Go


As we promised earlier, we would mark those areas where it is not a progression to a later, or next period, but rather a restatement of the same subject matter and period. This is the case now, with the third presentation of Old Rome in dominance over Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem. Daniel 11:20-30a-b, enhance further on Daniel 11:14-16 and Daniel 11:17-19, the less detailed presentations concerning the same era, 63 BCE to 70 CE, already covered above. Moreover, in this third display, we will find in verse 27 and 29 parenthetical projections to the extreme future, termed “at the time appointed.” This terminology is to distinguish events that DO NOT OCCUR IN THE TIME OF OLD ROME AND THE APOSTLES. Rather, they indeed transpire “at the time appointed.”


20 Then (during this Herod administration) shall stand up in his (Rome’s) estate a raiser of taxes,


This was Antipater I, father of Herod the Great, to whom Julius Caesar committed the supervision of tax collection in Judea. Caesar honored Antipater’s help and loyalty to him against Pompey, in 48 BCE. Even after the assassination of Julius Caesar, Antipater I did the same for Cassius, the Roman leader in the northern area of the Holy Land during this time.


in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.


(Shortly after Antipater I’s ascendancy, he died by poisoning.)


21 And in his (Antipater I’s) estate shall stand up a vile person (Herod the Great), to whom they (people of the Covenant) shall not give the honor of the kingdom: but he (Herod the Great) shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.


Herod, after his Roman senatorial appointment as king, repaired and refurbished the temple. He extended the right throughout the Roman Empire for the Jews to practice their religion. He promoted their travels to Jerusalem, as we have previously stated.


22 And with the arms of a flood (this deception and overwhelming power) shall they (people of the Covenant) be overflown (taken under the deception and power) from before him (Rome/Herod and Herod’s successors), and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.


Any that did not give allegiance to this deception, of the Pharisees and their leadership under the league with Rome, were killed. The chief example was that the Messiah was crucified. Again, we reference John 11:45-53 and John 19:15.


23 And after the league made with him (Herod and his successors of Rome) he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people (people of the Covenant as in Deut 7:7).


24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.


As stated earlier, this was Herod’s masterful success of building projects and protecting the Jews throughout the empire, promoting commerce and travel to the Holy Land. It was joined with his massive ventures, such as construction of the harbor of Caesarea, also called Maritima, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, built by Herod from 25 to 13 BCE. Of course, his greatest achievement to the people was the refurbishing of the temple. However, this was “even for a time.” In later years of Herod successors, the successful league with the transgressors of the Covenant, the “stars” “cast to the ground” of Daniel 8, the Zionist leadership, came to a breaking point. The Zionists tried to secede from Rome and be an independent government. This led to the action that follows now in verse 25.


25 And he (Rome) shall stir up his (Rome) power and his (Rome) courage against the king (power) of the south


By the time of this conflict, the power of the south was the Zionist religious leadership. They had evolved out of the league made with Rome, initiated under Herod’s earlier rule. This extended eventually by 66 CE, to the point of breaking that league, as stated earlier, bringing the destruction of 70 CE.


with a great army (under the leadership of Titus, the Roman general); and the king of the south (Zionist leadership) shall be stirred up to battle with (against) a very great and mighty army (the army of Rome); but he (Pharisee Zionist leadership) shall not stand for they (Rome) shall forecast devices against him (Zionist leadership).


This is the leverage in understanding that Rome had, knowing the Zionists’ “Achilles heel,” or vulnerability, which was the temple in Jerusalem. Without it, Zionists had no power of deception to maintain the kingdom and unified control under their collective, messiah façade. They could not personify to the world, and other Jews in the diaspora, that the Kingdom of God was established in Jerusalem. Therefore, under Titus of Rome, the vehicle of deception, the physical temple, with the government hold of the Zionists, allowed them by Rome over that economy, was destroyed. Again, the importance of knowing this fact, concerning the physical point of “the deception,” will make the Book of Revelation clearer. Statements there are understood concerning the binding of the “Dragon” in the “bottomless pit,” as well as what it means, when it is loosed from that pit.


26 Yea, they (people of the Covenant) that feed of the portion of his (Zionist religious leadership) meat


(This “meat” was that leadership’s claim to the Covenant, and their alleged right to administer, or officiate same over the people)


shall destroy him (Zionist religious leadership), and his (Rome’s) army shall overflow: and many (Covenant faithful that had received Jesus as Messiah and King) shall fall down slain (killed by Rome at the direction of the Scribes, Priests, Pharisees, Zionist leadership in league with Rome).


The conflict described here is presented in the Book of Acts, from the time of Pentecost and the Apostles’ leadership. They were in constant conflict with the Sanhedrin / Pharisee / Sadducee / Scribe and Levitical Priesthood leadership. The people of the Covenant, as to the faithful remnant that depended on and held to the Covenant rightly, received Messiah. They exposed, destroyed, or did away with the deception of those in leadership that misapplied the Covenant, and went into the corrupt league with Herod and his successors. This destruction, or “doing away,” was accomplished by the faithful of the Covenant. They accepted Jesus as the Messiah and the rightful King, thus bringing forth the understanding to the Mystery of Iniquity.




