


Why Is the Christian World Surprised and Alarmed???

Israel, Palestinians, and Arab nations are JOINED TOGETHER IN PEACE by Messiah in Jerusalem???



Let us reason together HERE and FIND OUT!!!

This is the Preface and Overview, an extensive introduction to the book, BABYLON IS FALLEN, by this author Paul Melvin Detmer, the small friend of counsel, that shares in the debt and reward. Hereafter referenced in this publication as “author,” Paul has been commissioned by Michael Craig Clark, Great Prince Michael, Dan 10:21; 12:1-4; Gen 49:10; Isa 9:6-7; Hos 3:4-5; Rev 3:11-12, to release this strictly web production free of charge, and readable on any device with web browser capability. This is submitted to the public in accordance with his office in assistance to Michael, as stated in the following Bible Scriptures:
Rev 14:8
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.


Rev 18:1-3
1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

As those that followed Messiah in his first ministry, here in Messiah’s second coming and ministry, the author is simply testifying as an eyewitness to what he has seen, heard, and understood from him. This author presents those events fulfilling Bible Prophecy, revealing what has transpired. This same form of presentation, however from dreams and visions, unlike this author from live on premises observation, was also rendered by Daniel the Prophet and later by the Apostle John; the latter promised he would testify again:
1 John 1:1-3

1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.


Rev 10:11

11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.


Diagrams which may be skewed on I-Phone have been captured as pictures, and put in an accompanying link, so they can be viewed properly from any small screen device. Additionally, for ease of transfer, thus retaining paragraph structure to Face Book and other debate or forum, discussion-styled media, a dash (-) is positioned at the beginning of every blank line. Thus, that break and space will remain and not jam paragraphs together, when transferred to those discussion agendas.  Designations, clarifications, and comments within Bible texts are in (boldface parenthesis). Bible texts are in regular italic print. As is commonly understood, links moving outside and then back to the exact spot where one is reading, are blue underlined.



Daniel 12:1-2

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of thy (Daniel’s) people (Israel): and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book.




This is because the way the world has perceived their Judeo-Christian faith has not occurred in the final events, as they were taught by scholars and professors of their theology of the past. Hence, all are caught by surprise like a thief in the night, I Thess 5:2, II Pet 3:10, Rev 3:3; 16:15. Moreover, people have been deceived to believe they possess the fullness of “salvation,” the Holy Spirit,” and various lesser terms in confusion of religion, now proven lacking by this Great Tribulation. Therefore, we begin with the early time before now. We then move into the current day.  We reveal the erroneous concepts that have caused the final events of the Day of the Lord, already well on their way, to be missed.  All the while, as we progress in this publication, we will be reassuring the reader, it is exactly the way the Almighty has ordained it to come. Here, Christendom totally misses that for which they profess to have waited and looked.




II Thessalonians 2:10-12
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned (Strongs #G2919 “separated,” “judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one's case may be examined, and judgment passed upon it”) who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


This has come in this divinely prescribed manner, in order to shut all mouths and remove all former teachings and concepts, erroneously thought to be true, as the final determination, when they were not, Isa 28:17-23, Ezek 13:6-15.  Those things, having served their purpose up to now, must be discarded and left to remain in an earlier time and position in God’s Great Plan and Purpose. Like an animal that sheds its skin in preparation for the next level of growth, or the plant that drops the shuck so the fresh fruit and new seed can appear, so it is spiritually the same process, now for mankind in this final stage. As in building a formidable structure, there are mandatory corners that must be turned according to the blueprint. The Master Builder effects those turns. He commands all those that would properly assist him to indeed turn per his instruction, and form a new corner, or be ousted from the project. Hindsight can now be 20 /20, as one views the truth properly, the beginning and end of the matter, The Everlasting Gospel presented on:




In fact, the reader did not arrive here on this presentation without first proceeding through that document, the foundation stone. It is the necessary bedrock to first read and understand, in order to further perceive the “what, who, why, where, when, and how” of the arrived destination now with us. This structure has been built in progression for the last 6000 years, and finished in that same foundation stone, also placed at the top, the capstone, keystone, head of the corner, Ps 118:22, Isa 28:16, Dan 2:34-35, Zech 4:6-10.  In short, one should read and accept The Everlasting Gospel, before beginning this presentation BABYLON IS FALLEN. Then, one should go on to read, and even more deeply digest, The Everlasting Gospel, after finishing this presentation. This is easily seen, being mirrored in the Two Ministries of Messiah, one in 26-30 CE and the latter, since his return in the spring of 1984.


The Need to Know:


For most of us, like the author in simply wanting to know “HOW we arrived from there to here,” this document is primarily a history lesson. Therefore, it is a necessity in order to perceive where we are currently. We then are enabled to move on “with the program,” leaving the past behind. Endowing us with knowledge and understanding, as to WHY to continue forward in light of the past presented here, one will determine what is decayed, deteriorated, and discarded. The lessons learned are all that remain. Therefore, this history and proper interpretation of the Bible received from Michael, Dan 10:21, and given to this author, have been written precisely for this time. They are laid out in meticulous detail. This is for the purpose of assisting with all that is upon us now. It can only be digested and understood, ONCE the previous beliefs of theology are in doubt, brought to confusion, and found wanting. Messiah, actually being present in change of government and manifestation in his appearing from Jerusalem, prompts the question, “just what has transpired, as well as what is and will be transpiring?”



This publication utilizes the KJV Hebrew and Greek to English translation of the Bible, with word search for critical analysis in Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionary and Concordance. It was created for public viewing using MS Word. In final form, it is produced as a web ready html document. Therefore, it is browser friendly, with many interlinks to any source from which the presentation is made. Thus, there are no bibliographies or footnotes. One just accesses the link, and one immediately views the source, the primary two just stated:  



All dating "BC" is stated as "BCE," and "AD" as "CE," in that BC and AD are erroneous, due to Messiah being born in 5 BC and not 1 AD. This is proven, biblically verified as solid truth, with three witnesses, revealed in due time within these pages.



Holy Temple Mount, Jerusalem

called by Arabs “Al-Haram Al-Sharif, Al-Quds.”


The center of our ministry is around the issue of the property of the greatest spiritual significance and world concern. The Holy Land and Jerusalem, to Jews or Judaism, Arabs or Islam, and Christians of Christendom, there and abroad in the world, is THAT concern, centered in the Holy Mount where Abraham offered his son to God, proving his faith. We adhere and review daily the Word of the Law and the Prophets, colloquially called the Old Testament (OT), comparing the Words of Messiah and the Apostles, the New Testament (NT) thereto. We have read the Quran many times with a word and subject search, from there over to the Bible for full comparison. We have lived among all three cultures of Jerusalem, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Ours is not limited to an evangelical ministry, but rather to bring all three faiths stemming from Abraham, the father of the faithful, together in government, and full cooperation. Revolving around the property rights to this most volatile area, issues are resolved to bring world peace.
Psalms 122:6-8

6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


The author’s ordination is by his superior, Michael, whose understanding, revelation of truth, is his basis and foundation. It deals primarily with the Judeo-Christian side of the equation. This is around the Holy Temple Mount, Bible understandings, as well as truth-and-error, instruction-and-correction, respectively. Therefore, this publication’s emphasis is on proper alignment of past events fulfilling prophecy, also termed by many “Bible Eschatology.” The purpose is to bring one into the full and completed scope of what has recently transpired.

Smaller Diagrams for Particular Emphasis:

Within this publication BABYLON IS FALLEN, smaller diagrams are reproduced from the larger
Time Chart: Adam to the Second Coming of Messiah, already on the website accordingly. They are separated and restated within this presentation, for accent on a particular set of dates for the purpose of making our point. In that manner, this publication BABYLON IS FALLEN is a companion treatise to that Time Chart, and thus a further explanation of same. These smaller diagrams, which skew and are unreadable at times in the text, ARE INDEED perfectly reproduced for reading on I-phone, provided one activates the link that says:

It takes the reader to a picture or “gif” which the device shrinks, just as with any picture to fit the screen.


