The Cyrus Deception – Political Zionism
is Born
The How and Why Further Judgment,
Seven Times of the Gentiles, Spring
537 BCE Occurred:
Spring, 1st Hebrew month, Nisan
14&15-21, Passover Week,
prayer Daniel 9:1-19,
answer Daniel 9:20-23
Weeks Prophecy Daniel 9:24-27 is given
In the spring
of 539 BCE, Dan 9:1-19 takes place. This is just prior
to the takeover by the Medo-Persian Empire, conquering Babylon just a short
time later. The statement in verse one of Daniel 9, “In the first year of
Darius…,” is made regarding the year as a whole. Biblically, the year of
the king is from spring to spring, and follows the precedent in Ex 12:1-2. Nisan is the first month, located
in the early spring of each year. This year was started under Belshazzar of
Babylon, Dan 5. Babylon was conquered by
Medo-Persia, Dan 5:30-31, and therefore came under Darius,
regent of lesser authority under Cyrus, King of Persia.
What Daniel Did and Did Not Understand,
Prior to This Answer in Daniel 10:
It is at this
time, 539 BCE, Daniel understood, according to Jer 25:1-12 and Jer 29:10-14 that the 70 years of the
prophesied captivity, were coming to an end in about two years, in the spring
of 537 BCE. He understood that the Law of Moses punishment, had been invoked
upon Israel in this 70 years prophecy, according to Lev 26:17, as a probationary period. This was to
determine if they would hearken unto the Lord as stated in Lev 26:18, and seek the Lord with all their
heart, as stated in Jer 29:13. He further understood, according
to Dan 9:13, that they had not made their
prayer unto the Lord, so that they might turn from their iniquities, and
understand God’s truth. He understood from Lev 26:18, that a punishment of Seven Times
more, undetermined at that point as to how that was measured or transpired, would be invoked if they did not
hearken unto the Lord. He understood from the king’s dream in Dan 2 and his own visions in Dan 7 and 8, that other kingdoms must come
and go: a Medo-Persian Kingdom, a Greek Kingdom, and unnamed kingdoms over a
LONG period.
All of this was to transpire before deliverance came in God’s Everlasting
Kingdom. It would prevail in a time represented by an image depicting these
kingdoms, ending with feet and ten toes made of Iron and Clay. Comparing this in
Dan 2:42-44 with Dan 7:24-27, represented by a Beast with 10
horns on its head, Daniel saw three plucked up by a “Little Horn,” subduing
three kings. He understood also that a time-period of “time and times and the
dividing of time” would signal, when this deliverance was at hand, as
stated in Dan 7:24-27. He saw, that a time would come
when “the transgressors” came to their full, under a “King of Fierce
Countenance” in Dan 8:19-26. Daniel DID NOT UNDERSTAND
anything other than that. This was Daniel’s mindset, disposition, and
demeanor as he sought an answer from the Lord. He interceded for Israel to
acquire mercy from the Lord, in the spring of 539 BCE.
When he
prayed in the spring of 539 BCE, Gabriel answered him in Dan 9:20-23, giving Daniel a prophecy of 70
Weeks in Dan 9:24-27. Daniel did NOT have insight in
the spring, Passover Week, 539 BCE, as he makes his prayer and supplication, Dan 9:1-19. Again, failure to keep
these previous presentations, dreams interpreted, visions given from Daniel 2-8,
in mind and review, when trying to understand Daniel 9, is one of the key
shortcomings of those who have ventured to apply their so called “expertise” to
the 70 Weeks prophecy. Above all
of that, as we have accented in numerous places in this publication, they had
no authority from God to venture into Daniel, interpreting it accordingly. This
was reserved for only one, and at a designated time:
Daniel 10:21
But I will show
thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that
holds with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
Daniel 12:4-7
4 But thou, O
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, EVEN TO THE TIME OF THE END:
many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
5 Then I
Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the
one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the
bank of the river.
6 And one
said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, how
long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
7 And I heard
the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held
up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and
swear by him that lives forever that IT SHALL BE FOR A TIME, TIMES, AND A
HALF; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these things shall be finished.
Keeping Clear
Focus Established:
We remind the
reader of the two main erroneous doctrines, in wrongly interpreting Dan 9:24-27:
The Preterists taught the whole 70th Week was fulfilled partially,
by Messiah PERSONALLY up to Pentecost. They then aborted the remainder away
from Messiah personally, in a nebulous fulfillment “somehow” by Stephen in Acts 7. Some Preterists interpret a
historic fulfillment within the writings of Josephus, in the 66-72 CE siege and
war against Jerusalem and Masada. Bottom line, they erroneously taught Dan 9:24-27, the full 70th Week,
was entirely fulfilled.