This Mystery of Iniquity is the abominable league under the authority of a foreign power, to fulfill the Covenant by the designs of the Zionist leadership. Ironically, they defied and abrogated the principles of the Covenant, given in the Law and the Prophets. THEIR methods thought to change those times and laws, Dan 7:24-27, to fulfill the Covenant by THEIR designs. This is again, the result of wanting the promised results of the fulfilled Covenant, but not following the rules, timings, and laws within that very Covenant.  
This was the same spirit seen in THE CYRUS DECEPTION of 539-537 BCE, that we considered in Chapter 4. However, there is an important distinction in the evolution of the Mystery of Iniquity, at the time of Messiah’s public ministry, starting in 26 CE.  Instead of promoting a Gentile king, such as Cyrus as Messiah, their designs, at the time of Jesus’ ministry, were predicated upon the concept of a collective messiahship. Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and Priests of the religious elite, Zionists in sway over the people through the Sanhedrin, directed and officiated toward their goal, in league with the Gentile power of Rome. The coming of the true Messiah, proper government through him, stood in opposition to the pseudo-government of religious leadership. They were sold out to Rome. Messiah and the faithful exposed this corruption. It was NOT in Torah compliance. Rather, it was opposed to the times and laws of the Covenant of God with Israel.

Ecclesiastes 3:15

“That which has been, is now;

And that which is to be, has already been;

And God requires that which is past.”


The roots of the Zionist mindset begin with Adam and Eve, and their departure from the Sovereignty of God. It is traced within the ranks of the children of Israel, as the worship of the Golden Calf. They honored an alternate channel to approach God. This was the vehicle of the cattle that carried them, as beasts of burden out of Egypt, rather than the Creator, God, their True Deliverer. This error later expanded into the democratic concept. It expressed that the collective company of Israel was authoritative to deliver itself, within the claims of Korah’s rebellion. His proposed expanded leadership of 250 princes, stood against the deliverance and authority established by many witnesses in Moses, their divinely appointed leader.  Recorded in the 16th chapter of the Book of Numbers, this occurred in the early history of Israel, under Moses, in the wilderness exodus from Egypt. Those roots are played out at the time of Messiah in 26 CE to be traditions and oral Torah of the Jews, “supposedly” given by Moses. They were outside of the written five books of Moses called “written Torah.” Passed down in this claim, through the leadership of Scribes and Pharisees, they existed in 26 CE. They were administered over the people from a small, collective body of the elite leadership, called the “Sanhedrin,” standing against Messiah, as those of old stood against Moses.
Once leaving the Roman Empire of this period, and entering the “time of the end,” we will see the same is entrenched in the “Last End of the Indignation.”  Apostle Paul refers to it as the Mystery of Iniquity, coming to its full-blown, final goal, where it is exposed and destroyed once and for all,
Dan 8:23-25, II Thess 2. We deal with that more in detail later, when we enter Daniel 11:36 – 12:13, associated scriptures, and most certainly the Book of Revelation.


27 And both (the Zionist religious leadership and Rome) of these kings' hearts (King of the South, the Zionist leadership and the King of the North, Rome) shall be to do mischief (kill Messiah), and they shall speak lies at one table;
(Zionist religious leadership accused Messiah of breaking the Jewish law, punishable by death, while Rome executed him at their behest, once they turned Messiah over to Rome)

but it shall not prosper: for yet the END SHALL BE AT THE TIME APPOINTED.


The “time appointed,” finishing this verse, is certainly a projection into the very distant future, with respect to Messiah’s Final Ministry, at the time of the end, according to Daniel 7, 8, and 9. This was when the Covenant was to be fulfilled, in the Last Half of the Covenant 70th Week, by Messiah returned. It is these final events, projected within “the time appointed,” that ensure the evil designs, which rejected and killed Messiah, “shall not prosper,” but end victoriously in full deliverance behind Messiah, “at the time appointed.”
At that time, the “time and times and the dividing of time,” according to
Dan 7:24-27 and Dan 9:27, the Last Half of the Covenant 70th Week is fulfilled by Messiah. A progression of events finalizes in “that determined” poured out upon the desolater of the Covenant people. The saints take the Kingdom under Messiah returned, establishing the manifestation of the Everlasting Kingdom of Dan 2:44. This entire plan fulfilled is what is entailed in the term “the consummation,” consummated in the full end accomplished, which did NOT occur in the First Century.  We return now in our next verse to the First Ministry of Messiah and the Apostles through 70 CE:


28 Then shall he (Rome) return into his land with great riches; and his (Rome’s) heart shall be against the holy covenant;


The league with the Zionist leadership being broken, due to the insurrection against Rome, Rome had no more use for the Jewish religion. It was no longer in Rome’s interest, as it had been in the past under the Herod Dynasty, due to the corrupt league that worked successfully for Rome. As for this insurrection, it now was a negative to Rome and needed to be removed. As part of the great riches, according to Josephus’ history of this time, there was all the gold of the furniture in the temple. Additionally, one by one removing the gold on the stones of the temple, including what had melted in the fires of the siege, was taken by the Roman army.


and he (Rome) shall do exploits (including the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 CE, as well as the Masada siege in 72 CE), and return to his own land.