Broad Brush – Versus – Fine Detail:

This first presentation, within itself, is a broad brush and CAN standalone, depicting the history of Israel and the Middle East, between the Rivers Nile and Euphrates. Beginning with Abraham unto the time of the Prophet Daniel and the Medo-Persian Empire around 539 BCE, we address the time of Messiah counted from Dan 9:24-27. However, from that approach will proceed numbered chapters 1 – 4, created from this extensive Preface and Overview, as an expansion in approximate order of subjects as they are mentioned and presented in the context here. In other words, the broad brush is used here; the fine detailed brush is used in chapters 1 – 4.
It is continued with the broad-brush overview, from the time of the Prophet Daniel in spring 539 BCE to spring 2025 CE, as the extension of this overview in Chapter 5 of this publication. We keep in mind always that the biblical Hebrew year, as stated in
Exodus 12, runs from Nisan 1, spring to spring, and not as the Julian – Gregorian year January 1, winter to winter. Chapters 6 to the end of this presentation are again the fine brush of detail addressing all stated broadly in Chapter 5.
The very important reason it has been drafted in this design is for a double witness in presentation. Therefore, whatever is stated broadly here is stated again with details later. In this manner, the reader, being introduced to a subject in the proper alignment of truth at first mention, is given an opportunity to have that very same subject addressed again in greater scrutiny. Hereby, the third witness is in the reader’s comprehension, answering to these two exposures / witnesses to the truth.

Purpose Brings Agreement and Peace, Because Ultimately

We Are Right to be Wrong under God’s Completed Plan:


Although this presentation will show certain views of the Bible by former interpretations to be erroneous, it could only do so, now, once the truth is revealed, hindsight being 20/20 with fulfilled events. The broadest truth encapsulating all parts of the full truth and given in the document on the above referred website: THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL, is that God is Sovereign, Isa 45:6-7, Eph 1:11. Within that truth one has only done, thought, and been what the Almighty designed from the beginning. It is the Almighty that has made us and not we ourselves, Psalms 100. Therefore, within that greater plan and wisdom, all is justified, even the shortsighted, thus erroneous doctrines we believed, and thought were truth, heretofore. In presentation here, we expose the errors by the FULL truth, even as a child has fantasies removed by reality and truth in maturity. This is precisely the way we must now come to view any shortsighted concept, which in the past, we may have believed and thought to be the absolute truth.


Therefore, “ignorance” is the word to use here, where enlightenment dispels that darkness by full exposure of truth. This sets one free of the bondage of a child’s concept, needed for a while, in order to now function by full understanding, both of higher truth, and also in understanding of how and why the former learning was useful for the moment.  This growth occurs when we recognize the former moment, what we thought we knew has indeed passed. We are then required to mature and move on to reality and truth, designed for an adult in the present here and now. This is also seen as the difference between children versus mature sons and daughters.


It is also the same difference between death and life, or being dead and raised to life. It has nothing to do with literal dead corpses at all. That is another false concept we need to now relinquish back to the childish vault of fantasies, both beautiful and horrible, as they tantalized or terrorized us in our past from IGNORANCE. This is the essence of Dan 12:1-4, John 5:28-29, Isa 1:18; 29:11-24.


The Center of All Bible Prophecy, Daniel 9:24-27,

Backward And Forward with A Two-Edged Sword:


We hereby declare the truth that only ONE HALF of the 7-year, Messiah ministry was fulfilled by Jesus. From fall 26 through spring 30 CE, as recorded in Dan 9:24-27, this was within the last or 70th Week of the Seventy Weeks of years, or 490 years delineated in that prophecy. This includes the Spring Holy Days of Lev 23:1-22, and the High Priest functions of Lev 16:1-19, Heb 9:1-26. It has left remaining unfulfilled, since spring 30 CE, the OTHER HALF, or LAST HALF of the 7-year, Messiah ministry. Generally expected by most to occur within the Second Coming of Messiah, it is NOT fulfilled in any direct, next day fulfillment in 30 CE on to 33 CE, as some erroneously project. Moreover, this includes ZERO fulfillment of the fall Holy Days of Lev 23:23-44 and the High Priest functions of Lev 16:20-22, Heb 9:27-28.
It is this fact that is further expounded out of this vast Preface and Overview in Chapters 1-4, exploring the Times and Fullness of the Gentiles in Chapter One. It is followed by the exact timings for the crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and coming of the Holy Spirit in Chapter Two. In Chapter Three we examine the timings, major markers, of Israel’s Bible eschatology. There, we reveal the timings of the Call of Abraham, the Exodus, the entry into the Land of Canaan under Joshua, the laying of the foundation of Solomon’s temple, and the 586 BCE destruction of that temple along with Jerusalem. From that outlay, we can deduce accurately the Birth of Messiah spot on, and all of this history exactly as God revealed same to Michael. He personally created the
Time Chart, which was reproduced in web form by his assistant since 1988, the author of this publication.
All of these timings and events are coordinated, with the mandates missed by Christendom in the Law and the Prophets (OT), prior to the Book of Daniel. They must be brought to bear to even begin to rightly apportion and understand the center piece of Bible eschatology. That center piece is NOT limited to
Daniel 9:24-27. It is rather in the full consideration of Daniel Chapters 9 – 12. Spreading across those last FOUR chapters of the Book of Daniel, the 70 Weeks prophecy is fully displayed bringing us to this day, now upon us.
In our Chapter Four, we reveal the 539 – 537 BCE return of Israel from the Babylonian Captivity to Jerusalem, showing it is a year premature, in the wrong condition spiritually, and condemned by the Prophet Daniel. It is exposed in Daniel Chapter 10, when the first and political Zionist pseudo-interpretation was forcefully placed by Zionist leadership upon
Dan 9:24-27. They purported to act in a return to Jerusalem in reckless haste via a 70 literal weeks assumption. We find that Daniel did not return with them, Dan 9:13; 10:13. Thus, the further curses of Leviticus 26:18-39 were continued for 2520 years, starting Passover, spring, 537 BCE to Purim, spring, 1984 CE.  


Since 30 CE, the Last Half of the 70th Week to Israel, along with the fall Holy Days of Lev 23:23-44 and the High Priest function of Lev 16:20-22, Heb 9:27-28, were YET to be manifested as to fulfillment called in Dan 9:24-27 "He (Messiah) shall confirm the covenant for one week." By the time this publication is seriously read for proper understanding, it is obvious these parts of the Law of Moses have also been fulfilled since spring 1984. They occurred between Messiah and Israel, with all subsequent events in secret, without notification to the world at large. That exposure is only now of interest due to fulfillment of other events in Jerusalem.  That “confirmation” expands into the events, judgments, blessings for Daniel’s people, Israel, and Daniel’s city, Jerusalem, as stipulated in the prophecy and commitment for deliverance, by God to Daniel, Dan 9:24. It all ends with Israel anointing Messiah over them under the proper government of the Sovereignty of God, discarding their dependence on Revived Rome / UN. This terminates that dominion over the Land of Abraham, establishing the Kingdom of God on earth at the final end, “the consummation,” as it is in heaven, Matt 6:10, as stated in Dan 2:44-45, Dan 7:24-27, Dan 8:23-25, Dan 9:24-27, and Dan 11:44-12:7.


Here resides all contingences for Israel, and then the world's blessing in the finished product. This relies upon the manifestation of that full confirmation of that Last Half of the 70th Week to Israel, even as the First Half was fulfilled by Messiah from fall 26 through spring 30 CE to the NATION of Israel and in Jerusalem. As already stated, we give an overview with some details here in this preface. We will use that general line-up to form chapters consecutively in the remainder of this publication: BABYLON IS FALLEN.



“Seventy and Sevenfold”

Bible Precedent Against Disobedience and Unbelief

Later Established as “70 Years – Babylonian Captivity,”

Followed by “Seven Times of the Gentiles” – The Blindness of Israel


In Gen 4: 1-24, in verses 15 and 24, we have the first mention, precedent, “Seventy and Sevenfold (Seven Times).” It was applied to that which clearly had the mark of self-determination, not yielding to the Sovereignty of God. Opposed to righteous Abel, even to the point Cain’s disdain reached murder, it is carried forward in his descendant Lamech.