Dispensationalists gave no quarter to Messiah fulfilling any part of the 70th
Week of Dan 9:24-27. They erroneously reserved it for
a future rapture of people off of the earth, to start seven years of
tribulation, an antichrist appearing, and a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
The truth
resides in only the First Half of the 70th Week, fulfilled unto
Pentecost, including all spring holy days of Lev 23:1-21, as well as the High Priest
duties atoning for sin of Lev 16:1-19. The Last Half is reserved for
the end time, Messiah returning to deal with Israel fulfilling Lev 23:23-44, all fall holy days, as well as
the High Priest duties removing sin entirely of Lev 16:20-22.
In between these ministries of Messiah to Israel, we find Lev 23:22, which is that part of the spring
harvest unto the “stranger,” fulfilled in the ministry of the Apostle
Paul to “the strangers to the covenants of Promise” – the Gentiles
according to Isa 8-9:2, Rom 9-11 and Eph 2. This ministry and Age Of Grace ends in Messiah’s
return to begin the Last Half of the 70th Week, which also simultaneously
ends the larger time period allocated strictly to Israel, “Seven Times more”
judgment of Lev 26:18-39, in the blessing of Lev 26:40-42, Acts 3:19-21, manifested out of Jerusalem.
Errors of Christendom Came Only Later, Behind Zionist Concepts,
Contrived in Conflict with the Prophet Daniel, from the Beginning:
Therefore, we
will now consider the first presumptive interpretation, given to Daniel’s 70
Weeks Prophecy, between 539 – 537 BCE. Like presumptions and errors of
Christendom, it was held basically in Judaism, until dispelled by hindsight 20
/ 20 fulfillment upon us today. We will now reveal from Michael’s insight into
the Book of Daniel, how Daniel’s answer was commandeered by the hasty and
impatient Zionists. They wanted to return at any cost. They proceeded without
considering the conditions to which the nation was to respond. Those conditions
were hearkening to the Lord, in repentance and turning from their iniquities,
to understand God’s truth, Lev 26:40-42, Dan 9:13.
Hebrew month of Tammuz (July 539 BCE)
Medo-Persian Empire replaces
Babylonian Empire.
5:30-31 Darius the Mede is the immediate
Regent in Babylon under Cyrus of
In summer of
539 BCE, the Medo-Persian Empire conquered Babylon and replaced the Babylonian
Kingdom, according to Dan 5:30-31 under Darius the Mede. He was a
coregent under the chief ruler, Cyrus of Persia. Cyrus was not present when
Babylon was taken by his general Gobryas, also called Gubaru, and his soldiers.
This was done without any fighting in the city of Babylon proper, according to
archeological history.
Fall, 4th-6th
Hebrew months
Tammuz, Av, Elul,
539 BCE),
Lion’s Den - Conspiracy fails,
Daniel prospers under Darius and
Cyrus, Daniel
From the
summer into the early fall of 539 BCE, a conspiracy against Daniel arose and
was unsuccessful. It is recorded in Daniel 6, known popularly today as Daniel in the Lion’s Den. This left Daniel in high position and
esteem, prospering in the reign of Darius and Cyrus.
Fall, 7th Hebrew
month, Tishrei,
(October, 539
Cyrus enters Babylon.
No Biblical record, this is
Archeological History.
In the fall
of 539 BCE, Cyrus arrives in Babylon personally, his general and army having
accomplished the takeover earlier in the summer of 539 BCE.
Late Fall, 9th Hebrew month,
Kislev 5 – 11,
(November 22/23-29/30, 539 BCE)
First Week of 70 literal Weeks,
First Week of Cyrus’ Decree Ezra1:1-4.
‘Political Zionism in its infancy':
Contrary to
the real interpretation and later fulfillment of Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy,
being weeks of years or 70 times 7
equaling 490 years, some of those in captivity decided to approach this new
king. They convinced him that he was the long-sought deliverer of Israel. They
claimed he was the direct fulfillment of what was prophesied some 150 plus
years previously, by the Prophet Isaiah, to open the doors of their release.
Therefore, they relayed to Cyrus, King of the Persian Empire, their version: 70
times seven, 24-hour days, or 70 literal weeks.
Contrary to the soon-ending then current 70-year judgment imposed, and the
conditions to be met nationally by Israel, as stated earlier by Jeremiah, they
proceeded to convince Cyrus of his alleged messianic destiny for this purpose.
This put Daniel on a path of direct opposition to their endeavors. By
this action, they attempted to change the times and laws, delineated earlier by
their Prophet Moses in Leviticus 26. That Law required Israel nationally to
hearken to the Lord in their repentance, before any real release and blessing
in the land could come, as stated in Lev 26:40-42.
