



Sun - Moon - Stars - Are Accurate, But

Historians and Theologians Not So Much


Correct Years and Seasons

Messiah’s Ministries and Message





First let us consider the dating initials change over the last few decades or so, from BC meaning "Before Christ" and AD meaning Anno Domini which is Medieval Latin for "Year of our Lord.” Thorough research can be found here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini).


Contrary to the short view of the devoted Christian, that humanists, agnostics, and atheists wanted to eliminate God and Christ from the equation, when bringing in the modern BCE and CE respectively, the actual answer is:


Using BC and AD, to this day, has led Christendom to commemorating the birth of Christ, along with his death, burial, and resurrection, on the wrong days every year. The wrong years for those events have been established by those supposedly “in the know,” from the beginning.


Purpose of Chapter Two:

In this document, we will endeavor to reveal the blunder, April Fool Blunder, and shed light on what is correct accordingly. The keys to the insight revealing many things were given to this author by his superior and mentor for the last 4 decades, Michael Craig Clark. He has committed the Gentile side of our ministry to the author, while his is unto the Jews and Judaism, as well as the Arabs of the Middle east.




BC and AD are the former ways for referring to the more modern BCE and CE. Those initials mean "before common era" or "common era" respectively.


There is no zero, as a starting point, when counting years. The moment one leaves 1 BCE or 1 CE he is immediately across the axis in year 1 on the other side. Again, the digit zero is not a factor.


This is easily seen when taking just a 10-year span across the axis.





If one places a pencil point on any number on one side and moves exactly ten, one year moves to the other side, they will find the number, from where it starts and the number upon which it arrives, equals eleven and not ten. It is always one more than the actual number of years moved.


For example: March 18, 537 BCE to March 18, 1984, CE will not give the proper number of full years in first glance observation. 537 BCE is a partial year, and 1984 CE is a partial year, depending on what month we start our count.


Moving to the year across the axis, then added together with our starting year, will be accurate PROVIDED we allow for ONLY one full year from the partial year where we started, joined to the partial year where we finished. Therefore, one must add 537 plus 1984 and subtract 1 to calculate how many full years were used from point BCE to the same point CE and vice versa.


537 + 1984 = 2521 - 1 = 2520 full years between each date or from date to date.


BCE + CE - 1 = full years between the two dates.



Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Messiah

First – The Cross:


We will start with the year of the crucifixion which meets Jesus’ clear statements and criteria. From there, in Chapter Three, we will work backward to his birth. We will NOT use WHAT historians earlier determined. Most know by now that is erroneous.





Dispensationalism’s Definite Deviation:


We do NOT stand with Dispensationalists that Dan 9:24-27, the 70th Week, is all future. It is NOT concerning "a" covenant, and therefore negative with a rapture, rebuilt temple for restart of animal sacrifices, by an antichrist. There is no 7-year tribulation introducing a literal 1000-year reign of Messiah out of Jerusalem proper. The final deception and then METAPHORICAL fire from heaven, bringing in the New Heavens and New Earth is true, but in no way that far into the future. That concept is proven erroneous by the actual completion of Messiah appearing in Jerusalem. This was the understood and popular formula of eschatology, based upon Dispensationalists’ interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27. 


Rather, we hold that Dan 9:24-27 is concerning "THE Covenant" with Abraham, quantified under the Law of Moses. Messiah fulfills, and therefore, removes that quantification. This returns the entire world, "eventually," with great lessons learned, back to the simple faith of Abraham. His faith / understanding was 430 years before the Law of Moses brought that "quantification," Gal 3:17. The first two pronouns, “he” are “Messiah” in Dan 9:24-27. As stated in Dan 9:27, the 70th Week is confirmed by Messiah, with Israel in Jerusalem, bringing the following blessings.


1.    “Finish the transgression,”

2.    “Make an end to sins,”

3.    “Make reconciliation for iniquity,”

4.    “Bring in everlasting righteousness,”

5.    “Seal up the vision and prophecy,”

6.    “Anoint the most Holy.”