This precedent formula is next stated, concerning Israel and its disobedience and unbelief under the Law of Moses in Lev 26:14-17, revealed as “Seventy,” in Jer 25:1-11, Jer 29:10-14, and in Lev 26:18-19 as “Sevenfold” or “Seven Times.


Messiah’s First Ministry, fall 26 – spring 30 CE, occurred inside of, encapsulated within this formula. The significance of this fact is precisely that to which Apostle Paul pointed, called “blindness in part has happened to Israel.” Therefore, the First Half of Daniel’s 70th Week, fall 26 – spring 30 CE, transpired inside or WITHIN the greater timing, the “Seven Times more” of Lev 26:18-19.  Messiah was rejected due to this blindness of Israel, as Paul states in Rom 11:7; 11:25-27.
Many Christians have understood that the nation of Israel was in blindness to the First Ministry of Messiah. Yet, they have never understood the Bible mechanics of HOW such existed PRIOR TO, and therefore was the cause of, that blindness and rejection by Israel. This is the chief eschatological mystery revealed by Michael to the author.
Dan 9:24-27 is NOT understood or interpreted correctly UNLESS that mystery is perceived and applied. From improper understanding there, the entire timing structure of the Bible becomes a mystery. It is only this revealed timing, which unlocks that Rubik’s Cube. The blindness started under the Babylonian Empire, and those 70 years of Israel’s captivity, and was EXTENDED in the “Seven Times more,” as stated:
Lev 26:14-18
14 But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;

15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes (spiritual blindness), and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you (As we later show, this is FIVE Gentile Empires: Babylon, Persia, Greece, Old Rome, and today Revived Rome / UN); and ye shall flee when none pursues you.
18 And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, THEN I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

Thus, we find in Daniel Chapters 2-12, the “Seventy” in 607 – 537 BCE, Lev 26:14-17 just quoted, was followed immediately in 537 BCE by the “Sevenfold” or “Seven Times more,”
Lev 26:18-46. That larger timing had no calculable end, precisely revealed at that time, still elapsing into the 20th Century. It is identified in Daniel 10:1, stated as “the time appointed was long.” lt was so long in fact, that the remainder of Daniel 10 shows how sick and upset the Prophet Daniel became, from contemplating and understanding “the vision.” Terminated solely by Messiah returning, we have the finish of the domination of the Last Gentile Empire, Revived Rome / UN. It is ONLY THEN we begin to have the fulfillment of the complete, positive end promised, in the Will of God “done in earth as it is in heaven,” Matt 6:10. This is the finished product called the New Heaven and the New Earth, wherein dwells righteousness, II Pet 3:13. Finally, the goal is reached of God being PERCEIVED as “all and in all,” I Cor 15:22-28, the necessary prerequisite for blessing to be guaranteed to follow.
It is only now that the righteous and faithful are vindicated, something for which they were in question through the previous centuries, as seen in
Lam 5:19-22, Hab 1:12-2:4, Is 40:31, Dan 11:27, Dan 11:35, Dan 12:1, Dan 12:7, Mal 4:1-2, Rev 6:9-11.


Preterists Erroneously Grimaced, but It Was a Fact There Was a Gap,

In Daniel 9:24-27, but NOT Where Dispensationalists Had Surmised.


Due to this greater, encompassing timing of Lev 26:18-39, there then existed a gap. It generated distinctly, two Ministries of Messiah, dictated by a full understanding of the Babylonian Captivity and beyond. Seventy years, 607 – 537 BCE, as displayed in Lev 26:14-17 and quantified in Jer 25:1-11, Jer 29:10-14, Dan 9:1-19, was a PROBATIONARY PERIOD designated in the Law of Moses. Failure to come to full repentance as a NATION, during that time, brought consequences of an immediate, LONGER judgment to follow, beginning at the end of 70 years, called “Seven Times more.”  Again, this was incalculable, undetermined in length at that time, given in four statements within the time mandate of Lev 26:18-39. THOSE STATEMENTS ARE NOT ADDITIONAL SETS OF ANOTHER SEVEN TIMES. The formula precedent of Genesis 4:1-24, “Seventy and Sevenfold,” shows rather what is stated in Lev 26:18-39 is one timing. It is under all the negatives stated there, only EMPHASIZED three times after the original statement in verse 18. Again, this maintains compliance with the first precedent, showing the structure of how God dealt with unbelief and disobedience, Seventy and Sevenfold, Gen 4:1-24.
Within that Seven Times more of
Lev 26:18-39, which was still not manifested as finished entering the 20th Century, there occurred the initiating fulfillment of Dan 9:24-27, in fall 26 through spring 30 CE. This was the First Half or 3 and ½ years taking that confirmation to the MIDST of the 70th Week. There it stopped, due to Messiah being cut off and not seen by Israel as a nation from Preparation Day, Nisan 14, Wednesday, April 3, 30 CE.
As stated, Israel was blinded, since the Babylonian Captivity of Seventy years, 607 – 537 BCE,
Lev 26:14-17. This condition carried over into the “Seven Times more” starting spring 537 BCE under the Persian Empire. Therefore, a full reading of the Law and the Prophets (OT) and keeping these mandates of first priority timings before us, WHEN we are introduced to Paul’s ministry, we begin to understand the manifold wisdom of God. Messiah being cut off, only fulfilled the First Half of the 70th and final Confirmation Week of his ministry, completed to the cross and Pentecost, Luke 13:34-35, Acts 3:18-21.
It was for the purpose of an interim, temporary calling out of a REMNANT of the Gentiles,
Acts 15:12-14. This was NOT ALL NATIONS AT THAT TIME, to come into the blessing of enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The New Covenant was introduced ALONGSIDE the Old Covenant, PRIOR to the completion of God’s plan with Israel. Yet, it was WITHIN the Seven Times more of Israel’s blindness Lev 26:18-42. Thus, eventually, contingent upon Messiah’s return, I Thess 1:1-10, ending that Seven Times of the Gentiles, Luke 21:24, all nations could be involved for total world blessing NOW. Due to the fulfillment by Messiah of the Last Half of the 70th Week ending the Seven Times, Rom 11:7-27, dealing first with Israel, the Arab nations and all nations are brought into the final product. Moving out from Jerusalem under Messiah’s government, Isa 2:1-4, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11, at the time of the end, that fulfillment is now upon us.

THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD, the building of God eternal in the heavens, the plan before the world began, in completion, IS the final product, where Israel ONLY THEN is no more a special factor in the greater family of God. Therefore, as we go on to show, the church, the called-out company of Jews and Gentiles, the “ecclesia,” created basically under the dominant message since Messiah’s first coming, Apostle Paul’s Gospel of Grace, is certainly the finished product, but ONLY IN SEED FORM. Neither Jew nor Gentile, but all one in Messiah, will be the case for all mankind, his mind in them, the Holy Spirit, the Law written upon the heart and not stone tables any longer. THAT COULD ONLY OCCUR CURRENTLY, THAT TRANSITION PERFECTED, which was NOT true from Paul’s time of the First Century until now. This greater appearing of Messiah and the result of same, produces the final product, that COULD NOT be realized until this very day!!!
We Stand Opposed to One of the Chief Heresies of Fallen Babylon:
One of the major errors of Christendom, in the ranks that are called Preterists, fouled the waters, and stated Israel was cut off permanently in 70 CE. Paul’s message, as THEY erroneously interpreted the same, was the final one that would convert the world. This is one of the chief heresies that cut Christendom out of the proper understanding, making Messiah’s coming like a thief undetected in the night, until today. Thus, Babylon the Great, already fallen spiritually, is now removed literally. It is removed due to God’s plan effectuated in and from Jerusalem, for proper order of that world conversion, government first, counsel second, and then world peace based upon those two.
Isa 9:6a