This spiritually decayed position in Israel nationally, shows why the prince of
Persia (Cyrus) was ‘withstanding’ the true understanding of this prophecy, as
stated in Dan 10:13. It caused many to be caught up in
this lie, created by a handful of conspirators, in this early move of political
Zionism. Certainly, Daniel was opposed to such tactics, not seeing the required
national repentance, as outlined in Leviticus 26. Therefore, Cyrus made his
decree accordingly, relative to their misinterpretation to him of Isa 44:28 and 45:1, beginning the 70 Weeks literal
countdown in late fall 539 BCE.
this thought on through Daniel 12, Daniel’s position on the matter, and his
concerns for this blatant error, Daniel was given the assurance, in Dan 12:13, that he was holding to the truth.
As shown to Daniel, he would be justified or “stand in thy (his)
lot” in his position of truth, at the time when Prince Michael stands up at
the end of days.
“If they shall confess their
Many have
erroneously held to this lie, created due to the misinterpretation of the record of Isaiah,
and followed up much later with historical allegiance, as recorded in II Chr 36: 22-23 and
Ezra 1: 1-4. However, it
remains quite obvious, that the references and proposals offered in Isaiah 44 and 45, match only those of the TRUE
MESSIAH, spoken of and clearly defined elsewhere throughout the Bible. The same can be said of
statements made about Eliakim the son of Hilkiah in Isa
22, Zerubbabel in Hag 2 and Zech 4, and Joshua the son of Josedech in
Zech 3. Until Israel as a nation is in repentance and
admittance to THIS sin of their fathers: Running, in impatience, with an
interpretation that suits their designs, before they get confident and clear
confirmation by alignment with all the Law and the Prophets have mandated,
. . . they are never delivered with blessing. In fact, without such, they remain
a curse, not a blessing to the world, and without understanding of the Script
until their final deliverance.
Another Product of the Original
This type of
interpretive intrusion, upon the written Word of the Law and the Prophets, is
but another manifestation of the Golden Calf mindset. It channels God through
the works of their hands and imagination of their minds. By believing they can
enter His presence through these interpretations, fabricated by their own
designs, showing they supposedly understand the mysteries of the
Holy Writ, . . . they greatly erred. They were NOT the designated party to hear
from God and lead, as was Moses. It is the same method of operation, as with Aaron’s declaration
carried forth as a “feast to the Lord” using the Golden Calf, the 32nd and 33rd
day since their Exodus from Egypt, spring 1495 BCE. Here, in
Daniel’s day, 539 – 537 BCE, this mindset manifested again. This time, it was
as a fabricated Persian-King-Messiah decreeing a return to Jerusalem, clearly
out of sync with the Law and Prophets. It was rejected by Israel’s divinely
approved Prophet, Daniel, even as the Golden
Calf was rejected
by Moses.
We will find as
we move on into the history of Israel, how the Zionist State in league with Revived
Rome / UN is the same thing in the end time. Its control over the Arab
nations between the rivers Nile and Euphrates of the Holy land, since 1948/1967, establishes
a modern Golden Calf. The world is deceived to believe “surely this is the promised
and positive return of the Israel of God.” Upon its rejection by Messiah in
the end time, the judgment is rendered upon it. It is removed for proper
government, bringing repentance under Messiah, honoring the Sovereignty of God.
Hereby, it yields the blessings for which Daniel and the faithful remnant
Spring, first Hebrew month, Nisan 14&15-21,
Passover Week,
(March 30&31-April 5/6, 538 BCE)
Daniel’s first week of mourning,
7 total days withstood by Cyrus
Messiah move,
19th Week of 70 literal
Babylonian Exodus back to
Jerusalem and land.
50,000 returned to dwell in their
By end of summer, 538 BCE, Ezra
Early Fall, 7th Hebrew
month, Tishrei 15-21, Succoth Week,
Daniel’s 2nd week of mourning,
14 total days withstood by Cyrus
Messiah move,
45th Week of 70 literal
Israel sets up altar, celebrates,
Feast of Tabernacles / Succoth in
Jerusalem, Ezra
Spring, 1st Hebrew month, Nisan
14&15-21, Passover Week,
Daniel’s 3rd week of
21 total days withstood by Cyrus
Messiah move,
70th Week of 70 literal
No fulfillment of Daniel
Yearly Expectation of Deliverance
– Spring and Fall Holy Days:
According to
Israel’s history, two major events occurred. This was at the time of the spring
Passover Week, the first month, Nisan (called also Abib), 15-21, Ex 12:14-20, Lev 23:5-8. The other was at the time of the
fall Feast of Tabernacles Week, the seventh month, Tishrei 15-21, Lev 23:33-44.
One – In the spring, there was the Exodus from Egypt recorded in Exodus
12. That week resulted in Israel separated from Pharaoh and Egypt, he, and his armies
drowning in the Red Sea. This brought them to Marah finishing that week, Ex 13-16, where for that whole week, they
ate unleavened bread in spring, 1495 BCE.