The last pronoun “he” is referring to the desolator, the people of the prince that came in 70 CE. This was Roman General Titus under Emperor Vespasian, with the Roman army that desolated Jerusalem during the Old Roman Empire. The iron legs remain in the toes of the image of Daniel 2, when it is joined by clay. This mirrors the 4th Beast with iron teeth remaining into the time when it has ten horns, in Dan 7. Within the Seven Times of the Gentiles from first Medo-Persia, moving to Greece, and then The Iron of Rome in Daniel 2 as also the Beast of Iron Teeth in Daniel 7, continued further. They ran into the end time dominance of Rome today as Revived Rome / UN.
Only since 1948 / 1967 via membership in the UN effecting Canaan, do we THEN and ONLY THEN have THE CLAY joining the Iron in the feet and toes of the image in Daniel 2. That is matched in Daniel 7 by “and it had
ten horns” present solely in the final, or 5th Gentile empire over Israel in unbelief and disobedience, again, Revived Rome / UN. It is that abomination of this league with a foreign power that comprises the Mystery of Iniquity. It is an attempt to fulfill the Covenant of God with Israel by methods against the times and laws of that covenant that, at the time appointed, Daniel 11:29, reaches its epitome.
The Second Overturn,
Ezekiel 21:24-27, the 70 CE destruction of Jerusalem, occurred under old Rome and Titus. Contrariwise today, to Preterists’ prevarication, the Third Overturn occurs just after the termination of the Seven Times of Lev 26:18-42 approaching, “the end shall be with a flood,” Daniel 9:24-27. The final deception proceeds from the Dragon’s mouth, Rev 12:10-17, in today’s attempts to desolate Israel, through that league with them for a Roman styled democracy. Directly in opposition to the proper government for Israel, Deut 17:14-20, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11, Hosea 3:4-5, Jer 23:1-8, it bears rule over the area between the Rivers Nile and Euphrates.  Its seat is in Jerusalem, with authority dictated religiously out of the Vatican in Rome literal, and politically out of Roman government established in Washington, DC. It has been installed by the UN out of New York, dominating the 10 nations, ten toes of Iron and Clay of Daniel 2, ten horns of Daniel 7. It “wears out,” or oppresses, the Holy People desiring righteous government. The saints of the Most High await proper deliverance, which comes in the Messiah.

First of all, as we will stress at various intervals in this presentation, any “king” of Israel, is in full overview only a “prince,” because God, alone is King. However, the words are used interchangeably, where the man with God’s anointing as His “prince” is also “king” to the people,
Deut 17:14-20, Dan 12:1, I Cor 15:22-28. We will later explore, how that once the 70th Week is completed as to the Last Half by Messiah, that there is a process called, “and the Judgement shall sit,” Daniel 7:24-27. It extends to even a later time for “The Last End of the Indignation,” Daniel 8:19-25, that had to transpire to finally arrive upon “anoint the Most Holy.” In other words, that Last Half of the 70th Week, called “time and times and the dividing of time,” “42 Months,” “1260 days” of Daniel 7:24-27, Rev 11:1-2, Rev 13:5, did NOT instantly, upon completion, introduce Messiah publicly to the world. Rather, it introduced the judgment process to REMOVE THAT WHICH WAS IN THE WAY of his entry and manifestation, Ezek 14:1-11, II Thess 2:1-12, Zech 12-14, and Rev 17-18. More will be given on this as we proceed in later chapters.


Once the timing structure of the Full or 70th Week has been completed, upon that being done and finished by Messiah, he has been anointed ONLY by God in his first ministry. That finished, and full process is NOT to be accomplished UNTIL he is ALSO anointed by Israel eventually in his second ministry. This is THE precedent established by the Prophet Samuel and Israel with King Saul, I Sam 10:1, I Sam 11:14-15. Even more importantly, in that David is the standard in other scriptures as to the coming of Messiah as David’s son, Is 11, Jer 23:1-8, 30:7-11, Jer 33, Jer 34, Ezek 34:22-31, Ezek 37:15-28, Dan 12:1-2, Hos 3:4-5, the anointing by God and then by Israel is seen with David as the supreme precedent and standard, I Sam 16:12-15, II Sam 2:4, II Sam 5:3. This is in answer and fulfillment of the Law of Moses, Deut 17:14-20.
According to a full reading of Deut 17:14-20, it is Israel that has the final appointment of their government, stated there to be “king.” It is their response to God’s anointing and God’s requirements, placed upon that proper government under God’s Sovereignty and Messiah,
Ezek 21:24-27.  In the final end product, once that occurs, Messiah, the Prince, God being the Only eternal King, reveals all mysteries through Messiah, Rev 10:7.  Sin is removed, Heb 9:27-28, as a non-factor, resurrections finished John 5:24-29, and the final message of the Everlasting Gospel declared, Rev 14:6-7. In that finale, there is nothing left to be done as given in the Law and the Prophets; all totally fulfilled.  This publication assists in the transition to that finished state and goal, for those caught unaware by same. HERE WE DENY THAT IT WAS TOTALLY FULFILLED PRIOR TO THE 20TH CENTURY. IT WAS NOT!


The Split in the 70th Week: Messiah Cut Off in the Midst of the Week:

THEREFORE, we count the 70 Weeks of years from fall 458 BCE, Decree in the hands of Ezra the Priest and Scribe according to Ezra 7Deut 17:8-13, and Psalms 122. Only Ezra had the proper Torah credentials to establish judges and magistrates in governmental infrastructure (See Ezra 7:25) which gives 69 Weeks, 483 years, to the fall of 26 CE  for the beginning of the 70th Week.

The Mid-Week, Split 70th Week concept is the only proper view, made clear in the finish of all declared by the previous Old Testament prophets, Rev 10:7.  Therefore, as Dispensationalists correctly hold, THERE WAS a split in Daniel 9:24-27. YET, it is NOT AFTER 69 WEEKS AS DISPENSATIONALISTS SO TEACH, with the last tick of the clock ending 483 years or 69 weeks. That is NOT correct. It is WRONG to stop at that point for the split. THE SPLIT IS CORRECTLY PLACED AT 69 AND ½ WEEKS OR 486 AND ½ YEARS.
Additionally, as we show, their count is in error. This is with regard to THEIR premise, foundational starting point, Nehemiah building the streets and walls, 445-444 BCE. THEREFORE, it DOES NOT lead to Messiah’s ministry in the late summer and fall of 26 CE. Thus, it cannot end properly or accurately at all. Rather, we immediately STOP, as do Dispensationalists, AT THE CROSS. THIS IS THE EXACT TIME AND PLACE MESSIAH WAS CUTOFF, CRUCIFIED, AND BEING DEAD, WAS BURIED, APRIL 3, 30 CE.