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
This was accomplished in spring 5 BCE for Messiah’s birth, and from fall 26 – spring 30 CE for Messiah’s First Ministry, but it transpired UNDER or DURING the Seven Times more of Lev 26:18-39 when Israel was blind, Lev 26:16. However, the remainder of these verses Isa 9:6-7 is now finalized in Messiah’s Final Ministry manifested in the end time from spring 1984 forward. Prior to then, it was only true in heaven or in potential of God’s finished, prewritten will, Heb 1, I Cor 15:22-28, and I Cor 13:9-12. Only now is it transpiring in the earth, as stated in the Lord’s Prayer directed to that final goal, Matt 6:10.
Isa 9:6b-7
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Ignored Key Understood by Jesus, Paul, and Peter:


This key is in Jesus’ presentation in Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, concerning the “end of the age.” It is Lev 26:18-39 termed by Jesus “the Times of the Gentiles” in Luke 21:24, within which Jerusalem would remain in the condition of being under Gentile rule. Stated as “trodden down of the Gentiles,” that timing remained until finished, over, or terminated in the second coming of Messiah, when the Seven Times of the Gentiles ended. The purveying ignorance was . . .  not understanding that Jesus, in Luke 21:24, was directly referencing Leviticus 26:18-39, compared with Daniel 10:1 forward to 12:13. As we will also show, the ignorance was essentially due to coming to conclusions from the New Testament, without considering the Law and the Prophets of the Old. The New Testament (NT) was based solely, could only be understood properly, from the Old Testament (OT), revealed to Jesus and his ordained Apostles, and chiefly Apostle Paul.


Apostle Paul gives this timing of Leviticus 26:18-39 immense importance. It contained UNDER or WITHIN its 537 BCE to 1984 CE umbrella of Seven Times (7x360 years) 2520, the Age of Grace from 30 CE to 1984, for 1954 years of the 2520 years. Thereby, the transfer point, as we will further explain, spring 1984, from the open door to the Gentiles, CLOSED that door and OPENED IT AGAIN TO THE JEWS or NATION of Israel. God was dealing once more in finality with Israel as a nation, for the Last Half of the 70th Week to Israel, NOT fulfilled by Messiah’s First Ministry of 26-30 CE. He terms this finishing or ending to the Seven Times of the Gentiles, when that timing was full: “the Fullness of the Gentiles,” in Rom 11:7-27.


Apostle Peter referred to this end of the judgment on Israel, in Acts 3:14-21. There he emphasized it could only come with NATIONAL repentance as stated in Lev 26:40-42, when he termed the goal of the end: “the times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.”  The heavens mandatorily had to receive or retain Messiah until the time, “the restitution of all things,” Acts 3:14-21. The finish of Dan 9:24-27, Last Half of the 70th Week, would then ensue whereby that completion would involve “remember the land,” in Lev 26:40-42.


This IS the chief key in the understanding of all prophecy. Not having that key, Christendom was in blindness as to recognizing properly the Day of the Lord and Messiah, when it was here, at the door. This missing factor is one of the chief reasons Babylon has fallen, due to this ignorance and darkness. For more on this subject in detail, we will expand same in Chapter One: What Is the Fullness of the Gentiles?


Therefore, this is the explicit difference, now exposed, between the truth and errors of Dispensationalism or Dispensationalists and Preterism or Preterists, the two most popular Christian interpretations of Dan 9:24-27. Both are shortsighted by Divine Design, so the truth can be revealed by only one, Dan 10:21, Michael the Great Prince, Jesus Christ returned.  


What is that difference???

There is clearly a break in the exact middle of the 70th Week. This leaves an area between the two equal halves of that 70th Week. Both require Messiah and only he, as THE paramount point of consideration, before trying to overview any interpretation of Dan 9:24-27, as already fulfilled or future fulfilled.


As we proceed in this publication, oversights occurring due to this ignorance will be accented, and the damage done exposed. It is this ignored key of Lev 26:18-39, Luke 21:24, Acts 3:14-21, Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, that unlocks the confusion. It reveals behind that door, the clearing picture, now occurring whereby the completed picture can remove the fog. The full meaning and interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27, as well as all of the Book of Daniel, is then revealed properly. That fog was again by Divine Design, purposely done in order to secure or seal the correct interpretation in the hands of Michael, Daniel 10:21, to stand up, Dan 12:1-7 for Israel’s deliverance, and thereby the world’s deliverance as well, Rev 5:1-7 AT THE PROPER TIME.


That “Seven Times more” was still running into the 20th Century.
Lev 26:18-39, “Seven Times more,” IS Luke 21:24, “the Times of the Gentiles,” the end of same yielding afterward Acts 3:14-21, “the times of refreshing,” “restitution of all things,” when it had come to the full, Rom 11:7, 11:25-27, “the Fullness of the Gentiles. That end or “fullness” terminates immediately in the Messiah returned to Israel. He could NOT come until that period was finished, AND . . . that period was NOT finished until he was present again. Therefore, we NOW can understand why he, himself, did not know when he would return. It was due to NOT KNOWING THE END TO THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES, Mark 13:32, Acts 1:6-7, until he was already returned giving that timing, past tense and fulfilled.


A Starting Point but a Bottomless or Incalculable Ending:

Keying upon the failure of Israel to nationally repent as Dan 9:13 shows, Lev 26:14-17, Jer 25:1-11, Jer 29:10-14, probationary judgment, was THEN followed immediately, NO GAP, by Lev 26:18-39, a LONG (“the time appointed was long,” Dan 10:1) judgment. It is delineated in Dan 11:1 through Dan 12:1, plainly showing Gentile dominance and rule over Israel, beginning in spring 537 BCE. No scholars or Christian leaders have understood this mandate. Therefore, they could not give it the proper FIRST PRIORITY. They were in great blindness, whereby this day has come upon them like a thief in the night!




What is even more disturbing is that those claiming the authority to lead the people, ventured prematurely into the interpretation of Dan 9:24-27 with discourteous haste. Here, we again state that it was of God to make them fools in that instance, in order to remove their authority NOW as a non-factor. This allows the truth to be disseminated only by Michael at the designated time. This prophecy of Dan 9:24-27  was given in 539 BCE and stated by Gabriel to Daniel. It came just two years before the probationary judgment, of Lev 26:14-17, the Babylonian Captivity, made its transition over to the long judgment, Lev 26:18-39, the Seven Times of further Gentile reign over Israel. Those “Seven Times more judgment” DID NOT HAVE A KNOWN CALCULABLE END, AS THEY NOW HAVE WITH MICHAEL PRESENT. This is what so concerned Daniel himself, to find an answer.
One would think the preliminary homework to understand the earlier parts of Daniel, and certainly many of the earlier prophecies of scripture, would be common sense, before treading with hobnailed boots where Daniel feared to tread. In consternation, Daniel sought an answer for proper bearings, against false interpreters in political Zionism of his day, concerning what he was given in
Dan 9:24-27. We will freshly, in this presentation, observe his sick condition and state, unable to physically stand, in Daniel 10, with answers coming in Dan 11. This is termed by Michael, The Cyrus Deception, and will be considered later in this publication, in our Chapter 4.


The prophecy of Dan 9:24-27 came to Daniel in 539 BCE as shown in Dan 9:1-19. It was two years before the end of the Probationary Judgment, the Babylonian Captivity of 607 to 537 BCE. In 539 BCE as well, began the Medo-Persian Empire, two years prior to the 537 BCE entry into this LONG judgment, Lev 26:18-42. This had an UNDETERMINED point of ending, in the coming of Messiah to deliver Israel finally. The spurious return, wherein Daniel did not participate, when they were in no condition to return to Jerusalem, Dan 9:13, 10:13, occurred from fall 539 BCE to spring 537 BCE. It, in turn, initiated from spring 537 BCE, this Lev 26:18-39, “Seven Times more,” which is “the Times of the Gentiles” of Luke 21:24, with its ending called “the Fullness of the Gentiles” in Romans 11:7; 11:25-27.