Two – In the fall, there was the dedication of the first temple in 1024
BCE, when the shekinah glory of the Lord indwelt that structure. This occurred
8 years after the foundation of the temple was laid, in the fourth year of the
reign of Solomon in 1016 BCE, the 480th year since the Exodus in
1495 BCE. A full reading of I Kings 6-8 reveals, this was indeed during
that Tabernacles Week, in the 7th month also called Succoth,
recorded in II Chr 5 through 7:10.
Joel’s prophecy, centuries before the time of Daniel in the Book of Joel,
specifically Joel 2:23, promises Israel’s greatest
future blessing and deliverance would come at these times. There is the time of
the former, or spring rains, associated with the spring harvest and Passover. The
latter, or fall rains, associated with the fall harvest, was during the same
time Solomon had the dedication of the temple. Therefore, traditionally,
Messianic deliverance, as understood by Jews, causes expectation at these two
major times during each year.
Again, for clarity, we state this once more, in order to later understand the
matter of Daniel fasting for 21 days. There was, in the spring, in the first
month, Passover week, seven days. This was the 15th of the first month, until
the 21st day inclusive. In the fall, in the seventh month, there was the Week
of Succoth, also called the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles, seven days. This is
the 15th of the seventh month, until the 21st day inclusive. Both of these are
feasts of the Lord prescribed by the Law of Moses, to be kept according to Leviticus 23.
Daniel . . . the Odd Man Out:
There were three
distinct occasions of Daniel’s concern and fasting, once Zionists acted to
return via the initial Decree by Cyrus made in fall of 539 BCE:
One – during the spring Passover week, 538 BCE, followed by
Two – the fall Week of Tabernacles that same year, and finally,
Three – the spring Passover week of 537
Daniel remained in mourning for the three holy weeks, during this period
according to Dan 10:2. This was the same time of the
year, in the spring of 539 BCE earlier, when he had first sought and received
his answer of the 70 Weeks Prophecy recorded in Dan 9:24-27. He also characterizes these
three weeks additionally in Dan 10:13, as “the
prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days.”
3 Separate Weeks Spring – Fall –
Many in brief
consideration of Daniel 10 have erred, believing this fast is a 21-day-long
continued fast with no breaks. Such is not the case, whereby those of
familiarity with what is stated above in the previous paragraphs, who have
rightly studied the Law and the Prophets in depth, will not make that blunder.
They know it is the Feasts of the Lord as recorded in Leviticus 23. Those weeks
associated with the spring and the fall Holy Days respectively, are when Israel
looks for blessing every year. Knowing Daniel’s orientation and Jewish sensitivity
to these days, brings understanding to Daniel’s mourning and fast for THREE
WEEKS OR TWENTY-ONE DAYS, as recorded in Daniel 10.
Nisan 24, 3rd day after Passover
Daniel’s Answer, Help and
Given by Michael, Daniel
This is our
last entry here of our chronological order. This is two full days after the 70
Weeks literal attempt by the Zionists, using Cyrus as their Messianic figure,
had failed. It did NOT produce Daniel 9:24, “finish the transgression, and to make an end to sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to
seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.” This is not
to mention, that as far as any rebuilding of anything, they had only managed to
build an altar. According to Ezra 3:8, in the second month of
537 BCE, it was only
AFTER their interpretation of the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 had failed, did
they start any serious building. Any
building after that was fraught with constant delays, and even a cessation of
building altogether, as seen in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Explicitly NOT the Final Promised Exodus of Jeremiah:
This was certainly not the Exodus that was promised in Jer 23:2-8. The final Exodus is prophesied
to be so glorious, that it would eclipse the Exodus under Moses. Therefore, on
the third day, after the last or 70th literal week had ended, Nisan
21, and on the 24th day of
the first month, in spring of 537 BCE, Nisan 24, Dan 10:4-21, Daniel is brought an answer.
This was help, and understanding by Michael, as stated in verse 13, “Michael, one of the chief princes, came to
help me.” This is the same day, in the original Exodus from Egypt, when
Moses ascended into Mt. Sinai, just before sundown, to hear and receive from
God on Nisan 24, the 10th day out from Egypt.
The Special
Document: The Golden Calf Incident, completely, day by day, depicts
and explains the Exodus journey in 1495 BCE CORRECTLY. It reveals where Israel
first began to deviate in their Machiavellian mindset. That mindset is – “the
end or goal justifies ANY means to reach that goal.” Although, targeted to Judaism’s
Oral Torah traditions, Jewish Kabbalists, and those adherents to the Second
Century CE Zohar teachings of Shimon bar Yochai, Christendom, and even Islam,
are included in the deviations addressed in this document. Thus, it is worthy
of complete reading. There, one will see the entire Exodus journey has been
under a false teaching, in all three stems back to the Faith of Abraham; Judaism – Christianity – Islam. It exposes those
roots of wrong interpretations, subtractions, and additions respectively, the
damages done to the written Word of God, passed on through the centuries. The
proper understanding is restored and made clear only today, by Michael the
Great Prince, the only authority over the Scriptures of Truth, Daniel 10:21.