>>>> HOWEVER, we show this was 3 and ½ years INTO the 70th Week in 30 CE. It was 486 and 1 / 2 years into the 70 Weeks of years from fall 458 BCE. It was NOT 69 WEEKS OR 483 YEARS INTO THE 70 WEEKS. <<<<
We will first reveal this fact, then move on to the birth, in Chapter 3, followed by the complete ministry of Messiah, in further chapters as well.





>>>>> We say ONLY Messiah is the “he” pronoun of deliverance in Daniel 9:24-27. However, at this point of the cross, all evidence of any further fulfillment and confirmation of Daniel 9:24-27 is terminated for the NATION of Israel in 30 CE. Furthermore, it was only the remnant of Israel, beginning with the disciples of Jesus, soon being the original Apostles, who saw the Spring Holy Days of Lev 23:1-21 – Nisan 14, April 3, 30 CE through Pentecost, Sivan 8, May 26, 30 CE, fulfilled, I Cor 15:1-8. Nothing further from that point of Pentecost 30 CE is fulfilled and confirmed by Messiah, until 1984 CE. <<<<<<


Moreover, this fulfilled ONLY the High Priest function of blood atonement, eliminating all animal sacrifices for sin from that point, 30 CE, in perpetuity forward. Sacrifices were further removed literally, in the 70 CE destruction. Until he returns bodily, as he was present before in 30 CE, Messiah remains still in advocacy for us in the Heavenly Holy of Holies,  Lev 16:1-19, Heb 9:1-26, and was not revealed as of yet coming out, moving into the 20th Century.  It is THIS for which we waited, Lev 16:20-22, Heb 9:27-28, contingent upon Israel’s national repentance, for its full appearing and manifestation in released blessing, as stated by Peter in Acts 3:14-21.


We equate verse 26 of Daniel 9, "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:..." with verse 27, "And he” (Messiah in verse 26,)shall confirm THE covenant with many for one week” (the 70th Week) “and in the midst of the week” (3 and 1/2 years into that 70th Week,  from fall of 26 CE arriving to spring 30 CE) “he” (Messiah)shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease." HEBREWS 9:1-26, STATES THIS WAS DONE BY THE SACRIFICE OF MESSIAH HIMSELF, according to I Sam 15:22, Ps 40:6-8, Heb 10:1-10.


THIS is where Messiah was cut off, and not as Dispensationalists teach with the next tick of the clock ending the 483 years or 69th Week. Erroneously taught, it leaves the full 70th Week remaining for a negative fulfillment in an antichrist. THIS IS DISPENSATIONALISTS’ ERROR, AS WE WILL FURTHER SHOW BY THE FACTS OF SCRIPTURE AND TIMINGS SET THEREBY. By the facts on the ground, we prove those doctrines in error, short of full truth, as we proceed.


Fulfillment AND the Lack Thereof:


The Spring Holy Days of Leviticus 23:1-21 WERE fulfilled in the Minor Harvest. This is the true wheat as to the Passover, Feast of First Fruits in the sheaf offering on a Sunday in Messiah's resurrection. Seven weeks later and again on the 50th Day, also a Sunday, Pentecost, the resurrection life of the Messiah came back upon the people. FOR THE REMNANT THAT DID SEE HIM, it WAS the spiritual, spring MINOR harvest, the First Resurrection, Dan 11:33-35, John 5:24-25, Rev 20:6.


>>>> IMPORTANT:  This was all within the ending of Messiah's First Ministry, the Spring 30 CE Harvest of Lev 23:1-21 of the first 3 and 1/2 years of the 70th week from fall 26 – through spring 30 CE. It was cut off at that point, leaving the final half of the 70th week of Dan 9:24-27, and the Fall Harvest of Lev 23:23-44 to be fulfilled in Messiah's personal presence again in the second coming, precisely as mandated in Daniel 9:24.


Short conclusion at this point: This Fall Harvest fulfillment, stipulated to be done by Messiah to confirm the Last Half of Daniel’s 70th Week, was NOT accomplished. It did NOT transpire at the stoning of Stephen, a false supposition by many in the majority of Preterism, supposed to have happened somehow by 33 – 34 CE. Nor was it any part of the siege from 66 to 72 CE, and certainly NOT 70 CE AT ALL!!! That assertion, reckless assumption, IS Full Preterists’ (FP) error. Partial Preterists had much dissention in their ranks. This caused them to meander, or wander, back and forth between Dispensationalists and FPs constantly on this subject. They were trying to find full assurance of their perspective as to what was future and what was past. THEREFORE, only the FIRST HALF of the 70th Week was fulfilled. We adamantly affirm that the LAST HALF, as well as the judgment, the following blessing, the remainder of all promised, called “the consummation,” was not done.  It IS done when Messiah returns and manifests it entirely accomplished. This is strictly the future from the 1st Century, as we can clearly see it, in our day, now upon us.