The Times of the Gentiles, in overview, has been considered by other expositors. This is not the first address of this subject by educated men. However, it is the first one that is correct and also addressing the subject AFTER the fulfillment, hence in hindsight 20 / 20. Those earlier attempts made a serious blunder, generically approaching it from a New Testament orientation with a glance at
Dan 4. There, the term “seven times” is used in an experience of Nebuchadnezzar. Thus, they started any consideration of the subject with the Babylon Empire. Now certainly Babylon was Gentile. Yet we need to keep in mind, it was the first time since King David that the seat of government Judah / Jerusalem, Gen 49:10, was destroyed. Gentile dominance, or reign over Israel, 586 BCE, twenty years into the 70 years of Babylonian Captivity, epitomized in that which had begun from 607 BCE running to spring 537 BCE. This was the first full overturn of the Temple Mount area and government, as prophesied in Ezek 21:24-27 and Dan 11:29.
THEREFORE, Babylon was already in control of Israel, Nebuchadnezzar in charge. The Seventy Years are the PROBATIONARY period BEFORE the Seven Times was a factor.

KEY here???
Babylon WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SEVEN TIMES OF THE GENTILES. Babylon was ALREADY defeated by Persia in 539 BCE, two years prior to the SEVENTY years ending. Daniel remained in Persia,
Dan 9:13, 10:13, due to Israel being in the wrong spiritual condition. Against Daniel’s counsel, Israel returned to Jerusalem. It ended in the malaise of spring 537 BCE, initiating the “Seven Times more” from that point, Lev 26:18-42. Here is a diagram to make it clear:


Diagram: Probationary Period and THEN

Seven Times Punishment / Judgment

Babylon Lev 26:14-17 ------- Lev 26:18-39--------------| Messiah returned
607 BCE – 537 BCE |<<<<<7 Times of Gentiles>>>>>| Rom 11:25-27


From that position, as we stated in the first comment above, under the title to this publication, when the Lev 26:18-39 period ends, the Arabs join Israel, Revelation 17:12-14. It is from that place of harmony in the Holy Land around the Holy Mount, the remainder of the world is brought into the blessing as well, Is 2:1-4, Micah 4:1-7, Jer 31:34, Zeph 3:9, Zech 14:9, and Hab 2:14.


This judgment of Lev 26:18-39, on the Nation of Israel, runs from spring 537 BCE into the 20th Century, NOT stopping at the more recent Israeli - Arab, Six Day War of 1967. We have revealed above when Lev 26:18-39 ended, spring 1984. Messiah was here in secret dealing with Israel solely, which is now publicly seen on the Time Chart, as spring, March 18, 1984. We will further substantiate that timing and fact as we proceed. It is officially proven in the full appearing from Jerusalem, in order to bring the world to come, the judgment first and then the Eutopia, of which all the Prophets and the Apostles speak.


THEREFORE, Lev 26:18-39, "Seven Times more” punishment [judgment], ends in blessing to the Nation of Israel, in Messiah present. However, it is NOT bestowed publicly, nor has any benefit, until Israel anoints that one in government over them. Only upon their repentance, as stated in Lev 26:40-42 and as well by Peter in Acts 3:14-21, could this transpire. In Hosea 3:4-5, it is said to end in a time of Israel seeking "David their king" [Messiah, the Son of David], and “shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days.” This is scheduled to arrive, according to a thorough reading and application of Hosea 3:4-5, LONG AFTER the end of a carnal kingship, animal sacrifices ceasing, and human priesthood [ephod worn by a priest] is no longer a present practice. These things did NOT receive full blessing or witness of the shekinah glory entering the second temple, from the return in 537 BCE. That Hosea list of items being last terminated in 30 - 70 CE, reveals this timing of Lev 26:18-39 and Hos 3:4-5, which began in the spring of 537 BCE, was STILL running well into the 20th Century.
Of course, we now can observe these things as stated earlier, hindsight 20 / 20. It is hence this publication was written to assist in that endeavor, for those having trouble reconciling what they were previously taught, with what ACTUALLY transpires. As we stress throughout, it was written while many things were revealed as they occurred. It was recorded by this author, within the understanding of those events given to him by Michael, whereby the
Time Chart was constructed as an ongoing project. NOW, at the end, approaching  the fullness of the matter, this publication can be finished, which was also started in development from fall 2007 forward in companion to that Time Chart. It is hence the verb tense of this documentary and publication is “present” and “past” in its instruction, with little remaining of the future tense since fall 2022. All within it is NOW mostly accomplished and done.




The monumental date of 70 CE was still many centuries within, and BEFORE, the end of the “Seven Times more,“ Lev 26:18-39. Additionally, it was SOLELY the SECOND OVERTURN of full government in Jerusalem and Israel. 586 BCE and 70 CE are only TWO of the THREE Overturns prescribed prophetically in Ezek 21:24-27, ending in Messiah, "he whose right it is," the final and proper government under the Sovereignty of God. This left the FINAL OVERTURN still future well into the 20th and 21st Centuries. When Lev 26:18-39, Luke 21:24, Rom 11:7; 11:25-27, were terminated in 1984, the Third Overturn is a process seen extending to public manifestation now upon us as we write. It is at THAT time, the Third and Final Overturn, and NOT BEFORE, Isa 9:6-7 is to be manifested, finishing the process initiated by the return of Messiah in secret, spring 1984. Diagram for eye reference and concise structure is given now, from the 70 years into the Seven Times, on to the finished product in Messiah.
For any novice in these matters, be advised this is again a broad overview in this extensive Preface. This diagram is therefore not going to be followed very well unless one has extensively studied Daniel and comparative history of Israel to the current hour. Therefore, be encouraged, should one not follow well, the below display is addressed again in a “building block manner.” Methodically and meticulously explained in our later chapters of this presentation, it will be crystal clear:


Diagram – 70 and Sevenfold – 70 years and Seven Times

Structure aligned with Daniel’s Five Empires:




70 Years – |<<<<<< 7 Times of Gentiles Over Israel >>>>>>| End Time

Lv26:14-17|<<<<<<<<<<<<<Lev 26:18-39>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|Lv26:40-42

607-537BCE|>>>Blindness of Israel Rom 11:7; 11:25-27>>>|Deliverer


Daniel 2 Image

Babylon – | Persia-Greece – Rome – Revived Rome / UN > | Messiah

Gold – | <<<Silver – Brass – Iron – >> Iron Mixed with Clay | Stone

Dn2:37-38 |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Dan 2:39-43>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |Dn2:44-45

607-539 BCE| 539BCE|332BCE|63BCE-70CE|>>>>1948 / 1967>>>> |1984-2024


Daniel 7 Four Beasts and Final Empire When There Are Ten Horns

Babylon – | Persia-Greece – Rome – Revived Rome / UN > |Messiah

Lion   |<<Bear – Leopard – Iron Teeth – Ten Horns>>>>>>| Dominion

Dan 7:4 – | Dn7:5 – Dn7:6 – Dn7:7 – Dan 7:7b – Dan 7:8>> | Dn7:9-14


Daniel 8 Two Beasts, 4th Horn, King of Fierce Countenance

Babylon – | Persia-Greece – Rome – Revived Rome / UN >>>|Messiah

No Beast – | Ram – Goat – 4thHorn- King Fierce Countenance| Prince

Dn8:1-2 – | 8:3-4 – 8:5-8 – 8:9-19 – >>>>Daniel 8:23-25>>>> |of Princes


Daniel 11 Four Empires During Seven Times of the Gentiles

607-539BCE| Persia-Greece – Rome – Revived Rome / UN > |Messiah

Babylon  |11:1-2–11:3-12–11:13-35 – Daniel 11:36-45 >>> |Michael


Ezekiel 21:24-27 Three Overturns

Babylon – | Persia-Greece – Rome – Revived Rome / UN > |Messiah

>>586BCE |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>70CE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|2ndMinistry


607-539 BCE| 539BCE|332BCE|63BCE-70CE|>>>>1948 / 1967>>>>>|1984-2024











This "Seven Times more" of Lev 26:18-39, the "TIMES OF THE GENTILES" of Luke 21:24, proves  ANY supposed coming of the Lord in 70 CE WAS ERRONEOUS, AND ONLY A DECEPTION AWAY FROM TRUTH. This was the major deception on Christendom called Preterism, a doctrine that said the Christian Church was then the Israel of God. Preterism then said that the Israel of the Law and Prophets, prior to Jesus and the Apostles, no longer existed as true Israel after 70 CE. Messiah returning in only judgment in 70 CE, with one more coming future, is the teaching of the majority, and held in Partial Preterism. The whole prophetical cannon finished through Rev 22, all comings of Messiah finished in 70 CE, is the teaching of the minority, and held in Full Preterism.