Replacing Pronouns with Nouns
Unraveling the Maze of Daniel 10
and 11:
We will now
begin to unravel the maze of pronouns in Dan 10, and later Dan 11 in
particular. We will quote the biblical passage in italics. In normal print, bold
face, within parenthesis, we will clarify it with an actual subject or comment.
Any extensive comments, will be presented in a
separate paragraph in regular print.
10:1 In the third year of Cyrus
king of Persia (spring, 537 BCE, from Nisan 24,
March 27/28) a thing was revealed unto Daniel,
whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time
appointed was long: and he understood the thing and had
understanding of the vision.
At this time:
First, there was the move by the Zionists to literally interpret 70
Weeks of 24-hour days, using Cyrus as the Messiah to decree a return to
Second, there was Daniel’s concern for understanding of all that had
gone before. This included the 70 years of Jer 25:1-11 and Jer 29:10-14 coming to an end, according to
the probationary time given in the Law of Moses in Lev 26:14-17. The “Seven Times more”
was now being enforced of Lev 26:18-39, “the time appointed was long,”
Daniel 10:1. This was additionally seen in that, there was
the dream of Nebuchadnezzar of Dan Chapter 2, and Daniel’s visions of Chapters 7 and 8.
All of this was in combination with the recent takeover of Babylon by
the Persian Empire, by summer of 539 BCE. Finally, there was the consideration
of the TRUE meaning of the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9, received earlier when
still under Babylonian rule, bringing the question:
By whom, at what time, and how would Israel’s final deliverance come,
called among other terms, “The Redemption”?
and he (Daniel)
understood the thing and had understanding of the
statement is AFTER the answer, help and understanding came via Michael. What follows
is the account of the giving of that answer, help, and understanding by Michael
to Daniel. That account starts here with verse 2.
10:2 In those days, I, Daniel was
mourning three full weeks
(Those “three full weeks” were Passover
Week – spring 538 BCE, Tabernacles Week – fall 538 BCE, and Passover Week –
spring 537 BCE).
10:3 I ate no pleasant bread,
neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all,
till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
10:4 And in the four and twentieth
day of the first month,
(On the third day, two days after
70 literal weeks ended with the third and final Passover Week, spring 537 BCE,
the same day, Nisan 24, in the original Exodus that Moses ascended Mt. Sinai to
receive instruction directly from God)
as I (Daniel) was by the
side of the great river, which is Hiddekel;
10:5 Then I lifted up mine eyes,
and looked, and behold a certain man (Michael) clothed
in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz:
10:6 His body also was like the
beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of
fire, and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass, and the voice
of his words like the voice of a multitude (Same person
described in Rev 1:13-15).
10:7 And I Daniel alone saw the
vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking
fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
We notice this experience of Daniel, compared to Saul’s Damascus Road
experience in Acts 9. It is
the same person that spoke to Saul (Apostle Paul). The person is called “Lord,”
and identifies himself as “Jesus.” For further consideration of this
identification, one can consult the
following compilation of verses from the Bible. The
comments of those who understood this subject are given in the 1600’s. This was
PRIOR to the many commentaries submitted to the public, from those who ventured
into Daniel in the 1800’s, with their guesses and unauthorized teachings.
10:8 Therefore I (Daniel)
left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me:
for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I (Daniel)
retained no strength.
10:9 Yet heard I (Daniel)
voice of his words: and when I (Daniel) heard
the voice of his words, then was I (Daniel)
in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground.
10:10 And, behold, a hand touched
me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
10:11 And he (Michael)
said unto me (Daniel),
O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I (Michael)
speak unto thee (Daniel) and
stand upright: for unto thee (Daniel) am
I (Michael) now sent.
And when he (Michael)
had spoken this word unto me (Daniel), I
stood trembling.
10:12 Then said he (Michael)
unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day
(This was the first day of his
mourning, beginning the first day of the Passover Week, Nisan 15, in the spring
of 538 BCE.)
that thou didst set thine heart to
understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I (Michael)
am come for thy words.
10:13 But the prince (Cyrus)
of the kingdom of Persia withstood me (Daniel) one
and twenty days:
(These were the three weeks of
mourning, spring 538, fall 538, spring 537, waiting for the 70 literal Weeks
fulfillment to be proven in error, as Daniel already knew, personally, it
definitely was.)
but, lo, Michael, one of the chief
princes, came to help me (Daniel);
and I (Daniel) remained
there with the kings of Persia.