James 5:7-8, Joel 2 – 3 , Isa 28, "here a little and there a little," moving to the finish in Isa 29, and certainly Zech 4, reveal a ministry on either side of the seven candlesticks. We have a later fall harvest, or harvest based upon Messiah fulfilling the Last Half of the 70th Week. As in the first, it is done meticulously day for day of  Lev 23:23-44, exactly and as perfectly as he did in the First Half for Lev 23:1-21, also Lev 16:20-22 as he did for Lev 16:1-19.


National Israel that rejected him, saw him no more, ONCE BURIED IN THE MIDST OR HALFWAY THROUGH THE 70TH WEEK OF DANIEL 9:24-27, with the instruction in


Luke 13:34-35

34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets, and stones them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

35 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, >>> UNTIL <<< the time come when ye shall say, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.
Acts 3:14-21

14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;

15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.

16 And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

17 And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers.

18 But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

(NOTE: At this juncture ends the First Half of the 70th Week, past tense “hath fulfilled.”)


19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

21 Whom the heaven must receive >>> UNTIL <<< the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

NOTE: At this place in Peter’s oration, we have the requirements for the Last Half to be fulfilled, Israel must repent, be converted, have sins blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, which would be AFTER Lev 26:18-39 is finished. Now notice the very next verses, Lev 26:40-42, state the same thing, “hearkening” unto God, ceasing to walk contrary to Him, the fullness of repentance, and then God will “remember the land.”  What was lost by Israel’s disobedience is restored, as also given in Joel 2:18-32 and Joel 3:16-18, for which, as is obvious in Peter’s earlier orations in Acts 2-3, he was looking to happen. YET, due to Israel’s lack of NATIONAL repentance, it only occurred for the believers of the remnant that received Peter’s message.

Romans 11:7

7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeks for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.


Romans 11:25-27

25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, >>> UNTIL <<< the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Due to abject confusion, whereby Babylon is fallen spiritually, prior to the physical removal as well, Babylon falls in completion, now upon us, removing it entirely for pure truth revealed. We stress redundantly one last time, from the overview extensive Preface and Chapter One, this “UNTIL” is unto the end of the undetermined, incalculable timing. It began due to Israel’s lack of national repentance in 537 BCE, Daniel 9:13, “Seven Times more,” Lev 26:18-39, which is the same timing as the “Times of the Gentiles,” Luke 21:24. Its end is termed the “Fullness of the Gentiles,” Rom 11:7; 11:25-27. It brings God “remembering the land” of Canaan, promised to Israel, Lev 26:40-42, which is the end stated as the “times of refreshing,” bringing the “restitution of all things,” Acts 3:14-21. Hereby, the 70th Week is immediately fulfilled, completing all needed to make Daniel 9:24 six blessings universal. This is first to Israel, and then the entire world via THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL, now with us and preached, bringing the promised end.




Among other scriptures already revealed in the overview and extensive introduction to this Book, BABYLON IS FALLEN, WE ARE IN ADAMANT REJECTION OF PRETERISM’S ERRONEOUS ASSERTION, THAT ALL OF THE 70TH WEEK WAS FINISHED BY ‘SOME’ FORMULA (there are several advanced) IN THE FIRST CENTURY.




There are meticulous details to be gleaned from the Law and the Prophets, in fulfillment of Messiah's spring ministry at his birth, and then 34 years later at his death, burial, and resurrection. This moves to the coming of his Spirit back upon the disciples, transformed to Apostles from that point on Pentecost, also in the spring of 30 CE. CHAPTER TWO IS DEDICATED TO REVEALING THOSE DETAILS.


Witness of Pure Logic:


The details that are missing are the “FOG,” as to any fulfillment BEYOND what has been stated up to 30 CE and Pentecost. Hence one SHOULD see proof simply in that lack of details, that only the First Half of Daniel's 70th Week was fulfilled. Israel as a NATION had Messiah on the ground, physically confirming that time mandate as REQUIRED BY “. . . he (Messiah) shall confirm the covenant for ONE week.”   Therefore, in that Messiah was gone TEN DAYS BEFORE PENTECOST, HAVING ASCENDED IN Acts 1, those intelligent in the study of the scriptures of the OT, in comparison with NT, were mandatorily “futurists.”  That fact was solidified in that the second coming had NOT manifested yet, nor fulfillment to Israel and Jerusalem, as stipulated in the prophecy and commitment given by God to Daniel in Dan 9:24-27.




IT WAS ONLY MESSIAH, NOT STEPHEN, ANY APOSTLE, THE CHURCH, OR ANY VICARIOUS PERSON THAT COULD FULFILL THE LAST HALF OF THE 70TH WEEK. The NATION, in Blindness, Lev 26:16-19, was cutoff at the cross. Only the remnant (the election) saw his resurrection and Pentecost, Rom 11:7, I Corinthians 15:1-11.



“Israel as the Biblical Nation Is No Longer a Factor as of 70 CE.”