The often-used terms of the Apostles stating, "the end of the age," "he shall come and not tarry," "watch therefore," "it is the last times," "behold I come quickly," “shortly come to pass,” and certainly the words of Jesus, "this generation shall not pass until all is fulfilled" etc., MUST be tempered in context with the whole of scripture. PRIMARY in that consideration IS Lev 26:18-39, as the timing equation of undetermined length, encapsulating all of Jesus and the Apostles’ later statements about the final appearing of Messiah. Not knowing when that would occur, they were expecting it even in their lifetime. The Apostles, writers of the New Testament, instructed all to be in character as if Messiah could appear any moment, but be prepared to wait in patience for that time as well. Here, James 5:7-8 is an excellent example of the stance held by those solid in faith, thus watching and waiting in equal balance.


PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF "THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS" MUST >>>> come from Lev 26:18-39, in comparison with Ps 102, Is 53:8, Dan 9:24-27, Heb 9:1-26, Acts 8:33-35,  Matt 24:34, Luke 24:44, and I Cor 15:22-28. "THIS generation" is Messiah HIMSELF, standing there when he made his statements of this nature. However, Messiah then left, having fulfilled to the Nation of Israel ONLY Lev 16:1-19, Heb 9:1-26, of the High Priest service of atonement. This was also true of Lev 23:1-21, spring Holy Days inclusive of Pentecost, within the final days of the 3 and 1/2 years of the First Half of Daniel's 70th Week.


The Last Half remained unfulfilled until Messiah returned. Two generations of 40 years were envisioned in Jesus’ answer to the disciples. ONE was stated in public, with the Pharisees and his rejecters present, from Matt 23 to 24:2. However, what is missed by Preterists in particular, in the remainder of that treatise of final events, is THEN a SECOND ADDRESS given in private to only his disciples, from Matt 24:3 forward. This critical interpretation of Michael, as to these two generations, is given in our later chapters, as a link in this presentation. Verse by verse from Matt 24, also Mark 13, and Luke 21, this is revealed compared to the scriptures from which Jesus was teaching, Ezek 13; 21:24-27, and Dan 11 -12, as well as Zech 12-14. Watch for that coming link, we do not want to deviate the reader away from this flow of presentation at this time, indulging in that exposition. It is in the Special Documents section AFTER this publication BABYLON IS FALLEN is completed to Fall 2022.
Messiah came to fulfill the ENTIRE Law of Moses,
Matt 5:18, Gal 4:4. This mandated that he MUST come again to finish THAT FINAL generation.  In that it is NOT counted from when he left, it must be counted from his return. This could only be accomplished by his PERSONAL, BODILY PRESENCE WITH ISRAEL AGAIN. It was not accomplished by Stephen in Acts 7, nor the ministry over the next 40 years of the Apostles, nor on to 70 years to the death of the Apostle John around 100 CE .


Additionally, Matt 24:26-27, Matt 25:13, Mark 13:32, and Acts 1:6-7, establish that one should not look to assumptive or interpreted comings, as already done and finished in "the secret chamber," or by some private “you know that you know” interpretation, as Jesus warned in Matt 24:26. It would be worldwide obvious when it occurs, as stated in


Matthew 24:26-27

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

27 For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."


The end of the "Seven Times more" of Lev 26:18-39, the "Times of the Gentiles" of Luke 21:24, was unknown except to the Father, Mark 13:32, Acts 1:6-7. Therefore, the Apostles were, as we were to be also, until Messiah was present, always expectant but never presumptuous. IT WAS NOT FINISHED IN 70 CE, 135 CE IN THE BAR KOCHBA REBELLION, THE 1095 – 1291 CE CRUSADES, NOR IN THE 20TH CENTURY, 1967 ARAB - ISRAELI WAR!!! It was, as we now state, finished as of spring of 1984, Purim, counted 7 x 360 = 2520 years, from spring 537 BCE, Passover. We will further reveal more on this timing now finished, with full understanding of all transpiring and manifested in the Appearing of Messiah to Israel and the world, Rev 10:7.




As a result, the six things recorded to be given in Dan 9:24,  had NOT been MANIFESTED in accomplished confirmation to National Israel. Hence, they WERE NOT released in blessing yet, to the world or nations perpetually in finality of that promised world blessing, until Messiah’s presence today.




"It is finished," past tense, as Jesus stated from the cross, has been interpreted by many into what they wish to convey from their theological persuasion.  In that he did NOT fulfill the Last Half of the 70th Week, this must be confined to the propitiatory work of Messiah through blood atonement for sin, permanent removal of slain animal sacrifices accomplished by his better sacrifice of himself. It is hereby, there was access to the Heavenly Holy of Holies standing behind Messiah and his Advocacy (Lev 16:1-19, Heb 9:1-26), until he returned.


In the second coming to Jerusalem, there is the finish, the confirmation of the REMAINDER, the Last Half of Daniel's 70th Week, to the Nation of Israel. This unfulfilled, remaining part, the Last Half of the 70th Week, and its corresponding Holy Days of Lev 23:23-44, as well as the functions of the High Priest in the scapegoat, complete removal of sin as no longer existent, Lev 16:20-22, Heb 9:27-28, were left unfulfilled for Israel nationally. When that IS fulfilled, THEN and only THEN, the blessings of Dan 9:24 are released, first to Israel and then the world at large, indicated precisely by Hos 3:4-5. It begins with judgment, bringing a national change of government under Messiah. Then, he teaches / counsels with authority, removing childish understandings which served their purpose, and are eclipsed by greater enlightenment and maturity. Thereby, peace ensues  Gen 49:10, Is 9:6-7, Ezek 21:24-27, Ezek 37:21-28, Hos 3:4-5.
Yes, those six blessings were given, but only to a remnant that received him, THOSE INDIVIDUALS FULLY >>> IN CHRIST <<< AS APOSTLE PAUL AND JOHN SO WERE,  
John 1:11-12, Rom 8:1-2, II Cor 5:17. They possessed the fullness of the Holy Spirit, before deceptions set in, as Jesus foretold, and the Apostles verified as well in Matt 13:36-43, Acts 20:16-31, II Cor 11-12, II Thess 2, II Tim 3, II Tim 4:1-4, II Peter 2, I and II John, Jude, Rev 12.