(The words “remained with the
kings of Persia” are Daniel’s statement to the effect, that he did not go in
the Exodus from Babylon to Jerusalem, knowing this move was in error.)
Venturing Again – Turning the Truth into a Lie,
Foolishness and Fable Out of the Word of God:
We pause
here, to interject the exposure of another error, made by those who intruded
into this particular chapter, Daniel 10, before the time. Verse 13 as to the
pronoun “me,” in its first occurrence, has been pseudo-assumed to mean
Michael, and not Daniel. Also “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” has
been errantly interpreted to mean some spirit, or demonic representation. The word “withstood,” is then projected
to be a preposterous battle or struggle, in ethereal realms of a supposed,
unseen dimension. This is an excellent example, of turning the spiritual truth
of the Bible and God into a lie, making foolishness out of it, Rom 1:25, I Cor 2:14 and II Tim
In truth, this was the description of the rebellious move of the Zionists, opposing
Daniel right there in flesh and blood, time and space.
They interpreted and ran with a false view of the 70 Weeks Prophecy, against
Daniel’s understanding. Thus, they supported Cyrus as the Messiah, which “withstood”
Daniel and his knowledge that it was in error. It was carried out in the wrong
attitude, lacking repentance, short of full understanding, and needed further
answer from God, before they could proceed as they did.
10:14 Now I (Daniel)
come to make thee (Israel)
understand what shall befall thy people (Israel)
in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.
10:15 And when he (Michael)
had spoken such words
(The “such words” that
caused Daniel’s repulsion and weakness, are what Michael revealed. Daniel
summed it up in the statement to Israel, “for yet the vision is for MANY
unto me (Daniel), I
set my face toward the ground, and I (Daniel) became
10:16 And, behold, one like the
similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I (Daniel)
my mouth, and spoke, and said unto him (Michael)
that stood before me (Daniel),
O my lord (Michael),
by the vision my (Daniel) sorrows
are turned upon me, and I (Daniel) have
retained no strength.
10:17 For how can the servant of
this my lord (Michael)
talk with this my lord (Michael)? for as for me (Daniel),
straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in
10:18 Then there came again and
touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,
10:19 And said, O man (Daniel)
beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he (Michael)
had spoken unto me, I (Daniel) was
strengthened, and said, let my lord speak; for thou (Michael)
hast strengthened me (Daniel).
10:20 Then said he (Michael),
Knowest thou (Daniel) wherefore
I (Michael) come unto
thee (Daniel)?
To hear that
his fears were confirmed, “by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me,”
that the judgment of Lev 26:18-39 had indeed come upon Israel, or “that
the vision is for MANY days,” devastated Daniel. It was so disturbing
that it was beyond Daniel’s physical ability to stand and continue, until he
was strengthened and helped by Michael relating further information. Michael
assured Daniel, beginning with Daniel 11, and ending with Daniel 12, that he
would stand in his lot in the last days. He would be proven to be correct,
having stood with the truth that would EVENTUALLY bring the deliverance. As a
result, Daniel was renewed in vigor to continue to stand against the Zionists’
moves, that were supporting the prince of Persia.
Hope By Continuing in Service to God and Waiting:
Therefore, as stated onward from the last half of verse 20 below, Daniel then speaks
to Israel through this record of Daniel 11 and 12. Israel would continue on,
after the failed Cyrus Deception, through many centuries to come. They would
come under the rule of the prince of Greece and other empires, after Daniel’s
death. Eventually their rebellion, established in the “glorious holy
mountain,” would come to its end in Daniel 11:45. We perceive in Daniel
12:1, that the one who had delivered
this information to Daniel, Michael the Great Prince, would stand and bring the
promised redemption. This would occur at the time of the end, confirming all
for which Daniel had stood in this record called “The Book of Daniel.”
and now will I (Daniel)
to fight with the prince of Persia:
with this additional information and understanding, Daniel would then further
show this move was in error, “fight with the prince of Persia.” He gave
understanding just received from Michael, revealing the events of the LONG
period of time now before Israel. The “Seven Times more” of Lev 26:18, was started and transpiring,
right then during the spring of 537 BCE, when the 70 years of Lev 26:14-17, and Jer 25:1-11 and
29:10-14 were completed.
Israel had invoked this follow up judgment of the Law of Moses, by their lack
of repentance and lack of understanding, during the probationary period. They
then topped it off in the last year of those 70 years, spring 538 through
spring 537 BCE, by this impulsive Zionist unauthorized return. Daniel proceeds
to unfold this long period, as stated earlier, “the vision is for MANY
days.” He gives details of its events in Daniel 11-12, as related to him by Michael.