29 At the time appointed he (King of the North - as Revived Rome / UN) shall return and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.


Daniel 11:29 is a parenthesis concerning the future, the “time appointed,” as we just stated concerning that expression, in verse 27. Moreover, “at the time appointed” is directly for the purpose of clarity. It shows the victorious end and the associated judgments that accompany the end time, . . . DO NOT TRANSPIRE within the Old Roman Empire.  It is NOT for the period recorded in Daniel 11:14-16, repeated in Daniel 11:17-19, repeated in Daniel 11:20-30a-b, and finally repeated in Daniel 11:30c-35. They solely address the timing from 63 BCE through 70 CE. This cannot be overemphasized, due to the damage done interpreting Daniel, predominantly by Preterists. They erroneously teach that the bulk, if not all, of prophecy was finished either in the Roman siege of 66-72 CE, or earlier in 167-160 CE, Greek and Jewish conflicts around Antiochus Epiphanes. Nothing could be further from the truth, or more deceptive, than interpreting Daniel in this manner. It abandons the proper research of Torah and the Prophets. It is void of the Mindset of the Apostles, who understood those scriptures, particularly Apostle Paul. Moreover, it is without the ordained authority, stated to be the only one that stood with Daniel in the scriptures of truth, Michael the Great Prince, Dan 10:21; 12:1-7.
Daniel 11:29 is solely relegated to the THIRD Overturn of
Ezek 21:24-27, and the closing events of the end time from Daniel 11:36-12:13. It addresses that end time and the proper counting of the 2300 literal day prophecy of Dan 8:8-25. We address those in depth, in due time, in our presentation, which shows the former and the latter occurrences of the King of the North coming against Jerusalem and Israel. They were physical destructions, overturning Israel’s government in 586 BCE under Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, “the former,” and in 70 CE under Titus of Rome, “the latter.” The third is “not as the former or the latter.”  Rather, it is the entire known world in the legislative and executive actions of Revived Rome / UN. Predominantly, it is those nations north of Jerusalem, coming against the Holy Land as we will later reveal.

So, finishing this 3rd rendition of Old Rome unto 70 CE:


Daniel 11:30a-b

30 For the ships of Chittim


(Also called Kittim, this is Rome, or the Gentile world, or the islands of the Gentiles according to the Law and the Prophets, specifically Gen 10:2-5)


shall come against him (Zionists): therefore (due to insurrection going on in Judea) he (Rome) shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant:


Rome was fed up with the insurrection and unrest caused by the Zionist 66-70 CE stand for independence. As we stated above, what most do not understand about this time and era approaching 70 CE, many Christians had joined the deceptive teaching against which Paul warned them, in II Thess 2. It erroneously taught that the Day of Christ was right at that time, or “at hand.” As a result, the insurrection was greatly bolstered by Christian ranks, working with the Zionists in this move for independence. Therefore, Rome comes with no regard for the Covenant, or Jewish religion and its claims.


so shall he (Rome in 66-72 CE) do;


Three Down, and One to Go


Beginning with Daniel 11:30c and ending with verse 35 inclusive, we have the Fourth and Final restatement of the time of the Herod Dynasty. It gives greater details than the three previous presentations of the era, from 63 BCE-70 CE. Therefore, taking those details in coordination with Daniel 8:9-14, we can also place the First Ministry of the Messiah. It was rejected by the Nation of Israel and its leadership, but carried forward by those of understanding, his Apostles. 
Finally Placing the Two Resurrections of
John 5:24-29

Here, we can resolve where to place John 5:24-25 versus John 5:28-29. John 5:24-25 resurrection, associated directly with the 26-30 CE first half of Daniel’s 70th Week, is placed in Dan 11:30c-35, Dan 8:9-14. Daniel 8 reveals that Messiah is strictly rejected. Daniel 11 displays the First Resurrection of the believers and their effect at that time. John 5:28-29 resurrection, associated with the 1984 -1987 CE, Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week, and all initiated by that, is placed directly in Dan 12:1-7 and Dan 8:15-26. Daniel 8 depicts Messiah as victorious. Daniel 12 portrays The Main, or Final Resurrection, and its effect at that time of the end. This will be made more explicit, as we move on into our later chapters.
4th and Final Presentation of the league of Zionists with Old Rome, and the time of Messiah’s First Ministry, moves us to our Chapter 8.


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