The New Covenant, writing the Law on the heart, was certainly there in Christ and with the Apostles, the Holy Spirit,
Romans 8. However, this did not, on a dispensational basis, eliminate the Old Covenant and consciousness of sins, Romans 1-3. The Old Covenant remained in parallel with the New Covenant, awaiting Messiah’s return, Romans 7, moving to Romans 8, in the manifestation of sons future.   
Why was that???
The sole reason for this parallel is that the Law of Moses was to be fully confirmed in Messiah according to
Dan 9:24-27. However, IT WAS NOT so confirmed, due to Messiah being cut off in the midst of the 70th Week. The NATION of Israel, being in blindness of Lev 26:16; 18-39 was left there,  awaiting Messiah to finish the Last Half of that 70th Week.  Then and ONLY THEN, the Lev 26:18-39 timing, the Times of the Gentiles of Luke 21:24 is finished and terminated in Messiah’s return, beginning the Last Half of that 70th Week to the Nation of Israel, Rom 11:7-27.
As a result, there was the parallel of the New Covenant introduced, the spring harvest of the remnant of Israel coming into that, as seen on Pentecost, with the remnant of the Strangers or Gentiles, entering under Paul’s Ministry. The Old Covenant still remained, ready to be removed or pass when Messiah returned. This was the division between those “in Christ,” having the Seal of Redemption, the Holy Spirit, and those only claiming they had that, but were shortsighted. That “shortsighted” company grew larger as the deception perpetuated on to the end time now upon us. Of course, there were those that rejected Messiah in Jesus’ ministry altogether, Israel as a nation, blinded under
Lev 26:18-39. This made three groups at that time until today:
1 – First we have the remnant until Messiah returned at an undisclosed time, that are FULLY in Christ, under the New Covenant, entirely with the fullness Paul had. These are not present when Messiah comes in spring 1984 secretly. No longer remaining physically, they passed on centuries ago. John was the last known one of the spring harvest, Israel joined with those of the Gentiles of those days, all having departed to be with Christ.
2 – Second, there is the Jews rejecting Jesus, therefore still under the formal Law and Old Covenant, prior to Messiah’s return.
3 – Third, there are those professing Jesus Christ as Savior, still under consciousness of sins, NOT having the fullness that Paul and the Apostles had. One hundred percent of those in the profession of faith in the end time, prior to spiritually hearing Michael’s voice, need to be resurrected to full truth, dispelling many lies and deceptions imbibed since 100 CE. They remain under the Old Covenant with a better sacrifice in Messiah’s blood atonement, until he returns and is manifested in The Appearing.

It is hence we say, 100 percent of those physically alive, coming into this time of Michael publicly standing up, are under the blood advocacy of Christ. They await his return, to receive all Paul and the remnant already had.  If one reading this has that fullness, they know that of which we speak. YET, if one is vague about it in his thoughts when reading this, such a one DOES NOT HAVE THE FULLNESS that Paul and the remnant had. Albeit, THEY REMAIN COVERED UNDER THE BLOOD ADVOCACY OF MESSIAH, UNTIL HE RETURNS AND BRINGS THAT FULLNESS AGAIN, WITH ALL DECEPTIONS AND ENEMIES TO TRUTH REMOVED.  There is no more stability or final determination of one’s faith in blood atonement for sin or advocacy, once that return is manifested. One must come to full understanding of
THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL, the final message, at this time.
In short, this is the difference in the blessing at Pentecost,
Lev 23:1-21, Acts 2-3, in the spring harvest of the remnant of Israel, moving then in Lev 23:22, Eph 2-3, Rom 9-11 to the strangers, Gentiles, VERSUS, the blessing at Tabernacles Great Day of the Feast, Lev 23:23-44, John 7:37-39, Zech 12-14, moving to the nations in finality. It is the same process and experience as on the Day of Pentecost, but much greater in the fall harvest converting the nation of Israel and the entire world. This is upon us now, with Messiah physically present, and then appearing THE SECOND TIME, Heb 9:27-28. These two harvests are presented concisely in Rev 14:14-20.




The message carried by those since 100 CE, the death of John the Apostle, and even most of what was declared before that time is marked as errors, needing Apostle Paul’s corrective epistles. Today, that message is therefore spurious in many of its claims, via proclaimers of it since that time. Jesus, the other Apostles, and certainly Paul, stated that there would come a deception away from full truth, the departure starting already in the first century. Part of that deception led to the metamorphosis of different movements, later defined as Catholicism and its various rewrites of the catechism, on to the Reformation carried with Luther in Protestantism. This was further taken in the 1700 – 1900’s claiming, Bible in hand since Gutenberg’s printing press, there was Restoration and Great Awakening. This is a false assumption, with no return or restoration to full truth since the death of John, as stated in these scriptures we here repeat again.


[Matt 13:36-43, Acts 20:16-31, II Cor 11-12, II Thess 2, II Tim 3, II Tim 4:1-4, II Pet 2, I and II John, Jude, Rev 12]


THEREFORE, there was error in Darby Dispensationalists that teach there is a rapture, tribulation, a rebuilt third temple, restart of animal sacrifices by an antichrist figure, as commonly was held in that ilk. This is defeated as to any restart of animal sacrifices, when bringing Hos 3:4-5 to bear since 70 CE destruction. We ALSO do not count the 70 Weeks of Dan 9:24-27 from the Decree of Cyrus, as done in Judaism. Additionally, we do not count it from Dispensationalism's Nehemiah building projects in 445-444 BCE. The former one arrives from 539 to 49 BCE for the end of all 70 Weeks during the war, when Pompey of Rome was defeated by Julius Caesar of Rome in 48 BCE. The latter arrives from Nehemiah’s 444 BCE to 47 CE for the end of all 70 Weeks, seventeen years into the ministry of the Apostles. There is nothing 'Messiah-worthy' in these starting and finishing places or dates, due to no alignment with Dan 9:24. 70 Weeks of years must arrive, with 69 Weeks of years or 483 years consumed in that computation, at beginning of the final Confirmation Last Week of 7 years, with Messiah’s, personal, on the ground, public ministry to the Nation of Israel and Jerusalem.




THEREFORE, we count the 70 Weeks of years from fall 458 BCE, the Decree in the hands of Ezra the Priest and Scribe according to Ezra 7, Deut 17:8-13, and Psalms 122. Only with Ezra, were the Torah credentials to establish judges and magistrates in governmental infrastructure, Ezra 7:25. This renders 69 Weeks, 483 years, to the fall of 26 CE for the beginning of the 70th Week.
The True Temple of God Is Messiah,
John 2:18-22. The Time Period of the Temple / Messiah Is Dan 9:24-27, the 70th Week, Split in the Midst of the Week, Two Messiah Ministries – Two Witnesses, Three and one half Years or 42 Months or 1260 Days Each, Zech 4, Rev 11:1-4. The time between the TWO is determined by the Law and the Prophets, centering on Lev 26:18-39, and how that also relegates the timing since 30 CE and the cross, until Messiah’s return, Rom 11:7-27.
The Messiah BODILY present,
Mal 3:1-2,  anointed with the Spirit of God, Mark 1:1-14, and sent forth for service, Gal 4:4-5, IS the spiritual temple of God for the fulfillment of those 7 years. This Time Period of the Temple, Messiah in service to redeem Israel from under the Law of Moses, produces the blessings of Dan 9:24. This is according to Gen 49:8-12; 22-26, Isa 28:10; 16, Pss 118:22, Zech 4:1-14, Mal 3:1-2, Mark 1:1-14, John 2:18-22, Gal 4:4-5, Heb 9:27-28, Rev 11:1-19, Rev 14:14-20, among other scriptures.
Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Messiah:


In our Chapter Two, we adamantly affirm 30 CE as the crucifixion year, April 3, Wednesday, Nisan 14, Preparation Day, at the very same time the lamb for Passover (Pesach) was slain and 'prepared.' This was eaten after sundown, which was the beginning of the 15th day, Nisan 15, Thursday, April 4, 30 CE according to Genesis. "The evening and the morning" are the Hebrew calculation of a 24-hour day. This 14th day was a Wednesday, fulfilling three full days and three full nights, three periods of 24 hours each. This is directly by Jesus’ words as to his burial, just before sundown on Wednesday, and his resurrection just before sundown on Saturday, Matt 12:40. There is no other year that aligns with proper dating by the sun and moon, Gen 1:14, the two ways of registering time, secularly AND by the Hebrew calendar: 30 CE.


Deviation of Dispensationalism:


In light of all of this evidence from scripture, clearly Messiah was in Israel from fall 26 to spring 30 CE for his First Ministry. There was gross error in the doctrine of a future, negative, satanic covenant interpreted by Darby and other 1800s Dispensationalists. Later by C. I. Schofield Bible, as well as the Bible charts of A. E. Booth, Clarence Larkin, and others, used also in the 20th Century in popular writings, carried this lie forward. Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, Liberty, and Regency Universities are just some sources that promoted this false doctrine. The pronoun "he" in Dan 9:24-27 is none other than Messiah “shall confirm the covenant for one week,” and positive for blessing to the Nation of Israel and then the world. There is no antichrist in that promise of deliverance with those blessings.