Starting from the takeover by the Medo-Persia Empire in 539 BCE, this was the
first year of Darius the Mede, the subordinate, and ruler under Cyrus, King of
and when I (Daniel)
gone forth (have died),
lo, the prince of Grecia (Greek Empire conquered City of
Babylon in 333 BCE) shall come.
10:21 But I (Daniel)
show thee (Israel)
that (the presentation in Daniel
11-12) which is
noted in the scripture of truth:
These are the
scriptures, already given in the links above, inclusive of, but not limited to,
the consequences of the breach of Lev 26:17 and 18, Jer 25:1-12, Jer
29:10-14, Dan 9:13. The
kingdoms and events depicted in Dan 2, Dan 7, and 8 are given as well. They augment
the true understanding of the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Dan 9. They reveal how these scriptures
and events transpire, in detail over the coming centuries, bringing
understanding to all the Law and the Prophets.
and there is none that holds with
me (Daniel) in these
things, but Michael your (Israel’s)
(Michael is the only one
authorized to give the meaning to this presentation, the scriptures of truth,
even as HE was the one that delivered the same to Daniel in the first place.)
The Day of the Lord:
With this
answer from Michael on Nisan 24, spring of 537 BCE, after the 70 Weeks literal
interpretation of 490 days had failed, Daniel was brought into understanding.
He was shown the events within “The Day of the Lord,” or that time in
which the Lord would appear. This is very similar in nature to the revelation
as it was given to John on the Isle of Patmos. He saw the final consummation, “The
Lord’s Day,” which is also called, “The Day of the Lord.” He was given his answer by the very party that
answers all questions. That party brings the peace that passes all
understanding, not only to the individual, but to the entire world. We compare
the account of the person called Michael in Daniel 10 and 12, with the one speaking from among
the candlesticks in Rev 1. Therefore, we find he is the same
one standing over the river in Rev 10. It is again Michael, even
Jesus Christ.
So, it is the same with Daniel; he is in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day or
as to the Day of the Lord. The events are related by Daniel, as they
occur relative to the Lord’s appearance in finality. Daniel desired answers
concerning himself, his people Israel, and the practical results of the final
end. He is answered by Gabriel’s words in Daniel 8 and 9. He is answered in totality of
understanding, with the exception of Daniel 12:4 to the end of 12, by Michael beginning in Daniel 10. That understanding is related by
Daniel through Chapters 11 unto Chapter 12:3. In 12:4, Michael finishes his discourse
with Daniel, giving more information, but no clear understanding. Daniel keeps
pressing him for understanding but is told to go his way, because the words are
sealed until the time of the end. It is hence today; we CAN find understanding.
This is due to having that “time of the end” currently manifested, where
this publication, BABYLON IS FALLEN, with Michael present, brings
understanding to those finished events.
Regarding Daniel’s understanding of Michael’s answer to Daniel, as given in Chapter 11 through Chapter 12:3, it is clear that the pronouns
and subjects are very ambiguous. So indeed, according to Daniel 12:4, the book was still sealed and
revealed only by the one designated to so reveal it; the only one that knows
how to identify the particular subject or party to which those pronouns refer. Thus, the
puzzle that has baffled many for centuries, is clarified and assembled by
Michael the Great Prince of Daniel 10:21 and 12:1-4.
Counting from Persia Onward, NOT
from Babylon:
On the 24th
day, two days after that Passover week of 537 BCE, according to Daniel 10:4,
this whole Cyrus move proving to be a colossal flop and unblessed by God,
Daniel received the vision. It was concerning Michael and the proper outline of
events, depicting the mandated “Seven Times more” judgment of Lev 26:18, “the time appointed
is long,” Daniel 10:1. It is clear, upon analyzing history as
compared to Daniel’s delineation in Chapter 11
and 12, that those
events take us well into the 20th century. For it is only then, we have the time
of the ten toes of iron and clay, Daniel 2, ten horns, Daniel 7, the Arab
nations between the two great rivers of the Holy Land.
The following
facts, are verified as truth on the ground by hindsight 20 / 20, via Messiah establishing
the government in Jerusalem, all mysteries finished, Rev 10:7, I Cor 13:12. The “Seven Times more” beginning
spring of 537 BCE, was predicated upon the rebellious moves of the Zionists,
the last two years of the Babylonian Captivity, 539 – 537 BCE. Those
Machiavellian maneuvers were in opposition to the proper counsel of their
proven Prophet Daniel. The understanding that comes from Michael, at the
termination of the Seven Times in 1984, yields a proper placing of the events
of 20th and 21st centuries, delineated in the Book of
So again, in
summary and conclusion to this portion of our discourse, we now look at the
details and empires of the Seven Times of the Gentiles, the judgment
against Israel. They had failed to fulfill the contract terms of the
probationary judgment, 70 years, 607 – 537 BCE of Lev 26:17, Jer 25:1-12 as well as
Jer 29:10-14. They had
not repented of their iniquity, and the iniquity of
their fathers. That particular iniquity of their fathers was their failure to depend
upon the Sovereignty of God, rather than their self-determinate actions to then
enter an unrighteous league with the Gentile Empires over Israel, in order to
accomplish their deliverance. This is the essence of The Mystery of
Iniquity, clearly defined when they approached Cyrus for their early release.