Daniel 9:24-27 commitment of God with Israel was NOT completed, nor fully confirmed by Messiah, due to being cutoff in the midst of the 70th Week, by the NATION of Israel in spring 30 CE. The “Seven Times more” of Lev 26:18-39 was still elapsing to its undetermined end, unrevealed at that time. Israel, NATIONALLY intact, was NOT abandoned in 70 CE, as General Preterists contended. This awaited Israel returned to the land, judged, restored, and then the world at large judged, and brought into the same worldwide blessing. It would display the details JUST AS CLEAR in the Last Half of Daniel's 70th Week, in due time, WHEN MANIFESTED AS FULFILLED, even as Paul states, and we repeat:

Romans 11:25-27

25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.




The Last Half is the "time, times, and a half," called also "42 months" or "1260 days" in Dan 7:24-27, 12:1-7, and Rev 11-13, being the THREE and ONE HALF YEARS. They had NOT YET been manifested as fulfilled by Messiah to Israel nationally as part of that 70th week. This timing WAS NOT a separate prophecy, about an altogether separate time period. On the contrary, these references to the SAME time period are indeed the Last Half of Daniel's 70th Week. It is trodden down by Revived Rome / UN ridden by the Zionist State in harlotry, in the Final Gentile Empire dominating the Middle East, in Daniel and Revelation. This is the designated time slot for Messiah to bring Israel’s deliverance. This trespass condition thus brings judgment first to clear the evil. It THEN establishes blessing as stated in, Daniel 7:24-27 and Ezek 21:24-27. 


When and why “the Judgment Sits”:


PRECISELY,… this is why the judgment set in, or as stated “the judgment shall sit,” contingent upon this "time and times and the dividing of time,” Dan 7:24-27, “time, times and a half,” Dan 12:7, also termed “42 months,” Rev 11:1-2, Rev 13:5. Israel was still in league and harlotry with the nations, at that very time Messiah is there to bring the long-awaited deliverance, in his second coming. This deliverance is stated as “comfort, comfort, my people” from the double clause of judgment, Lev 26:14-17, Jer 25:1-11, followed by Dan 9:13, Lev 26:18-39, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:1-2.




The Indignation began in the 70 Years of Babylonian Captivity, 607-537 BCE, Lev 26:14-17, Jer 25:1-11, Jer 29:10-14. Immediately after that, the "Seven Times More Judgment" via the nations over Israel of Lev 26:18-19, "the Times of the Gentiles," Luke 21:24, Daniel 11:1 – 12:1, ensued in 537 BCE, and ran to spring 1984. When those Seven Times terminated, came to their full or completion, as Paul states in Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, it is THEN Messiah, the Deliverer, is personally present again to bring blessing to Israel and the world.


Certainly, YES, he brings that blessing, but not before judging the harlotry of Israel and fornication of the nations with her. That defilement since 1948 / 1967, called as a conglomerate: “Babylon the Great,” has its beginnings in Ezek 23-24, and its finish and destruction in Rev 17-18. The indignation process, commencing in 607 BCE, moving to 537 BCE to 1984 CE, ONCE MORE resumed after the Last Half of the 70th Week, spring 1984 – fall 1987.  That last 3 and 1 / 2 years showed Israel was STILL NOT in condition to receive him. That being the case, the indignation picked back up at the 1335 days, Dec 3, 1987, in “the judgment shall sit,” Daniel 7:24-27.
It is the eventual final days of that judgment, when the last 965 days complete the 2300 days, of
Daniel 8:13-14, that brings “the Last End of the Indignation,” Daniel 8:19-25. Here is where Israel initiates this “last end,” under the King of Fierce Countenance and his peace policy, that destroys many. Israel is first brought to judgment and repentance. THEN, God comes against the nations that came against Jerusalem in their unauthorized manner, for their judgment and repentance as well. That “last end” brings the blessing for all,  Zechariah 12-14,  Micah 4:1-7. This will be detailed clearly, later in this publication.
Prelude to the Above Climax:


The Law and the Prophets (OT) must be held as authoritative for proper enlightenment, as we stated earlier with extensive references, proving same. Therefore, let us go there in comparison with Messiah’s death, burial, and resurrection, on to Pentecost. They are given in the testimonies of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, revealing ALL THE METICULOUS DETAILS of which we speak. WE STATE AGAIN, . . . THAT THE PURPOSE OF OUR ABOVE REDUNDANT review of the key points already given in the extensive Preface and Chapter One, is to be sure they are concretely substantiated in our minds. For now, we will correctly consider the First Ministry, and how it fulfilled, day by day, the Law of Moses. The spring Holy Days, Lev 23:1-21, will be a major part of that concern. They ended the First Half, the first 3 and 1/2 years, of the 70th Confirmation Week of Daniel 9:24-27.








Ecclesiastes 4:12

And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


Deuteronomy 19:15 (selected)

. . . at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.


II Corinthians 13:1 (selected)

. . . In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."




The Crucifixion Year,

The Birth Year,  

Years of First Ministry.