The Proper Points of Preterism, Sadly, Are Offset by Its Perversions:


Preterism was partially correct, but only and solely up to fall 26 CE through spring 30 CE. YET, they missed the division of the Split 70th Week, directly in the middle of that final week of 7 years, at spring of 30 CE. That truth left 3 and ½ years to be fulfilled beginning from when he returned, simultaneously with the finish of the Seven Times of the Gentiles of Lev 26:18-39.


THE BIGGEST OBJECTION to these spurious teachings is plainly stated in Dan 9:24-27. It stipulates that ONLY Messiah fulfills ALL, nothing lacking, of the 70th Week. Messiah was terminated at the cross, his generation cut off as prophesied by Ps 102, Isa 53:8, and Dan 9:26-27, in the midst of that 70th Week, as far as the Nation of Israel was concerned. They never saw him again, except for only a remnant of those that believed on him. Thus, it is clear, the Last Half of the 70th Week remained unfulfilled by Messiah, personally to the Nation of Israel, as specified in Dan 9:24, on the ground in Israel and Jerusalem. THIS MANDATED THAT MESSIAH MUST RETURN TO FULFILL ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS, Matt 5:18, AS HE ORIGINALLY STATED AND INTENDED, BEFORE BEING CUT OFF AT THE CROSS.





Partial Preterists and Full Preterists base all Bible Eschatology, many doctrines concerning the New Covenant versus the Old, and Israel as a nation, upon their erroneous doctrine that the whole 70th Week was SOMEHOW fulfilled. Then, they deduced that Israel was permanently cut off, with nothing left to them in prophecy as a NATION, after a 40-year ministry of Jesus’ Apostles or period from 30 to 70 CE, in the destruction of Jerusalem. They stated plainly that the Christian church, then composed of Jews and Gentiles, is the true Israel, since 70 CE. This is the Partial Preterist stand.
Partial Preterists, of which was principally Roman Catholicism, and the larger bodies of the major denominations since Luther or Protestantism, still looked for a second coming only in final resurrection. They held that Rev 1-19 was fulfilled by 70 CE, and Rev 20-22, for the most part, remained still future. Full Preterists, the smaller group, taught that all was fulfilled to the end of Rev 22. It is a matter of how to enter all accomplished, by study and learning. They both held that their message would eventually convert the world.






Dispensationalists, once getting past their ERRONEOUS rapture, tribulation, restarted slain animal sacrifices (again defeated by Hos 3:4-5 and 70 CE removal of literal animal sacrifices), and a third rebuilt temple, DID have Israel being picked back up as a NATION for blessing to Israel and then the world.  HOWEVER, Preterists remove Israel as cut off permanently since the destruction of 70 CE, thus removing the time clock for much of Bible prophecy and events to be properly understood. Dan 7:24-27, and Dan 11:36-45, which both are vividly seen transpiring since 1948 / 1967, are mangled into an interpretation of first century fulfillment in Emperors of Rome. Preterists, due to cutting National Israel off prematurely, and Dispensationalists, due to the doctrine of a rapture being mandatorily first, were blind to the Appearing of Messiah until after the fact. At that event, both groups are in error, first based upon false interpretations of Dan 9:24-27.


It is plain for the full Bible searcher, and certainly scholar, looking through the CORRECT BINOCULARS of Lev 26, that Israel was in deception and unbelief. Creating the Zionist State, they were in fornication, an unrighteous league with Revived Rome / UN. This pseudo-foundation and essence of the Mystery of Iniquity, dependence upon a foreign power rather than the Sovereignty of God, to try and accomplish the Promise of God to Israel, was ONCE AGAIN in Canaan. There, since 1948, it was in control of ancient Golan, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and, most critically, the Holy Temple Mount and Jerusalem since 1967.


These two major sectors of profession: Dispensationalism, by THEIR interpretation, adding to prophecy things that ARE NOT in the Bible,


Partial Preterism, as well as Full Preterism, by THEIR interpretation, taking away from prophecy things that ARE in the Bible,


were short of full truth in many facets of their teachings from various quarters of Christendom. THIS CONDITION only blinded BOTH further, regarding the details of truth missing within their current understandings.

Finding Direction in the Storm:


THEREFORE, THIS OFFERING IN THIS PUBLICATION AND PRESENTATION is for a fallback place of understanding, during this great tribulation, one of a different nature from wars and physical destruction. Rather, this is one of spiritual confusion and darkness for those still trapped and needing deliverance, with intelligent answers as to how and why they missed the clear markers, and what they need of truth to NOW SEE THEM!!!


The intensity of the great tribulation is proportional, directly to how and in what depth of engrained former understanding one is immersed, due to all views being erroneous and misleading; therefore, leaving one in proverbial hell. This is regarding where they are in their worldview from THEIR pseudo-understanding of the Bible, God, and their current existence, versus what has occurred, or is actually transpiring, before their eyes.

This Preface and Overview is now shortened or paused at the first ministry of Messiah from 26 – 30 CE. In Chapters One, Two, and Three we will reinforce, with more details and proofs, all that is stated broadly above.  Thereby, correction to proper focus can be achieved for those with blurred and blinded vision of history . . . what was ACTUALLY fulfilled, and most importantly, what was NOT fulfilled. From that correction and exposure, one can understand Israel in unbelief, thinking to change times and laws of the Law and Prophets, Daniel 7:24-27, did so enter into Canaan as the Zionist State. From their erroneous concepts thought to be true to many Jews, supported by Christendom, they, in league with Revived Rome / UN, with violence and deceit acted in 1948. It moved to take control of the Holy Mount in 1967. Today, 55 years later, it has reached the pinnacle of deception. Thereby, the stage has been set for Messiah to appear and remove deception, via the better and clear truth. All will be blest once this transition is completed.
Those Chapters, establishing the foundation from the Call of Abraham through the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of Messiah are:

One: The Fullness of the Gentiles
Here we further focus on the fact that this timing of Lev 26 must pervade and prevail over all other timings. If not, much of Bible eschatology cannot be ordered, nor align one’s understanding of the prophetical progression of events properly.

Two: Messiah’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection – 30 CE

The death, burial, and resurrection on to Pentecost is fulfilled to the letter, when properly seeing first, the year to which Messiah refers. This stipulates Messiah is in the grave for three days and three nights, three 24-hour periods, before rising again.

Three: The Birth of Messiah – The Fulfillment of Jubilee Counting
The year and season of the birth of Messiah can be determined from strictly the Word of God, in understanding prophecies that have remained mysteries, heretofore.


Four: The Cyrus Deception – Here is revealed, what brought on the Seven Times More of Lev 26:18-39.


For those who have read this far, please be advised that:


On the front, main page of this publication, BABYLON IS FALLEN, website, one will see an “=” mark directly under the name Michael Craig Clark. We can now let it be known that this is a quick link direct to the Table of Contents, for use anytime one returns to read more. It eliminates wading through to this point to so access the Table of Contents.  The design in this manner ensures that one reads the introduction mandatorily, not moving to titles or subjects that may be of one’s more personal interest.


This chapter, all linked original information within, and this entire publication BABYLON IS FALLEN, is the sole property of Paul Melvin Detmer, author of this material. It is given with approval by, and in representation of, the understanding he received from Michael Craig Clark, originator of the information here, permitted by Michael to be disclosed. It may not be sold. It must remain free to the public. Isaiah 55:1-3. Therefore, any reproduction must be solely at the user’s expense.


Further Understanding – Corrections:


This author speaks by his understanding of what Michael conveyed to him over the last 40 years or so. It is not his direct dictated words in most cases. As further understanding comes to Michael, and is given to Paul Detmer, this document may change in some instances, but very few. 


Go on to Chapter One: What Is the Fullness of the Gentiles?

Table of Contents