Therefore, the further clause in Lev 26:18, was then invoked and executed.
It has run from spring 537 BCE, the Persian Empire, past the 1948 / 67 Six Day
War, and well into the Zionist league with Revived Rome / UN. It was terminated
at 2520 years, 7 x 360, introducing the spring 1984 to fall 1987 Last Half of
Daniel’s 70th Week. Messiah present for deliverance, was refused
again at that time, bringing the Third Overturn of Ezekiel 21:24-27, as we go on to show.
As we will clarify further, this was indeed the “42 months,” the time
period when the true temple, Messiah, was there. However, Jerusalem was trod
under foot, trespassed upon, illegitimately dominated in wrong government of
the Gentiles, via their league with the Zionist State, Rev 11:1-2; 13:5. This was a wrongful extension of
that 5th and final end time empire of Gentiles, in rule over Israel
in the Book of Daniel. It is the 7th head or empire of Rev 12-17,
considering Egypt and Assyria, before the time of the Prophet Daniel. It
brought “the judgment shall sit,” Dan 7:24-27, due to the allocated time given
to the Gentiles from spring 537 BCE to 1984 CE being completed, leaving Revived
Rome / UN in trespass. Since spring 1984
forward, the proper government was there for deliverance, Rom 11:25-27, and was directly the reason
judgment ensued. We will give more on this in a panorama, later in our coming
The Babylonian Empire under
The Probationary Period of
Leviticus 26:14-17,
Is NOT Part of the 7 Times of the
Let us, as
another side thought here, repeat our warning against a misallocation of the
puzzle pieces, in the late 1800s and early 1900s when it was devised. This view
did not keep the focal point of attention between the rivers Euphrates and the
Nile, according to Gen 15:18. A short view of these things,
left those propounding this doctrine, interpreting the Times of the Gentiles,
as being from 607 / 606 BCE. They did not see Lev 26:14-17 properly as the
probationary period of 70 years, so qualified by Jer 25 and 29. Using the king’s
dream in Daniel Chapter 4, and its fulfillment, as their
sole guide as to when to START the countdown of 7 x 360 = 2520, they included
OF THE GENTILES. This is clear from Daniel’s concern and answer, AFTER the
Babylonian Empire was taken over by the Medo-Persian Empire.
As additional
support in the scriptures of the Prophets, concerning this time period, let us
consider Hos 3:4-5.
4 For the children of Israel shall
abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice,
and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
5 Afterward shall the children of
Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall
fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days.
According to
the words many days, of Hos 3:4-5, which
mirrors the Torah mandate of 7 Times of Lev 26:18, Israel would be without a King.
Babylon ruled over Israel, but Israel’s legitimate-bloodline king was still
present, seated at a place of honor at the table of the King of Babylon.
31 And it came to pass in the
seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the
twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign
lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and
brought him forth out of prison.
32 And spake kindly unto him, and
set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon,
33 And changed his prison
garments: and he did continually eat bread before him
all the days of his life.
34 And for his diet, there was a
continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the
day of his death, all the days of his life.
again we state, the Times of the Gentiles is counted from spring 537 BCE
through spring 1984, when Messiah returned in secret to deal solely with the
leadership of Israel, that record now made public in our later chapters.
In our Chapter
5, we will again give an overview perspective, from this time of Daniel through
the general concept of Five Empires ruling Israel. Here we will bring in the
Book of Revelation. That record of 7 Empires extends back two empires previous to
Babylon. This is depicted as 7 heads on the Beast out of the Sea, Rev 13; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia,
Greece, Rome, and finally Revived Rome / UN. Later from there, we will consider
our entry into Daniel Chapter 11, while returning to Daniel 2, 7, and 8 when
appropriate. This retrospection is in order to bring enlightenment through
Michael’s ministry to Israel, concerning the details of the 7 Times of the
Gentiles, Lev 26:18, Dan 10:1. We will consider how they have
transpired with the various kingdoms and events that Daniel was shown. They mark
the transpiration of this time through the years. Moreover, we will give demarcation
of events in Dan 7 and Dan 11, concerning 1948 and 1967 in the Holy Land.
Let us now
move on to that large overview, Chapter 5, an
extension of the Preface and Overview introducing Chapters 1-4.