Jesus gives the instruction on how to figure what year he was rejected, died, was buried, and NOT seen again by Israel nationally. Here it is, as given to those of understanding, the remnant of the Minor Spring Harvest, Lev 23:1-21:


Matthew 12:40

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


Luke 11:30

For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.


Now what does the OT have to say about how to reckon a day and a night, from which we can then discern accurately "three days AND three nights"?


Genesis 1:14-19

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.


From this, we know beyond question that biblically, “the evening” (from sundown unto morning sunrise) was ONE HALF OF A 24-HOUR DAY. And THEN, biblically, “the morning” (from sunrise to sundown) was the SECOND HALF OF A 24-HOUR DAY. Additionally, unlike the majority of Gentile society, Hebrew society counts a 24-hour day from the "evening and the morning" which is the Bible order.




Matt 12:40
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


The secular years, as we understand them today in the nations abroad, are by the Julian - Gregorian calendar that measures the movement of the earth around the sun. The Hebrew calendar measures the movement of the moon around the earth, determining seasons and subsequently months of those greater years.


These measurements are precise, and therefore can track years and the position of the sun, earth, and moon, even the stars, determining the seasons, days, and years, as far forward and as far back, as one may desire to track them, with pin-point accuracy. Thus, we have at our link, now given soon, the year that fulfills Jesus’ instruction of 3 full 24-hour days, each composed of evening and morning of 12 hours each.


In Jerusalem is our concern, as now given at this link comparing the secular and Jewish calendar accordingly:




This reveals 30 CE with Preparation Day, Nisan 14, when the Lamb was slain according to


Exodus 12:6

And ye shall keep it (lamb) up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.


This was on a Wednesday, April 3, Preparation Day, when Christ was crucified, even as the Passover lamb was slain and "prepared" as stated in


John 19:31

The Jews, therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, for that sabbath day was a high day, besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.


Therefore, just before sundown on Wednesday, Nisan 14, April 3, 30 CE, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus buried Jesus as stated in


John 19:38-42

38 And after this Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore and took the body of Jesus.

39 And there also came Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred-pound weight.

40 Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.

41 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulcher, wherein was never man yet laid.

42 There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' preparation day; for the sepulcher was nigh at hand.




This also shows that the DAY called a "high day" and also a "sabbath," in that no servile work was done, according to Lev 23:5-7 WAS NOT a Saturday, but rather the day just after sundown when the Passover meal was eaten. This was on the 15th day of Nisan, being the first day, from sundown on the 14th to sundown on the 15th, Jesus was dead in the grave, THURSDAY. It lasts 24 hours, sundown (SD) to sundown (SD) of THREE full 24-hour periods as follows:


1 - 14th SD to 15th SD 24 hours - one day - April 3-4 - Thursday


2 - 15th SD to 16th SD 48 hours - two days - April 4 -5 - Friday


3 - 16th SD to 17th SD 72 hours - three days April 5-6 - Saturday


Our link, Hebrew calendar, shows from just before sundown Wednesday through to just before sundown on the 3rd day, Saturday, gives us the very day he rose. He was later seen by Mary, and even later Peter and John etc., beginning after sundown Saturday. That was the 4th day or the beginning of a Bible Day for Sunday.


This is the day according to Lev 23:9-14 that Israel brought the sheaf of first fruits of the spring, or first harvest of each year, to the Priest to wave before the Lord. Jesus fulfilled these days spot on, with that Sunday, Nisan 18, April 7, 30 CE being the "morrow after" the weekly "Sabbath" that this was so brought to the Priest.


BRIEF HISTORICAL NOTE CONCERNING “THE APRIL FOOL BLUNDER:” By going to this link below given, one will see that in 33 CE we have an alignment year, or one where the weekly Sabbath, Saturday, and the 15th Day High Day, both fall on the same day. This was the choice of many, which gendered from there the erroneous AD 1 being “the year of our Lord,” Christ's alleged birth. Seeing only 3 years to Messiah's ministry, bringing the crucifixion erroneously to be 33 CE, gave the impression the crucifixion was on Friday, with the resurrection occurring on Sunday morning at dawn. We call this "the April Fool Blunder of 33 AD" where Friday is Nisan 14, Preparation Day for that year, and it was indeed April 1, secularly known as April Fool's Day. See this link:




Now, keep these revelations in mind, that Wednesday, at just before sundown in the year 30 CE, is the point that renders THREE 24-hour periods between burial and rising of Messiah. Let us consider the meticulous details further, according to


John 12:1-8

1 Then Jesus SIX DAYS before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.

2 There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.

3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.

4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him,

5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?

6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.

7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this.

8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.


We know from the above, before these verses, that sundown Wednesday, Nisan 14, into just after sundown then being Thursday, Nisan 15, was the time of the Passover when the lamb was eaten. Thus, we count back Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Saturday, and we come to Friday, Nisan 9, March 29. This was the first day of the six-day count, with Wednesday, Nisan 14, April 3, being the sixth day of that six-day count.


From here, we can understand his time spent in travel, as "then Jesus, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany," was day one, Nisan 9, March 29, Friday. He arrived, and prepared for the meal with his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Here he ate, that evening, the Shabbat meal, traditional to Jews always to this day. By the time they sat down to eat, it was the beginning ‘biblically’ (or the evening and start) of Saturday, and the second of the six-day count.


Upon rising the next daylight morning, on Saturday, Nisan 10, March 30, a Sabbath's day permissible journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, according to Luke 19:29 and Acts 1:12, was taken. He rode the donkey into the city, was hailed by the people, fulfilling "the Lamb of God," marked out in fulfillment of


Exodus 12:3

Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month (Nisan 10) they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house:


Having that stated, we list the six days of the six-day count:


1 - Friday, Nisan 9, March 29 Jesus travels and arrives in Bethany. This was still the first of the six days, finishing up Friday, Nisan 9, March 29 by sundown.


2 - Saturday, Nisan 10, March 30 Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling Exodus 12:3, as just stated above, on the second of the six-day count.


3 - Sunday, Nisan 11, March 31 was the third of the six-day count.


4 - Monday, Nisan 12, April 1, was the fourth of the six-day count.


5 - Tuesday, Nisan 13, April 2, was the fifth of the six-day count. Jesus retired that evening to eat around sundown the final meal with leaven in the bread, the Last Supper.


6 a. - Wednesday, Nisan 14, April 3 was the sixth of the six-day count, when, just after sundown, secular Tuesday was then evening and the beginning of that 6th day biblically. It was still Tuesday evening until 12 midnight on the Julian – Gregorian calendar. On that sixth day that started that evening or Nisan 14, April 3, just after sundown, Tuesday, a few hours earlier being biblically the end of Nisan 13, we can place the Last Supper, John 13-17. This was from just after sundown into the late evening. We perceive his great love and concern for those that followed him, after Judas Iscariot went out into the night, John 13:27-31.
6 b. - From there, he went to the garden,
John 18:1, for his passion and agony concerning what was coming. Later that night, well into Preparation Day, Wednesday, Nisan 14, April 3, we now come full circle to his being taken in the garden, by the mob led by Judas Iscariot. He was later put through formal trials, consummating with his crucifixion as early as 9 a.m. the 3rd hour on to 12 noon, the 6th hour. We have the record of darkness for three hours from noon to 3 in the afternoon, the 6th hour to the 9th hour, before he died, recorded twice, Mark 15:25, Matt 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44, and John 19:14.  He was then buried just before sundown. It is from that burial forward; we see Jesus’ words fulfilled precisely as he stated:


Matthew 12:40

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


Luke 11:30

For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.


This is the first witness to 30 CE as the year of Messiah's death, burial, and resurrection on to Pentecost, which fulfilled Lev 23:1-21 in the spring harvest as delineated there. This left unfulfilled the fall harvest of Lev 23:23-44.
Lev 23:22 is fulfilled later by Apostle Paul to the strangers, Gentiles as stated in Rom 9-11, Eph 2-3, and Gal 2:7-9.


Additionally, the role of the High Priest in Leviticus 16:1-19, Heb 9:1-26, as far as going into the Heavenly Holy of Holies, eliminating all animal sacrifices, making blood atonement for sin perpetually, was fulfilled by his resurrection and later ascension. This left unfulfilled his coming back out, still future, to do away with sin permanently, bringing the full sinless state as given in Lev 16:20-22, Heb 9:27-28.


Again, the progression is:

a – Wednesday, just before sundown, buried,

b – Saturday, just before sundown, rising - three full 24-hour periods later,

c – Saturday, just after sundown, still secularly Saturday; however is the biblical and Hebrew beginning of the fourth day, or secular Sunday. Again, we must keep in mind the approximate 6-hour slide, from around 6 PM to 12 midnight when comparing the Hebrew, biblical day, to the secular Julian-Gregorian day.


This reveals that only the First Half of Daniel's 70th Week was fulfilled, 3 and 1/2 years. Thus, it leaves unfulfilled the Last Half of Daniel's 70th Week, until Messiah returned in our day. This occurred at the finish of the “Seven Times more,” “the Times of the Gentiles.” From spring 537 BCE, this timing ran unmanifested as finished, until Messiah was present again, as stated in Lev 26:18-42, Luke 21:24, and Rom 11:7;11:25-27, and again Heb 9:27-28.


Key Point: These are all part of redemption, deliverance, and blessing, . . . NOT destruction. There still remained much to be manifested as fulfilled. THUS, again, these same meticulous details for the FALL HOLY DAYS to Israel INDEED ALSO TRANSPIRED IN RECENT TIMES. They only did so WHEN MESSIAH, AGAIN, WAS PERSONALLY ON THE GROUND, AS WAS EXACTLY THE CASE IN THE FIRST HALF OF DANIEL'S 70TH WEEK.


This proves that Dispensationalists are in error, as to it being an antichrist in any respect. Additionally, Preterists are in error, as to Israel permanently cutoff, and the whole 70th Week finished and completed. IT IS HENCE, ANYONE FINDING CONFIDENCE IN EITHER OF THESE CONCEPTS OF DANIEL 9:24-27, ENTERS GREAT TRIBULATION AND SPIRITUAL CONSTERNATION, WHEN IT IS MANIFESTED AS FULFILLED CORRECTLY BY MESSIAH RETURNED TO ISRAEL!!!


We close out Chapter Two with another list of dates, running from March 29, Friday, Nisan 9, 30 CE. That was when Messiah traveled to Bethany, to eat the Shabbat meal with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, stated to be SIX days before Passover in John 12. Passover also included the evening of the day before, when the Lamb was slain and “prepared” on the 14th, and actually eaten at the very beginning of the 15th day. This is the evening just after sundown of Wednesday, April 3, 30 CE, actually, biblically, the 15th of Nisan.
John 19:31-42, was NOT a weekly Sabbath, nor was it a secular Saturday, as Christendom for centuries has assumed. That assumption is precisely what produced the April Fool Blunder, pointing to 33 CE, and an ERRONEOUS Friday crucifixion. Rather, Jesus was buried just an hour or so before sundown, ending the 14th of Nisan, Wednesday, April 3, 30 CE, entering Three days and Three nights, dead in the grave. That first day, WAS a High Holy Day, and it was THIS for which the religious Jews were concerned as to the bodies being still on the crosses during that High Sabbath, Nisan 15, Thursday, April 3 – 4, 30 CE. So again, moving on with our repeated listing:  


1. March 29, Friday, Nisan 9, 30 CE, Jesus travels to Bethany, to eat the Shabbat meal, of the weekly Sabbath. This was just after sundown March 29, with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, moving from the 6th into the 5th day before Passover, John 12:1-11.


2. March 30, Saturday, Nisan 10, 30 CE, “the next day,” Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling Exodus 12:3, John 12:12-48, and in John 12:28-33 states HOW he will be slain.



3. March 31, Sunday, Nisan 11, 30 CE, he teaches in the temple.


4. April 1, Monday, Nisan 12, 30 CE, he teaches more in Jerusalem and gives Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 events of his second coming and the end time. As stated, this was two days before the feast of the Passover, Matt 26:2, Mark 14:1,


5. April 2, Tuesday, Nisan 13, 30 CE, Jesus retires that evening around sundown, to eat his final meal, the Last Supper, with leaven in the bread.


6. April 3, Wednesday, Nisan 14, 30 CE, Jesus was taken in the garden, tried through the early morning by the High Priests and the others. Later, he was tried before Pilate, crucified by late morning to early afternoon, and dead and buried just before sundown.

THIS FULFILLS >>> EXODUS 12:6, LEV 23:5 <<<


7. April 4, Thursday, Nisan 15, 30 CE, the Passover meal was eaten just after sundown on Wednesday. This was the start of the 15th of Nisan, on the Hebrew calendar. It was still April 3, until 12 midnight on the Julian-Gregorian calendar, Jesus already in the grave, starting the 24-hour, 1st day. Either dead in the grave or risen with the disciples, thereby seen again, he was there, PRESENT, for the week of unleavened bread from Nisan 15 through Nisan 21.

THIS FULFILLS >>> LEV 23:6-8 <<<.


8. April 5, Friday, Nisan 16, 30 CE, 2nd day Jesus in the grave for 24 hours.


9. April 6, Saturday, Nisan 17, 30 CE, 3rd day Jesus in the grave for 24 hours and rises just before sundown. This completed 72 hours, or 3 days from when he was buried just before sundown April 3, Wednesday, Nisan 14, Preparation Day, 30 CE.


10. April 7, Sunday, Nisan 18, 30 CE, Jesus seen, Sheaf of spring harvest waved before the Lord.

THIS FULFILLS >>> LEV 23:9-14 <<<.


Please see this link to visualize these ten days, starting with Jesus arriving March 29, Friday, Nisan 9, to eat with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. That was the first day of the ten, elapsing to his being seen on the tenth day April 7, Nisan 18, 30 CE. 3-DAYS, 3-NIGHTS, WED-SAT

Seven weekly Sabbaths counted, the first one being AFTER April 7, Sunday, Nisan 18, the day the Sheaf of spring harvest, first fruit was waved before the Lord. This first counted, weekly Sabbath, was April 13, Saturday, Nisan 24. This moved through the seventh weekly Sabbaths, to May 25, Saturday, Sivan 7, for SEVEN weekly Sabbaths. The next day, May 26, Sunday, Sivan 8, is the 50th day, Pentecost, called Shavuot in Hebrew. It was the morrow after the 7th weekly Sabbath. The two loaves, made from the Sheaf of First fruits, depict the Resurrection Life in Messiah coming back upon the disciples, Apostles in Acts 2.
THIS FULFILLS >>> LEV 23:15-21 <<<.




We stress again, these details fulfilling the spring Holy Days are NOT there for the fall Holy Days, because Jesus was not there as well,
Acts 1. These are left for his return, bringing the same detailed fulfillment in the Final Days, of the 3 and ½ years of the Last Half of the 70th Week. This is designated as “time and times and the dividing of time,” Dan 7:24-27, “time, times and a half,” Dan 12:7, “42 months,” and “1260 days,” Rev 11-13. They are manifested only upon Lev 26:18-39, Luke 21:24, bringing Acts 3:14-21, Lev 26:40-42, and Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, also to completion and fulfillment accomplished.  


The Birth of Messiah - The Fulfillment of Jubilee Counting


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